After the Havoc update, regular damnation is now more or less solo mode, as the players in that queue go down in the first wave (or sometimes even quicker).
It’s incredibly fun and challenging, and I’m loving it more than auric maelstrom!
Regular damnation solo is in my opinion the perfect balance between fun and stressful, and I’m happy with the changes that has been made.
Sorry for calling Havoc a waste of dev time, I now see that you were playing 4D chess all along, but wouldn’t it have been easier to just implement true solo mode right away?
question remains: where is everybody
not that i was applying this week due to being down with an infection, but out of curiosity i was checking between the new event refreshing its map pool.
lo and behold often times there were none. sparsely either a very low or 1 havoc 40.
and you know what your chances of getting into one are as an oggy
so, if havoc aint the overcrowded hot and auric damnation’s been “wild” to say the least, where’s the good guys at ?!?
seems i’m not the only one not bothering with a weekly refresh of the coveted hav40 title once you’ve cleared it due to a lack of around the clock premade.
This week people will have forgone havoc to compete the special event that is only available in auric. That will have severely dented numbers.
That said, the absolute b@lls demotion system is doing its job of stopping people from hosting games so there are naturally no games to play anyway.
I wouldn’t mind the demotion system if you had infinite chances to host in a week and simply had to complete a game equal or greater than current rank in order to avoid a demotion by 1 singular rank.
Currently it’s pretty much pushing people to not play in every conceivable way. Ridiculous.
I’m coming up on my longest break in Darktide. It’s been about a month already since I last played.
Fatshark shot themselves in the foot and ruined some good momentum for a lot of people I think.
Havoc split up the player base, leaving Auric a shell of its former self and is presently just a mess. Havoc itself is frustrating unless you have a premade to work with. Very hard to pub - not to mention the frustration of rank decay and all that. Discourages playing it IMHO.
I was playing quite heavily up to havoc - and after a few weeks of havoc being on the scene I just stopped playing.
Player count seems to be tanking quite a bit now too.
Yeah I didn’t feel like doing havoc earlier in the week so I resigned myself to being dropped to 39 on reset and I’ve mainly just been doing the event…
Then I remembered I helped someone get up to 30 a few days ago.
Seeing as I really can’t be bothered trying to squeeze in a 40 tonight, looks like my plan for next week is to watch it drop to 29/30 on reset, then sod it, drop myself all the way to Havoc 1 and climb back up to help some friends farm out the cosmetics since I was the only one who stuck with the mode. Once the modifiers start getting too annoying, I’ll most probably do the same again until they’re done with the 100 assists. After that’s done, I’ll keep coasting along hosting havoc 23s or whatever once a week until May-ish when the final penance pops…
I never needed the cache mats in the first place. I got my True Survivor, stayed at Havoc 40 for a month, I’ve done literally everything else the mode has to offer. Trying to properly form a squad that can hold their own using the party finder is very inconsistent to say the least, no matter how many layers of mods you use for vetting players. Genuinely baffled at what they were thinking with the demotion mechanic. Just wild, ill-thought out, undercooked ideas once again from the big fish.
They don’t want us to play? Well I kinda just… won’t.
thx mate, antibiotics are doing their thing but while doing so i’m at 70% at best, so no havoc in the meantime.
not gonna give them ogryn haters any ammo
and its so unecessary too.
i know of no one that plays to keep his title “up”
enjoy hard content and pull off some crazy stuff in the process, learning, evolving, sure all of the above.
but proving “skill” in a motivating way is something different altogether from a weekly chore with mandatory skillset that leaves even a good percentage of the capable people out of the equation.
all we got now is a warped perception of people, dragged along for their characters attributes and not the real work their fingers and brain put into work mechanically.
ages ago, when i read kozure okami/lone wolf and cub, there was a pretty fun quote that i think applies to books and bubbles as well:
basically a public sexworker (umewaka dayu, i guess dayu being something of “artist” i guess) gets commented “aint no art in spreading it, my “dayu” bores right in”
when i saw this utmost fixation on these two “must”(s?) the quote popped right back into my mind first time since 25 years
anyways, i love challenges in darktide, but at the same time they need to be available at any time and not be a finite ressource thanks to fearfully watched strikes and halving of health/toughness to create a false sense of difficulty
Still here. Darktide steamcharts says that the pop before havoc and right now is about the same. The only people that left were the people that rejoined for the update. Filthy casuals.
okay “there” then was beginning to worry since havoc last week eu servers was a wasteland during the day. and i talk about blank screens everytime i checked coming back from an event match.
maybe they all waited for me hitting the sack but the choice between the event/HISTG or waiting 15 min+ in party finder wasnt that hard
Yeah, I think Havoc nuked the ‘top players’ a decent bit, but people aren’t playing havoc (that are any good) either. Just spent the last 3-4 hours getting one 40 in, and now I’m pretty much with everyone else that I’m just gonna f it. Just do one a week of any rank until the penances clean out (just cause it’s an excuse to play the game at least) then never touch it again, cause we got people walking into havoc 40 as invis vet sprinting away from the team, charge forward zealot with only 1 source of golden toughness (me on chorus, and two psykers), just absolutely nothing games that get like half way in then die to the first captain spawn because ‘ohh look everyone dies in two hits who would have thunk it.’
Finally got my clear, gonna get my resources then just play low stakes nothing havoc if I play it at all.
As for why the havoc numbers are so low, Reaper grinding. Auric Maelstrom is basically unplayable too cause of that, I know I plan to do Reaper grinding myself as ‘something to do’, just cause that pennance is actively impossible to complete in accorance with every other type of penance without farming this event. Just got to 1.5k Crushers and Bulwarks…at 900 reapers in comparison. It’s just like…whyyyy.
But any ‘high end player’ is one also basically done with literally everything else at this point, so onward to reaper grinding cause why not. It’s made Auric Damnation actually pretty smooth again compared to everything else, but, it’s also now just the only thing with good players in it XD.
the irony of “hand picked classes” still doing stupid stuff befitting their lack of actual skill would be funny if it didnt mean a potentially good increase of difficulty going to waste.
but fatshark being stubborn with anything and taking ages to actually change or quickly intervene, i wager havoc will be totally devoid of players outside closed-community premades in less than 2 weeks.
maybe you’ll find players in the evening hours, depending on where you are. first half of the day is a wasteland. and you can’t even start a havoc game without having a party first.
This is how it works currently. Merely participating in Havoc (you do not have to win your mission) prevents you from demoting. Merely hosting your Havoc 40 order and finishing a mission (be it win or loss) should keep you at 40 the next week. At least, that’s how it should work.
However, the system currently demotes you to whatever your highest clear of the previous week was, so be careful that you don’t complete e.g. nothing higher than a Havoc 20 or it’ll drag your Havoc 40 ranking down to 20 the next reset.
I’m reasonably sure this is unintended and I hope it’ll be addressed in the next hotfix at the end of tbe month but I’m not sure.