I thought we were supposed to get 5 classes. Never seemed to but seeing a Medic that provided healing and stimm buffs would be cool. A Vox officer would be cool to. Give them the ability to choke attack points or call in a strike team for assistance might be a bit of fun.
Not as far as we know of.
There is already quite enough healing, and we already have support Veteran.
I don’t recall hearing about 5… but I DO remember this photo… and I clearly see a (short/rat size) sniper and no Psyker. oh and look at that weapon for the Ogryn… Absolutely awesome artwork…
Ratling would be cool but his sniper role would be shortlived imo.
There’s no guarantee of a fifth class and it is a topic that has seen huge amounts of discussion over the past two years; there’s usually at least two posts about it on the Darktide sub-reddit a week. Usually requests are Mechanicus orientated - understandably - but this is the first time I’ve seen a request for a Medicae or Vox-Operator, which is refreshingly novel, so caps off for that.
In my opinion, the Vox-Operator would not work simply because we fight indoors and for a bombardment to reach our locations deep down in the Hive, the bombardments would have to travel through goodness knows how much Hive vertically and horizontally to reach the position; it would not really make sense when we’re deep in the Magistrati Oubliette fighting the boss to have a barrage crash through the ceiling after its smashed through the Hive. As for Medicae? There are currently issues with ‘yellow toughness’ and the Veteran’s ability to pump out Voice of Command regularly, so having an archetype based around healing everyone would absolutely trivialise the game.
I’m sorry to say that is not a Ratling, but a human-sized cloaked figure standing on the eagle’s head; you can follow their cloak’s hue and shape downards to where it meets the eagle.
You know I have been playing the Vet for 2 years and had no idea there was a heal ability.
I meant that yellow toughness subverts a need for healing; you can happily go through Auric with a Vet with VoC and if you have two chaining their VoCs its a doddle.
oh ok. I started looking. I don’t play above Malice. Don’t like to be carried. I’m older and slow now.
I feel you on that. I rarely play Auric now, I find it so exhausting to do. Two missions and I don’t want to play anymore. Non-Auric is where I play primarily, depending on what I want to do.
Yeah I tried a Havoc level and fell 3 times. That only ever happens on Malice Hi threat when everyone decides they want to check every corner of the map. Then I may get knocked on my ass. Usually by an unseen Ravager (Happens to me more than I like). Stupid Ravegers.
The hooded ome is just on a lower ridge, and has a staff in hand.
Some people thought it wan an Eldar sniper before launch
There is chatter ingame of a ratling but apperently that has always be in the game.
Someone else (who has more understanding of this than me) said a ratling would be difficult for gameplay because of hight. (Weakspot etc) bassicly the game is designed for human and ogryn sized players. And gave alot of more examples.
But an extra class/career or whatever people call it would be dope.
OH you’re right, good call. Still a sniper class I can hoot about. I thought he was on the black ledge above the eagle head with the others.
Oh its a staff.
I assumed cloak = sniper I seemingly have rolled double 1’s on that image.
Let me hope you could be wrong…
It’s actually better than healing because it prevents damage that would otherwise damage health even trough full toughness, and is pretty much 100% maintainable especially when there is a Chorus Zealot or another Shout Vet on the team.
I’d love a sniper weapon/talent tree branch but it’s not for high end gameplay. It’s nice that it could ne tap stuff, but there are so many thinghs to shoot there it would be nigh impossible to keep up, not to mention the smaller trash shooters. The Bolter, Plasma and Revolver are fulfilling long range /precision elimination (or simply magdumping, lol).
If Fatshark releases new characters, it will most likely be in the form of paid DLC, as it was in Vermintide. And there are plenty of options: Tech Priest, Sister of Battle, Death Cult Assassin, Crusader, Arbiter, and many more.
With the difference here that the Prem Career are more akin to adding new branches to the current tree.
Not doing something like the Admech.
As for that, I think it might be best to have it free, as to sell cosmetics for them.
Both are already covered by Zealot, at least for cosmetics.
Do need some more Crusader weapon, Relic Blade is a good introduction for them
Hospitaller would be could as opposed to Medicae. That said, FS prolly won’t make another class anytime soon, and if they did it would prolly be something dumb because we aren’t allowed to have nice things.