Melk contract pool is way too small

We have had the same contract pool since the launch of the game and if you reroll you always get the same ones (because there’s no other option unless you hope to get a lower tier of an annoying one).
I don’t optimize for max quantity of coins thus I never do 16 grims and 3 missions with no player deaths for instance, I only play Auric and that’s a no go. No player deaths is a bit tough if I’m not premade and looking for books in Auric is not only sub optimal but also annoying to have to carry. Can’t we have stuff like “Kill 30 ragers” or “Kill 20 Crushers” or something of the sort? I think those would be a nice addition instead of “Kill 2000 Scabs” etc. I play all 4 characters every week, so even “complete 8 missions” can get a bit annoying.

TL;DR We need more missions in the pool so that the reroll feature isn’t useless and it would please more players overall.


Agreed, it would be nice to have more none enemy specific missions too. As you say ‘crushers’ or ‘ragers’ or ‘gunners’ would be nice as just something to go for that isn’t ‘ohh I got a dreg mission but I need scabs, heck’. I know I’ll eventually get it all done given the amount I play but it would just be nice to have that little bit more variety, and not have to worry so much about what faction I drop in against. (also can the grim/scripture missions just get cut in half for the same pay out? 16 is obscene considering you’d have to specifically click on said missions and only get at most 3 per run, taking 6 runs bare minimum meanwhile on a good day I can kill 1000 dregs/scabs in 2-3 missions, with me actually having fun the whole time and not sweating about people not picking up the token I need. Just aaaaa).

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The melk rewards pool is pretty tiny too >=

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I genuinely wouldn’t worry about it. Melk’s store offerings are pretty tepid at the best of times.

I mean, I certainly don’t rely on Melk, but I like stacking up on his coins. Plus it gives me an objective. And who knows, maybe one day he’ll be more useful than “sometimes fishing a good blessing out of him”.

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