Melee/Range hybrid weapons' interaction with lvl5 talents

After SoTT patch and potentially with the introduction of Javelin, all melee/range hybrid weapons now can trigger lvl5 talent with their melee attacks.

  • Javelin
    Melee poke can trigger lvl5 talents, range javelin throw cannot trigger any lvl5 talent.

  • Rapier
    Before: Melee attack can trigger lvl5 talents, pistol shot can trigger THP on kill and on crit.
    After: Melee attack can trigger lvl5 talents, pistol shot cannot trigger any lvl5 talent.

  • Blunderbuss/Grudge-Raker/Griffon-Foot
    Before: Melee bash attack cannot trigger lvl5 talent, nor does range shotgun attack.
    After: Melee bash attack can trigger all lvl5 talents, range shotgun attack still cannot trigger any lvl5 talent.


Is this really a bug though ? It does seem like it’s working as intended.

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It’s been like this from patch 1.3, Nov 2018. I don’t think it’s ‘intended’.

Wait does that also mean no more SS triggering with rapier pistol? Also does trollhammer push trigger stagger thp?

Edit: Just checked and rapier pistol still procs swift slaying

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