That’s the exact point - it didn’t only affect the hardest difficulty. That means if some of us could adjust on the absolute hardest difficulty to an even FURTHER difficulty increase - what is stopping you from adjusting to the same difficulty increase on a lower… difficulty? This is an ego issue. You guys can’t seem to admit you need to drop down a difficulty or spend a little more time practicing your positioning/gameplay. Instead it turns into this weird witch hunt of “oh these elitists who are in the top only focus on themselves”.
What is more hilarious is, they FORGOT to include the enemy changes in the original patch notes. I remember thinking to myself “This game just got a lot harder, I am losing more consistently” yet I kept playing, didn’t give up, and when I got those few wins it felt amazing.
Then when I learned my paranoia toward enemies seeming harder wasn’t unfounded - guess what? I was happy and even excited at the changes because it brought back a new layer of strategy and difficulty the game was starting to lack in more prepared groups.
What are the hardest missions in the game supposed to be? Is someone supposed to be able to clear the game content easily and consistently at 50 hours because there is absolutely no challenge or change in the AI or gameplay aspects? What is it you want from the hardest content in the game and explain to me how you expect them to keep it fresh if you are afraid of miniscule AI changes.
This is currently what it looks like. Right after the update, it looked BARREN. But even now…Where did all the high intensity stuff go? A couple regular shock troop and a single regular hunting ground…but wth…
Part 1:
VoC+50% Toughness damage reduction on 75% (Iron will), and gets removed in 2 bursts, thats nearly 280 Toughness in total. Part 2:
that how closing in just makes ranged Infantry even worse than poxies, just walking backward is enough to disable the ranged enemy completely.
Going in bunch of shooters with a knife, will disable whole regiment of ranged easily.
Video 2: Toughness
Single Part: 1 Burst broke all my toughness+ Over Toughness +50% Toughness damage reduction on 75% (Iron will). could it be ranged do Weakspot vs player? i dont know.
Thats not nice to say, to just throw the blame on the player, been with you since the dark age of technology.
I would love to see an actual difference between auric and non-auric heresy and damnation other than the prevalence of modifiers. Keeping more lethal shooters like we had prior to the hot fix would be a great example of making it harder.
Except they didn’t? lmao…They ALWAYS had missions that didn’t have modifiers mixed in with ones that didn’t. If you didn’t want to play modifiers, you played one without.
If you wanna say something Quickplay not giving you that option, that’s your own fault for choosing to use quickplay. You get what you get.
The big reason they split it up was they knew that you had a limited number of missions on the board and if you make most of them Have a modifier then you nullify the point.
I do mostly Auric but it literally makes no sense to have a separate tab if you are also going to just make all the standard missions auric level as well. This is just wanting new players or people just getting into it to suffer for no reason.
Like what % do you REALLY want them to have modifiers on? We already got 5 missions out of 15 missions with them and they still need to accommodate for lower difficulties and people just starting.
Just play Auric, i really don’t understand what the complaint is.
As a note I’ve hated the mission board since day 1 but this is how it is until they actually acknowlege it sucking and expand the misison selection.
Before the update…At Malice or below…ONE MISSION might have had a Modifier. 99% of players shouldn’t be playing above Malice to begin with.
Heresy had 1/3 or 2/4 with a modifer and Damnation had whatever the hell it wanted because it was damnation. It makes 0 sense to cut them out the way they have.
Not everyone gives a s%!t about Auric. I enjoy it, but that doesn’t mean I want to play on Auric every single moment just to complete contracts and still enjoy myself. They shouldn’t have done what they did. It should have kept them the way they were. The Hi-intensity option was there if I wanted it. Anyone who didn’t want it, COULD ALWAYS…ALWAYS…select a different option.
Oh noe!
The game that still doesnt have working meaningful suppression.
The game that its ranged enemies force you to develop carpal tunnel (or play with macros )
if you dont want to lose your hp cuz of endless ranged pressure.
The game that is KNOWN for its - without peer best fps (non autistic cough mordhau cough) melee combat.
Has its basic ranged enemies have -5% autoaim cheats from infinite range, instead of +5% infinite range auto aim cheats
The noobs! The noobs have come and made my macro sliding 5% less powerful, quickly! I need to come to the forums to tell everyone that I PLAY AURIC! And that now I will receive slightly less dmg than before
yah, agreed. Not very dynamic, mostly point-and-click. They tried reintegrating their suppression mechanic but it needs more work because cover behavior and ai movement isn’t nuanced enough.
