Reworking the Contract System

  1. Make uniform contracts for all operatives (linked to the account, not to the character).
  2. Make all types of contracts available at once.
  • as a result, cut out the reroll system.
  1. Make the execution of contracts endless:
  • after fulfilling the requirement, the counter is reset and the contract begins again.
  • no weekly updates!
  1. The contract progress scale can be stepped or always have the same requirement for fulfillment.
  2. Remove contracts for resources.
    (see this post for the reason Reworking resource acquisition)

Are you aware of the reasons for having them on a weekly reset?

This part is not gonna change.
The weeklies being separate for each character, will probably stay for the same reasons.

Yes :muscle:


The reroll is probably the only thing that bothers me with contracts*. Some of the contracts are ass (scripture/grimoire), Iā€™m never young to voluntarily do them.

Why not just make all the contracts available, with the weekly reward being earned after completing any 5. If you want to go out of your way to do the more tedious ones, cool beans, you get the per-contract rewards for those too.

With account currencies being merged, having a abundance of coins is very achievable, so itā€™s not exactly a carefully maintained balance of coin availability.

*Having to interact with Melk to ensure progress gets registered is annoying, but Iā€™d call that a bug rather than a problem with the whole concept.

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Honestly I think they should make a two-stage contract list with the 5 easiest ones in the first stage and 5 more in the second stage. After completing the first stage we would get the same 1000 extra Melk coins and if we decide to continue and do the second stage then that would reward us with additional 2000-2500 coins on the top of that. This way people who enjoy playing multiple characters would have a good time doing stage one on multiple characters and people (like me) who mostly play only 1 character would have an option to grind for the second stage too and being rewarded for the extra hours spent in game.

Additionally I would also like to see Auric specific contracts like: Kill 1000 elites, Kill 1000 specialists, Complete 1 of each mission type (Raid, Strike etcā€¦) in Auric Maelstrom difficulty, 3 missions w/o player deaths in Auric Maelstrom, 1 mission w/o anyone being downed in Auric Maelstrom etc. These contracts would come with better rewards too.

Also this is a great place to mention that the Melk shop is terrible. The current system that you can find items with base stats from 300 to 380 and random tier perks and blessings is just bad. Based on (potential) different tier contracts or simply based on the playerā€™s true (account) rank/XP it should offer items 360+, for some even guaranteed 370+ with guaranteed tier 4 perks/blessings.

Without a reliable way to get a specific mission type, wouldnā€™t that be a gigantic pain in the ass?

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To maximize frustration?

Yeah youā€™re right with the current system it wouldnā€™t work well. The mission board is another area that needs some improvements. If FS doesnā€™t want us to choose missions like in VT2 than at least there should be 3 Auric Maelstrom options to choose from all the time so we could have more maps and modifiers on rotation (they could also make it have 3 different types all the time to avoid 3x Raid).

To make you form lifestyle habits around logging into DT. No, this isnā€™t a joke.

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Other than buying a t4 blessing, Melks shop very rarely offers anything youā€™d want for the ā€˜end gameā€™.

Think I use maybe just one weapon I bought from him, and thatā€™s only because there was a build I wanted to try out.

Of course, RNG. Ymmv.

Ive posted previously on my ideas. I think do away with the bonus, and just have a sliding scale that rewards in smaller chunks. Iā€™m not holding my breath for any changes before I give up on dt mind you.

Thereā€™s a mod for that.
Very helpful, too.

That said, to elaborate on what others have said: Weekly contracts are meant to be weekly, so players are incentivised to do them. How well that actually works is not my cup of brine to analyse.
I would like to have more variety in those side missions, though; Thereā€™s been threads asking for that.
We have ā€œkill scabsā€ and ā€œkill monstrositiesā€, why not at least ā€œkill specialsā€?
Likewise, having quests that just reward you more for doing more would be nice - probably against the spirit of the system, though.

But, as it is, the reroll system is meant to be exactly as annoying as other parts of the game. Not quite as much, because, if I canā€™t get something reasonable, thereā€™s other characters to play - Iā€™m not going to finish all of them any way, for what reward?

Agreed. Itā€™s good for the gameā€™s longevity if you dole out the rewards bit by bit instead of giving them out all at once.

After all, if you can always get a reward, they are worthless. But if they are limited, then they have value.

You know, after 700 hours Iā€™ve had my moneyā€™s worth out of Darktide. Thatā€™s the only game I play. In fact thatā€™s the only game I have installed. I have no interests in cosmetics, but Iā€™d be willing to chip in a bit more money if it made the game less frustrating and I felt it wasnā€™t actively wasting my time.

Imma be honest, the only lifestyle habit FS managed to form within me with all the bs that DT pulled is not giving them any money in the future

I suggested something similar. Mainly it should be account wise not operative specific so it doesnā€™t incentivize you to play that one class. And have you complete contracts in stages out of 4.

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Itā€™s worse than agreeing or disagreeing, turning the game into a habit is literally the core purpose of things like weeklies and battlepasses and daily rewards.

Habits require a period of regular repetition to form and once formed, theyā€™re typically very hard to break, and once something is embedded in someoneā€™s life as a habit, theyā€™re much more likely to spend money on it.

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I wish I could give more money to Fatshark. But there is nothing to buy apart from cosmetics. And I donā€™t buy that.

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I hate the contract system. I have about 1k hours and I stopped doing contract since around 200 hours. Itā€™s so stupid and annoying having to check in with the NPC all the time.

I just want to get in the game, enjoy the combat, and finish missions. Wanna keep the contract system? Fine, but let me set it up once with all the conditions I want without any reroll BS. As long as I satisfy those conditions, I get rewards and the contract will reset itself so I donā€™t have to interact with the NPC ever again.

Itā€™s annoying and I hate hate this system.

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Rerolling as a feature is kind of silly now that we can reroll as many times as we like. Itā€™s not like ordo dockets are in short supply even for people with less playtime.

I hate this system
I stopped crafting and doing contract all together now. I just log in, queue for mael, finish it, and log out. Do this a few times a day and waiting for a new game mode or maps.

Iā€™m more-or-less doing the same. But once a month I like to make a new build with a new weapon for varietyā€™s sake.

It takes a least several millions of Ordo Dockets and tens of thousands of Plasteel to make a new weapon with 3 out of 4 Perks/Blessings of your choice, if youā€™re lucky. And the process is slow, dull and frustrating.

I remember ever using a weapon/curio Iā€™ve bought from Melk. So contracts are pointless to a large degree. At least for me. I should stop doing them.