Honestly I’m baffled that this is still in the game but then again you could say the same thing about a ton of things in this game.
So here goes:
People are not stupid Fatshark. Anyone with 2 brain cells understands after half an hour playing the game that Tier 1 & 2 blessings are worthless. You don’t need them, you don’t care about them, you use them when you are a total noob with the game and they are the only thing you’ve dropped at that point.
Tier 3 and 4 is the thing everyone wants. But we still get Tier 1-2 blessings left and right.
The mechanics of blessings as is right now means that as long as I have a higher tier blessing, all lower tiers of the same blessing are worthless in EVERY possible way.
Why not add a way to ‘burn’ your excess lower tier blessings so you can eventually craft the next tier?
No, NOT RNG here plz. Just a simple 'Collect tier 1, X times to get Tier 2. Collect Tier 2 Y times to get Tier 3 etc.
You can add a special ‘currency’ for that, or simply keep tabs on how many blessings of X tier you have and when you reach a threshold, you gain the next tier. Then the same thing happens to that one until you finally get its Tier 4. You may then add a Tier 5 with a DLC… Just saying.
PS The same thing goes with excess XP. After level 30, everything that gives you more XP is totally worthless.
All these little things add to the feeling that the game tries to waste our game time. You don’t want that, you already saw what happens when you make your players feel that their precious game time is wasted. It’s very simple. Make our time matter, the base gameplay is pretty solid.
Same thing with perks. Imo they better to rescale them, so the difference between t1and t4 not a huge leaps like x2 or x2,5, but every tier gives just a bit more and more power in a smooth way, however it is still signifficant for breakpoints/minmaxing, or just scratching your ego, and upgrading cost should have a spike from t3 for t4, like for an end game content.
Like for example with Headtaker:
T1 - 4% for 2s
T2 - 4% for 2,5s
T3 - 5% for 2,5s
T4 - 5% for 3,5s
Good idea actually for t4 to be a cursed tier, so it will be not mandatory, but a situational thing you may need on some weapon and may not on another. Like overclocks in DRG. Braindead stright power up that blessings and perks give to player and a huge difference between tiers is just another part of the problem why people are frustrating with crafting.
Tiers exist because the original ‘plan’ for crafting was essentially ‘you earn lower tier ones a lot more and combine them to form higher tier versions’.
Then that plan got scrapped and what we’re left with is a horrible balance state where only the highest tiers of blessings matter because those are the only ones that do anything significant.
I honestly wonder if Fatshark devs think they implemented some form of weapon upgrade system because they act like we’d bother sinking resources into low-value weapons like you get while you’re still levelling up a character when that is simply a waste of said resources.
I think that it is more accurate to say that for many blessings the actual difference between tiers is minuscule and that players are obsessed with larger numbers merely because they are larger numbers.
In fact they did it cause the community was already complaining about crafting.
I think that wanted to avoid the comments like “now we have to chase low tier blessing everydays, not fun” (and it is not).
Anyone whos ever watched the dev streams knows why the system is the way it is. They don’t play the game, they just use their dev accounts with everything unlocked.
They are completely isolated and seperated from the reality of the game, getting small bits of politely rephrased feedback piped through Catfish.
This is the way. T1-T3 blessings become basically irrelevant once you find T4, especially when those blessings are the same blessing and just marginally better.
So instead of tiers, they should just have a pool of blessings. But that would mean they would need to add more blessings to the game… And we all know FS’s struggle with adding any meaningful new content…
How about a system where we don’t find or craft anything over Tier 1 and upgrade our blessings be either crafting or by using the weapon. As in “Kill 100 maniacs to upgrade damage against maniacs from 10% to 15%”, this goes on to level 4 and each perk/blessing works that way.
Finally you can upgrade one perk/blessing to 5 on each weapon by paying a resource cost and starting the final quest. Tier 5 defines the weapon ultimately as the thing it is known for. This could also unlock a special skin or seal or something.
I find this appropriate as in 40k relic weapons have a thousand year history and giving each weapon their own history by us makes them a relic this way.
Same way that any item with lower base modifier becomes irrelevant once you reach lvl 30 and have a reasonable amount of ressources.
Their existence makes sense as long as you are leveling and progressing.
Their permanent existence would make sense in a system where you can actually deterministically progress, and where higher tier stuff is significantly more expensive to unlock, or to slap on your item. If T4 has a massive jump in price, you would likely use T3 first, but save upressources to upgrade the most important things to T4.
You start with the garbage and work yourself up by investing time and ressources in your item.
But in the RNG system that we have, the continuous existence of anything worse than “great” is purely there to bloat the pool of things that the randomness can generate.