So with Ranger Veteran having lost his very short liason with 100% crits during active, I was thinking of ways how to make him attractive anymore. I don’t say “viable” because he was before, but he is one of the more boring carreers in game for a couple of reasons. The first being that his active is extremely bland and you can’t use it too often due to its long cooldown. The 100% crits kinda made up for that and actually gave bardin at least some resemblance of boss killing power, but being back to the old thing, it’s kinda meh to say the least. The obvious suggestion being giving him increased crit chance, but again, it’s nothing to write home about if you cannot rely on it.
My main gripe with him is that his passive, the other defining factor in a carreer, isn’t actually his passive… it’s his team’s. His passive benefits the team the same way it does him, it doesn’t actually give the carreer an edge. Don’t get me wrong, him being credit to team is good, but I kinda wished it did something that benefited Bardin more than the other’s.
I think his level 15 talents are a good place to put such a mechanic into action. It’s nice that he makes bomb drops for everyone, but the talent should also further improve his on bomb use. Same goes for the enhanced ammo drops and the potions, so I figured why not discuss some ideas what could happen on lvl 15 for our favourite dwarf that could also kinda balance out the lost crits.
Suggestion for Battle Brew: Enemies hit by bombs increase Bardin’s hero power by 2%, up to 20%, for 15 seconds.
Suggestion for Grungni’s Cunning: Picking up Bardin’s ranger ammo increases Bardin’s critical chance by 25% for 15 seconds.
For Master Brewer, I have two ideas. The easier one being that drinking a potion restores hit points (I would be in favour of true hp, but I know FS don’t roll that way anymore, so I guess 20 temp hp would be in order). The other would be that each potion had additional effects (after all, he is a master brewer ). Concentration potion may further grant additional critical chance, speed potion may indeed regenerate a small amount of hit points, strength potion might have further increased damage and grant infinite block stamina.
Happy to see more suggestions!