So the stream is done - and late June/early July seems to be an accurate call for when this update was going to drop, but they have literally nothing to tell us…while the PR idjits waste their money chasing a dead merchandising strategy?
Okay… so new weapons and a new level in a presumably new biome/environment/zone?
It’s vague as to whether the “itemization” improvements are going to be part of this June patch or not. Hopefully yes but they left themselves and easy out.
** We are still working on the itemization part of the update as mentioned in the Vision Statement. We are currently in testing and we are working on a dev blog to share with everyone.
It’s funny, because making a board game probably wasn’t Fatshark’s decision.
I’d think they would postpone doing that until after the new stuff for this year is out
I think this has to be one of the single most embarrassing announcements/ previews they have put out.
Like we can’t even have a screenshot of the weapons or time talking about them or anything? No details about the itemization update (which they are already saying might be delayed)? 30 seconds of voiceover and a map fly through, really?
WTF have y’all been doing for 4 and a half months?
This is the Warhammer fanbase, guys. There are clearly going to be SOME people with interests in boardgames, ffs. Hell, I have three GW boardgames: Chaos in the Old World, Space Hulk 4th ed, and Forbidden Stars.
For all you guys whine about GW not knowing its playerbase, you’re dead wrong here.
In any case, a full expansion just 2 months after the last one is very welcome and means we might be back on track for 4 updates this year. I’m frankly a little shocked at all the people claiming that this is “nothing.”