Tier 2 Bless and perks are HERESY

I understand tier 1-2 stuff showing up in the armory. BUT if I spend resources that I earned to 1) get a base weapon with acceptable base stats, 2) have acceptable state distribution 3) have at least 1 acceptable perk out of 2 4) have at least 1 acceptable blessing out of 2. 5) Require on average of approximately 1 Hr worth of gameplay for enough resources, Than Hadron SHOULD NOT GIVE T2 or lower stats at level 30.

The overwhelming majority of your player base have told you that there is TO MUCH RNG. This is for me the WORST part of the crafting system. T3 is the MINIMUM.


They should just get ride of the tiers, they doesn´t make sense how it´s implemented and i don´t even mean the RNG behind it.
It´s just that T4 will always be what you want, so unless you collect stuff, there is not even a real intention to get those tier 1-3 blessings. If anything it´s a slap into the players face like “Haha, you´ll have to sit on T1 :stuck_out_tongue: .”

It would be different if we could upgrade tiers at is was originally planned, to weapons could come always with T1 and we recraft the same T1 blessing to get T2 etc… That´s progress to go through.
Another way could be just that you´ve that blessing but it´ll roll from 1-10% or something, where you´ve the chance to reroll for rare-materials or something else to grind.

The current implementation is just pointless from a gameplay-perspective.


I was thinking it might be interesting to give weapons 3 blessing slots. Lets say 9 allocation points available in total. So you could slot 2x tier-4 blessings and 1x tier-1 blessing. Or 3x tier-3 blessings, etc etc. So gaining and learning all these lower tier blessings would have some benefit in letting people fill gaps/play around with different blessing combos.

That would also mean getting rid of blessing locks. Maybe this would be more trouble than it’s worth or too complicated. I’m not sure what the answer is but I feel like there has to be a better solution for horizontal progression in this game. 90% of what you gain at level 30 isn’t something that you care about (low item level weapons, low/bad perks, low/bad blessings).

Or maybe at least make it to where unlocking/learning lower tier blessings increases the drop chance of higher tier blessings. Anything that lessens the emphasis on “1 out of 20 things that I get matter to me.”

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How about we keep the tiers from 1 to 4 of the blessings but they upgrade toghether with perks and base stats?

White weapon - Each of 5 base stats with random value within rage from 1 to 20%.
Sum of all 5 stats 80 (out of 500).
Add diamantide to increase 1% of chosen stat till all of them reach 20% Now you can upgrade.

Green weapon: 21% to 40% per each bar, sum 160.
New perk with lvl 1. Can be changed at Hadrons.
Upgrade stats, Perk to lvl 2. → Upgrade to new tier.

Blue weapon: 41% to 60% per each bar, sum between 240.
Perk lvl 2, Blessing lvl 1 - Can be changed at Hadrons
Spend mat to upgrade, stats, Perk to lvl 3 and Blessing to lvl 2. Upgrade to new tier.

Purple weapon: 61% to 80% per each bar, sum 320.
2x Perk lvl 3, Blessing lvl 2 - Can be changed at Hadrons
Spend mat to upgrade stats, Perks to lvl 4, Blessing to lvl 3. Upgrade to new tier.

Red weapon: 81% to 95% per each bar, sum 420.
2x Perk lvl 4, 2x Blessing lvl 3 - Can be changed at Hadrons
Spend mat to upgrade stats, Blessings to lvl 4. Upgrade to new tier.

Golden Weapon:
If all stats are above 95% with perks and blessings upgraded to lvl 4. All you can do is upgrade stats to 100.
Max cap 500.
Perfect weapon rating 670

Wait! Stop! Thunder hammer time. Max sum of all stats should be 496. It would bring overall rating to 666. And since Gray Knights and their lore revolves around that number such weapon would have 3rd mandatory perk of +x% damage against demons!

How about none of this, and we just get the ability to spend ressources to unlock perks/blessings and upgrade the modifiers instead.

Being able to upgrade modifiers is better from gameplay and progression perspective and does not require any strange changes to all existing weapons.

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