Mod support? Trepidation

I don’t care much what people use personally but your statement is technically untrue. He can not have mods but still be playing with people with mods. This is a concern for purists and it’s why people would sometimes quit games in VT1 if they could see someone was using QOL. It’s a pretty valid critique.

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Honesty about it.


They’ve apologized multiple times, given many insights into how they’ve gotten to where the game is now and where they’re going, but I take it you don’t accept those.

They’ve also, long ago (like the week after launch), marked dedicated servers and mod support as “coming soon” on the official site. They regularly acknowledge iss-ah f$&! it what am I even doing…some people will never be happy!


So like… After they took our money and while neither doing anything to compensate the people who got conned nor having the game in the advertised/expected/on-par-with-VT1-endgame-mechanics state.

Some people don’t mind getting used/abused as consumers, obviously, but that’s not the majority and it’s not right.

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Take em to court.

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So much easier than holding them to a better standard! :ok_hand:

Them screwing up doesn’t mean I want to screw them, it means I want them to behave professionally and in a manner that gives me grounds to continue my financial/social support of the game. If we didn’t care about the game we wouldn’t be here.


If you think infecting nearly every thread with your complaints (and demand for reparations) is working to hold FS to task or doing anything positive for the community, you are horribly mistaken. It is tiring, unproductive, and honesty demotivating to see on a near daily basis.

I know I’m feeding the trolls (or maybe you are, I can’t remember the rules on that one), so I’m gonna stop. Aaaaand good day, sir!

  1. I wasn’t the one who brought it up

  2. You came after me on the subject and could have just as easily left it alone since you’re kinda just arguing that the poop don’t stink so bad in your eyes.

  3. Not talking about it doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. Not the user’s fault if feedback isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

  4. If they want people to stop bringing it up they should probably address/fix the issue. Complex concept… I know.

  5. Crocodile tears, since they still have the money :heavy_dollar_sign:

I’m sorry people have to keep pointing out that the major issues they keep pointing out still haven’t been addressed to the tune of: “most people have stopped playing.” I want FS to nail it as much as anyone but blowing smoke up their butts isn’t gonna help with that.

As is observable in this thread, this patch hasn’t done anything to allay gamers’ concerns. I don’t have many problems with the mods sanctioned but I do find it lackluster thus far.


Mildly impressed by being given the ability to kick people based upon information given by a mod.

Considering the absolute firestorm that was mods in VT1 to the point everyone who entered a discussion needed a flameproof suit, I’m fairly quickly having all of my concerns confirmed and can’t help wondering why this is such a big thing for FS to be concentrating on.

I might never download a mod, but I cannot play in a mod-free environment, and considering some of the QoL mods had actively coded cheats inside them in VT1 I’ll be surprised if this doesn’t come up in VT2 - or Easy anti-cheat will block everyone in a game when a modder has an erroneous mod.

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Fatshark seem to be pretty fast in catching unintended mod behavior so far and they have stated that updates to already sanctioned mods will need to be reviewed by their team first.

As for the natural bond indicator, sure it gives people another reason to kick people from their lobbies for specious reasons, but it also allows people to avoid having to put up with someone like that sooner.

Most of the mods are for things that should’ve already been in the game: numeric health bar numbers, teammate ammo counts, skip cutscenes, whether someone is using NB (gear indicators of any kind really, there’s the tab screen for it), the bestiary, whether someone is on their last down, etc.

And looking forward to some potential mods: show damage numbers, bot improvements (item handling, combat improvements, saltz selection), show ping, remove weapon attack screen-wobble, better heat indicators, mission timer/clock, scoreboard tweaks, kick/ban for host, killfeed tweaks, and better cart physics (battering ram too).

Going through the list of approved/applied mods, these are the ones that I consider ‘modded’ content: perfect dark, show health bars, 3rd person, and waypoints. I’d list these as either not impactful (waypoints) or not likely to be approved.

My real problem is why so many of the mods are mods in the first place. It’s literally just a set of QoL improvements that should be in the base game. And that was largely what the ‘required’ mod was in VT1, the QoL pack. So is this largely what the sanction mods will be? QoL changes made by the community instead of Fatshark?

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It’s not that the mods had hidden features there just were cheat mods.
Anything but spawning enemies was possible: (as client)

  • Wipe the map of all nearby enemies with 500 fire dmg
  • teleport
  • teleport your teammates (including host)
  • spawn zem grims
  • speed
  • dmg
  • wear da beard
  • outline all specials at all times
  • and more

But than again there was the cheat protection mod that was really well done and restricted all most all of the cheat mods.


The cheat prevention mod was only as a result of the big backlash that purists had about people being complete pillocks in-game. No-one planned a cheat protection mod until the whole thing exploded into a world of problems.

Currently there are players duplicating themselves in-game, and purists(like me) have nowhere to go, with no confidence that if I join a game I’m not getting someone modded doing something daft. Am I really being so completely selfish to expect to play a game as the devs intended, in an unmodded environment without any other nonsense breaking things? That’s all I want?

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Characters duplicating has been around long before mods mate, you can even see videos on youtube from back in April-May… You sound extremely whiny and rather childish. Mods are here, and they are not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, more are going to be added. You can cry and whine, stomp your feet, but they are still going to happen. As has been said before, all of the current mods are things that should have been in the game in the first place. And some of the mods have already been denied because they simply unlocked things that Fatshark is currently working on. Such as full player stats, a list of your power VS targets and base crit chance, and so on. These are features that should have been in the game, and in some cases, the Devs themselves are working to implement them SoonTM.

I’ve played a good 15 hours now since the mods were released without a single crash or bug caused by the mods. The only issue I’ve seen with them so far, is that my wife could only get half of them to work. But Hedge helped us with that and they’re working fine now.


well that’s just the thing, the game as the devs intended has mods. They were a thing in V1, and sanctioned mods have always been the plan in V2. That’s the experience intended by the devs.


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