Do melee talents buff Bayonet attacks?

I just want to use Lucious pattern lasguns and stab the hell out of things with my bayonet. Do talents that buff melee skills buff ranged weapons with melee attacks? Does the bonus melee attack speed speed increase my poking speed? Or do they only affect actual melee weapons?

Pretty sure melee skills buff ranged weapon melee specials. I have to very strongly warn against trying to use the bayonet or anything similar as a serious melee weapon though. That is gimping yourself beyond words.

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Talents that buff melee attacks should buff the melee attacks of ranged weapons as well. For example, on the Ogryn, there is a talent that refreshes his toughness when he hits enemies with a heavy melee attack. When taking that talent, the Ogryn will also find that he refreshes his toughness when bayonetting an enemy with his Ripper gun.

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Even if they did, bayonet attacks are weak enough that even with very high power and damage stacking you won’t make them viable.
Their base damage is just too low.
I’d be quite gladly proven wrong on this thesis.


Only seen the talent that inflicts bleeding work, othervise it is rather weak attack.

Same with Ogryn’s talent that inflicts bleed stacks when using heavy attack affects Ripper Gun’s Bayonet, but takes 2 attacks to actually kill

Yep - it has it’s uses: killing low threat single targets so you don’t have to switch or pushing bursters. For anything more serious one should switch to melee :slight_smile:

Bayonets can push bursters?

Yes ^^

Well that’s good to know.


Ogryn, with Ripper Gun (+T4 “Can Opener” blessing) and bleed passive node, kills Crusher (Damnation) in 3-4 bayonet attacks, without a single shot (or 2 attacks and 1 shot).

Any human-sized elites/specials die in 2-3 bayonet hits.

Seems like it was buffed thanks to Brittleness :+1:

It wasn’t so much changed as it’s more a case of the community finding out that DoTs scale with Brittleness.
There is a significant downside to having a fully functioning bleed build.
All those bleed kills are neither melee nor ranged, so have fun completing Melkbucks missions.

Killing 500-1000 enemies with a bayonet would be a torment by itself :grimacing:


Speak for yourself citizen!
Bayonet Warhammer40k GIF - Bayonet Warhammer40k Death Korps Of Krieg GIFs

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