Title. Becomes especially apparent with Ogryn. You charge into a group of ranged enemies, and once they get up, they actively strafe away from you to stay out of melee range. It worked well with Beastmen Archers in VT2. Why not here?
I’m not sure if this is an Ogryn bug or a feature. But enemies do seem inclined to move away and shoot him, compared to other characters where the behaviour seems to work as expected (shotgunners are jerks, which seems intended there too).
it seems like the player hit boxes are quite a bit larger than their actual character models, I get hit by guys that look to be just swinging in the air all the time.
What annoys me is how you can’t supress SNipers, Trappers and so on (/certain specials are harder to supress). I mean, it makes sense enough for the roided out berserkers and mutants, but with Snipers?
“I’m sitting back, I’m a stone cold precision killing machine!”
And then, they have this nice mechanic they introduced… but a number of their ranged enemies are actually immune to it…
Double Stubber unloads at a Sniper.
Sniper: I don’T care.
Bolter shells whizzing arouind his head, blowing up 1 meter behind him.
Sniper: I don’t care.
Urist McBoatmurdered appears next to him and rants at the bugger.
Sniper: I don’t care.
And the worst part is, it might be a situation where you can’t really take a second to aim, because of the enemy horde, or you don’t have a weapon that is accurate enough and so you’d like to send a bit of supressing fire to close in…
But yeah, trying to force enemies into melee just for them running off while oyur ogryn takes 5 hits to take out two of them also is annoying.
Also, @TheLoneOnion even worse is when you try to take cover and still get chunked hard because they can hit you over it…