Will a combination of low level blessings into a high level be an option in the future?
Because otherwise what’s that purpose of collecting tier 1 and 2 blessings?
i think it’s just for completionists at this point tbh. i suggested they add some kind of reward every time you finish a blessings tier, maybe one that will help with cross progression ie a one time infusion of crafting mats.
It’d be nice if you could merge blessings of the same type into a higher one… or something… what’s the point of anything but level IV…
I’d also like to see low tier blessings be used for something. There is a disconnect here because as long as you have unlocked a higher tier blessing all lower ones are pretty worthless.
I suppose there is a use if there are blessings you absolutely do not want (straight downgrades like Limbsplitter) but plan to replace the current blessing anyway. Re-bless your weapon with the garbage you do not want at all and consecrate - at least you won’t get the thing you hate the most then since that would be a duplicate. Then re-bless that slot with the blessing you actually want…
Maybe new chars cannot equip high tier blessings, so you need low tier blessings in order to equip them on your whatever lvl 15
the only restriction is cost afaik. lower tiers are much cheaper so more viable tho.
don’t forget the new player experience, the low tiers are similar to the way that low gearscore weapons work.
take it run it for a few rounds toss away for new toy
Feel like the entire point was to synthesize with the combine blessing system so that in theory you could get a low tier blessing, bless 3 weapons of the same type with it and then upgrade to the next tier as a form of steady forward progress but they entirely scrapped the system so instead it is just kinda there.
They really need to add combine blessing back into the game.
yeah, now with cost scaling and much higher availability of mats this is much more viable.
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