Massive Abuse of a Mod, official realm

That’s bloody hilarious. How in the hell did you switch the melee and ranged slots…

It was one of the exploits with the Mod, ranged weapons also didn’t use any ammo in the first slot. So infinite ammo BoP Huntsman lol

Yeah, I was aware it was the load out mod. I was more interested in how someone would use it to switch the melee to second slot and ranged to first slot. Considering it’s shut down now, it’s not an issue talking about how these things were done.

swapping melee and ranged slots required a different mod to work, one that isn’t sanctioned. And only weapons with ammo reserves will have infinite ammo, BoP has none and therefore doesn’t give infinite ammo. I was using volley on shade and died and when I got revived, I used up all my ammo (I couldn’t reload infinitely because I didn’t have any reserved ammo left) and when I clicked on an ammo box my game crashed, so there’s that.

People still have the weapons equipped in the wrong slots. As long as they don’t change weapons, they’re still there. Saw a Zealot with sword and dagger equipped today.

@Fatshark_Hedge You guys are aware that people are still abusing the mods right XD

Yep, we’re working on the fix.


Once the fix is out can I post my video without it being deleted?

Or is there zero sense of humour over here.

Not all ammo is unlimited on melee my slayer with bop was very disappointed.

Lol, yes there are some limitations. It works fine if you use it in the correct slot and when you ult you get about 30-40 ammo for free. Give it a shot :wink:

EDIT, sorry I meant Huntsman not Slayer. No free ammo on slayer

BoP doesn’t get infinite ammo on melee slot, it’s been said at least twice on this thread, but any ranged weapon that doesn’t belong to your character will have bugged 3rd person animations

It’s not about humour, but posting about currently exploitable… exploits. :slight_smile: And sure, once we fix it up, go nuts!


People are reporting it’s fixed now. No moar hagbane in melee slot and daggers in ranged for unlimited Shade ULT lol. I would just back out of games if I saw anyone using that nonsense. Takes all the fun out of the game.

Can you confirm that it’s been patched @Fatshark_Hedge

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Sigh, they took my horned Unchained away again

RIP my love. Looking forward to the next hack/exploit with which to make you appear again.


No more Horns on Shade either :’(

No this is not fixed yet. I saved a nonsense loadout on the modded realm after the fix and tried to load it in the official. No dice…

However, I have other loadouts saved prior to today’s fix that did load in fine and was able to swap the ranged and melee slots on official realm around 30 minutes ago.

Just so you know.

EDIT - I’ve retested the exploit that was being allowed a few days ago, after the claim of a fix and it’s no longer possible. So looks all good now.


Since the exploit has now been patched and I’ve received a message from @Fatshark_Hedge saying it’s OK to post, here’s a video showing the ridiculous posibilities that the exploit allowed while it was active.

There’s some salt towards fatshark included, as well as a dashing of memes but I do sing the game’s praises at the end and do play it every day :smiley:


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