Loadscreen Hangups After Switching Characters

Issue Description (Required):

Not entirely sure this belongs here but here it is.

I often get stuck on the loading screen trying to get back into the Mourningstar after attempting to switch characters. Just stays on that screen overlooking the hive city for… longest I let it sit was like ~7 straight minutes (most of the time it takes about 12 seconds). It never happens on the first boot-up of the game (I.E., selecting my first character), but if I decide to swap characters after a few missions, I usually end up needing to Alt F4 and relaunch.

It never hangs up LEAVING the Mourningstar, just when I try to load in a new character.

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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I can’t fix that for you. But I can recommend this mod which will mean you never have to go to the Mourningstar (ever) if you don’t want to:

There are instructions on how to install mods with a quick google search. It’s mainly just a case of downloading files and putting them in the correct folder… then running a .bat file to switch it on. Honestly. About 10 minutes to do.

You can do it manually (e.g. follow here), or you can use Vortex which is a mod package handler/installer which makes it likely even more easy.

Then you can also grab a load of QoL mods too that take your fancy.


I’ve also found that the mod Disconnect can be used to cancel loading screens and get back to the main menu.

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I’ll take a look at some of those in the meantime, thank you.

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Yeah as others have pointed out this is actually a Morningstar issue. There’s an old bug that has re appeared where it doesn’t pass the first DNS check it keeps resending it until it goes through. You also have to synchronize with up to 15 other players for the sake of it not appearing empty.

So yeah until Fat Shark removes the need to go to this pointless loading Hel, our only work around is skipping it entirely with mods.

I’m just trying to load the game from desktop and been waiting 10 mins to get into the mornignstar after selecting my character :pensive:

Gotcha, good to know. And I actually need to amend my previous statement, I actually did have my first hang-up with my initial booting of the game into the Mourningstar earlier today (figures it’d save to do that until after I made the post). So yes, likely to do with the instance and not something about swapping characters.

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