I feel like the buff was a bit extreme to begin with. I saw quite a few cases of a single shooter taking off my or someone elses entire toughness bar in one burst. They were doing way more damage than most elites or specials, which was a bit crazy in my opinion.
ngl I find DTs gunplay to be legitimately worse and less fun than “gunplay” from vermintide or even from the original modern warfare and battlefield games from like pre-2010.
ranged Enemies were OP all the time, now you are complaining they are too weak…
Wow Mindfrack for me
Dont know what diff you are playing, havnet played since the new patch drop, but i hope this is true.
I always have PTSD about Space Hulk Deathwing where i get shot to smitherins in a Terminator Armour by Puny Hybrids with stubbers, lol!
Here at least it made sense. TO a degree. Shooters were too accurate, to fast shooting, too many and too much dmg, period.
I hope they have been nerfed to the Ground like they should have been a long time ago!
Is this bait? How long have you been playing the game to be this terrible at dealing with a basics enemy type?
Genuinely around release had the best iteration of shooters despite their issues. They were threatening and actually fun to engage with. Melee rushing everything for free is pretty lame.
This is no argument at all against anything. If you can finish the game blindfolded and gagged while being whiped (just to make it more spicy) that’s fine. The fact is that I don’t find it a rewarding type of difficulty that the small mob that decided to crawl late from it’s stupid layer beams all of my toughness away whilst I’m fighting what’s in front of me, gnawing at my heels from behind. It’s the equivalent of trying to play a videogame with a very annoying mosquito in your room. Not a pleasant experience. I like my games being hard, but having things like this feels unnecessary. I’d argue it’s not even real difficulty, it’s pure annoyance and very dependent if you roll the dice right whilst going into quickplay. And no I do not despair about the shooties when queuing into a Maelstrom. Gunners and other ranged enemies can stay as they are, they are elites so they have to be more challenging. In the end they made this decision based on the feedback of the community. It’s not only you that payed money for the game and/or have an interest for various reasons in the games success.
TL;DR It’s ridiculous to complain about the game being too easy because of this minor change that can be essentially be chalked up as a qol feature.
Considering an entire franchise thrived off of that level of ranged combat and considering how neat 40k weapons are. I feel that is sufficient.
I kinda didnt like that gunners recieved the same spread buffs but shooters needed them. Especially scab shooters. At least give scab shooters back their buffs and let dreg shooters be weaker.
IDK man, pre-patch 13, or probably even further back it was pretty fun.
Chaining charged shots with plasma running “bigger they are” taking down Crushers one by one when not every melee weapon killed them in three hits.
Sniping shooters with lasguns when they were an actual threat.
Playing rambo with a brauto when you had the ammo to do so.
Cosplaying a commissar walking towards shooters (cos sprinting was taking double damage on vet) executing heretic one by one with laspistol.
With current balance there isn’t any room for gunplay. Melee is safer than ranged play, deals more damage, density is huge enemies are always surrounding you, people run around solo anyway so might as well run a build that can do that too…
Melee everything and quickswap for specials, maybe bring a boss buster that’s it.
The shooter buff was enough to push people together enough to make playing shooter spec a bit more viable, but now they reverted it. I kinda don’t think we will ever move away from the current “just melee” we have.
I would say that I don’t find DT’s ranged combat loop to be particularly enjoyable. However personally I wouldn’t really know how to fix it. I do think general shooters being more dangerous is a good start. It certainly made my Recon Lasgun Vet feel a lot more impactful.
I would tentatively suggest removing or vastly reducing suppression that is applied to players. And that the suppression applied to enemies should be removed or reworked.
I absolutely despise the suppression applied to players. It just makes me want to run into melee anyways instead of shoot stuff. It feels like it was designed for if there are 1 or 2 Gunners suppressing you, so you can have an “epic gamer moment” where you say you’re suppressed, and one of your team mates kills the Gunner suppressing you. However instead of that we have packs of 6-10 Gunners covering entire arenas.
Just a thought. I would love to hear what other people would suggest to improve gunplay, ideally without gimping melee combat.