Infinite Loading Bug

Is it me or is the game itself stopping us from playing?

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delete all ngx course

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There seems to be an infinite loading bug into The Mourningstar hub for sure. Usually it is really quick, so if you feel something is wrong, just alt+F4 and restart the game. I barely ever load into the hub these days to save time anyway and just use mods to access all functionality from the character selection screen. A great mod.


yeah have noticed this happening sometimes after latest hotfix.

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ye so there is an infinite loading bug getting into queue from morningstar, getting out of game into morningstar and while rejoining the bricked lobby we just left from character select :expressionless:

additionally if you look for queue too quickly after alt-f4’ing, you can just rejoin the bricked lobby from morningstar while looking for random queue (happened to me 3 times in a row till i just waitied 5 minutes for the bricked lobby to die)

defo something wrong with the lobbies autobricking
ty for the heads up, time to wait for a patch

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