LOL....kraking.... LOL.... really?

We thought it was a meme …

But prepare yourself for not only a Darktide BOARDGAME… but also a Darktide CARD GAME.

Oh… and “Secrets of the Machine God” update to the game is coming… ??? (edit June 25) It will contain…???

That’s it! Whow!

Negative expectations exceeded… in a more negative direction.


Coming June 25th, but so far yea :frowning:


Seriously… we were joking the other week about the skulls announcement being a Darktide boardgame… and LOL it actually is a boardgame. Incredible.


So the stream is done - and late June/early July seems to be an accurate call for when this update was going to drop, but they have literally nothing to tell us…while the PR idjits waste their money chasing a dead merchandising strategy?


Seemed likely that and the card game, both of which we already knew about I believe, would be at Skulls. Hoped for more for DT though.


okay okay okay,… reading this now…

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Okay… so new weapons and a new level in a presumably new biome/environment/zone?

It’s vague as to whether the “itemization” improvements are going to be part of this June patch or not. Hopefully yes but they left themselves and easy out.

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Doesn’t seem too vague to me:

** We are still working on the itemization part of the update as mentioned in the Vision Statement. We are currently in testing and we are working on a dev blog to share with everyone.

So I’d say no. But who knows!

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It’s funny, because making a board game probably wasn’t Fatshark’s decision.
I’d think they would postpone doing that until after the new stuff for this year is out :smiley:


I think this has to be one of the single most embarrassing announcements/ previews they have put out.

Like we can’t even have a screenshot of the weapons or time talking about them or anything? No details about the itemization update (which they are already saying might be delayed)? 30 seconds of voiceover and a map fly through, really?

WTF have y’all been doing for 4 and a half months?


So…does this mean we 100% aren’t getting any weapon balance updates with skulls? Or anything besides bug fixes and the get head shots event?

This is definitely it for Skulls, yeah.

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Probably not.

I think the big update was the event and the fact that they put the overpriced cosmetics back in the store.




Karanak is cool tho!


If it was a book on tertium written by Dan Abnett I would be ecstatic, but this…

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What do you get when you mix the sell outs at FS with the morons at GW?


Yeah. Whump whump.

Meanwhile, VT2 has been killing it lately.

Since October '23, VT2 has had:

  • Necromancer Class released (with a ton of new features)
  • Halloween event with special missions/modifiers
  • Major balance patch (Gifts of the Wolf Father)
  • Closed Alpha test of versus (new game mode)
  • Anniversary event with with the quiet drink map
  • New map (Parting of the waves update)
  • New enemy with Chaos Warrior & Shield
  • Huge quality of life patch that dropped today with a bunch of long-requested features.
  • Versus test in May 30
  • New adventure map(s) and weapon set coming out soonish

I wouldn’t say soonish, the trailer made it sound like that part is still a hot second out.

But yeah in general it’s dissapointing to say the least.

I hope the crafting update is absolutely insane and smashes all of our expectations out of the water. That’s really the last hope I have.


This is the Warhammer fanbase, guys. There are clearly going to be SOME people with interests in boardgames, ffs. Hell, I have three GW boardgames: Chaos in the Old World, Space Hulk 4th ed, and Forbidden Stars.

For all you guys whine about GW not knowing its playerbase, you’re dead wrong here.

In any case, a full expansion just 2 months after the last one is very welcome and means we might be back on track for 4 updates this year. I’m frankly a little shocked at all the people claiming that this is “nothing.”