Just about everything you said is so completely contrary to what I’ve experienced that I can’t agree with any of it in the slightest.
Health regen is a legitimate game mechanic and I don’t see any reason otherwise, but that’s practically irrelevant to GK’s. Nat bond exists, as does elf regen.
Also, the healing quest is contingent upon the completion of an objective and it isn’t even always guaranteed in Chaos Wastes and it’s not giving GK any advantage that any other class isn’t getting. It can make the entire team OP if you all have stacked a ton of healing bonuses, but arguably, that’s just good strategizing at work. When the entire team ends up synergizing their passive bonuses well, I’ve rarely seen anything like this break the game, unless it’s in Chaos Wastes.
You can easily get Trueshot Volley from 80 seconds to around 30 seconds with cool-down passive benefits paired with weapon traits and it’s far more effective with about 0 skill. Pyromancer’s ult is a honing projectile that requires little skill and it’s only 20 seconds longer; also staggers bosses and can be reused with on crits as common as a coinflip or offers temp health instead. Battle Wizard’s ult is a 2 shot 40 second cooldown (like GK) that can wipe out a patrol.
I can’t think of any ults that are very “skill espressive”. With GK’s ult, all the same, melee principles apply. You have to dodge and stagger enemies before you strike, and it’s only about 2-4 kills with a horizontal strike on black rats, but on chaos warriors, it’s not even a guaranteed kill. It’s usually better to take the two strikes for monsters and bosses, but GK’s not the best boss killer. I’d take BH, Shade, Battle Wiz, Engineer, or Pyro over GK for boss killing.
This is one of the most myopic takes I’ve heard.
Passives are legit aids to the team. Remove all passive benefits from a game, and you’re essentially playing a platformer. All skill, am I right?
Still, compared to Slayer, GK offers decent stagger potential, depending on your weapon choice, properties, traits, and talents. GK also has a lot more potential to be an asset to the team during gameplay than many classes that are unable to keep enemies staggered and do tanking. GK’s ult is not usually a huge damage dealer to bosses, it’s mainly useful for the immense stagger, and it’ll usually take aggro.
In terms of not being a ranged kill stealer, this makes GK a veritable Chad compared to a lot of DPS-focused classes. He’s got decent DPS, but it’s not all poured into being able to shoot stuff before you attack it; instead, he can stagger and tank. If GK is taking out the vast majority of what you’re fighting, it’s probably because you’re pure tank class or you’re just awful with DPS classes while whoever is using GK is playing decent.
Shields anyone? He can take aggro from flame rats and gunners and defend against them, aiding other ranged team members in getting the kill. Not being able to snipe has never stopped me from helping the team with specials or any other enemy.
Hardly, and much less so than any ult which increases damage output significantly and/or does direct damage. Again, he can’t typically one-shot chaos warriors without the second stab, and the horizontal swipe is about 2-4 black rats closely packed. You can get hit, interrupted, and miss for any number of reasons that all require using the same skills you’d use in any melee encounter. I would give you examples, but over half the careers in this game can wipe out more enemies than GK can with his ult, and significantly more at that.
This is utter nonsense. Highly specialized builds may only really deal with a few types of enemies well, but they all have to be capable of dealing with any kind of enemy.
GK simply can’t special snipe, but he has alternative ways of dealing with specials that shoot which comes from his other benefits like movement speed and shield tanking.
GK can be specialized to deal stagger, tank, crowd clear or deal damage, like any other more melee-focused class, but with an emphasis on being a heavy hitter since he has no ranged. What’s being demanded of GK is considerable, while being capable of compensating for the loss of range to deal with just about anything if you put in the effort.
What’s being “demanded” of any class depends on the team structure, the enemies, and every other aspect of the game beyond the player’s control. What I think you mean is that “what is expected” of GK is not much, but that probably stems from a lack of understanding regarding how much a melee class is capable of coming from people who depend too heavily on ranged attacks.
I firmly believe that GK is one of the best balanced classes in the game, and his role is well defined. At this point, I’d be averse to discussing anything further without starting a new thread, and if we’re going to have a basis for consensus, as usual, it’s not going to be our experiences because they differ so greatly.