
With the major hurdle of crafting looking like it’s over, I’d like to request that character customization be a big focus going forward.

I’d like to propose that for the drip be added in an official capacity. This shouldn’t interfere with your current cosmetics scheme if implemented.

Behind the scenes you guys already have models and paint jobs already setup. Anyone who has downloaded for the drip knows that changing color/paint schemes is easy. You guys have mapped in potentially hundreds of color/materials.

So here’s what I propose, allow repainting of any cosmetic a player has purchased with the patterns/materials of any owned cosmetic.

Sell cosmetic items like you normally do, the allure to customers would be gaining access to new models and new material/patterns. It’s a win for everyone. Right now people opt to buy simply because they do not like a color scheme, eliminate that as an issue.

Painting minis is a large part of the soul of Warhammer 40k. Limits on us being able to do basic customization goes against that ethos.

EDIT: I don’t know if I have the intestinal fortitude of the great brosgw, i’d ask that if you like the concept that you bump the post. Fatshark has been shown to listen to the community in the past, but if we want change it seems we have to campaign for it. Keeping the issue front and center seems wise.


That could be great but I feel they would sell the best paint colors instead of giving it for free like they did with cosmetics.

That’s at their discretion, and likely would be the case. But I think we’d all like a path to customization.

EDIT: here’s some random color/material customizations that I made with for the drip to show just there’s tons of customization options currently already built into the game that just need a UI built up to allow players in game access to them.


I would settle for paying for paint colors if it meant we didn’t have ‘here’s the same model in three different colors now shut up and pay us more money’ as the current cosmetics model.


It’s a sad thing that I wish we had Destiny 2’s color customization model. But here we are.


There’s hundreds of games that have really solid character customization, even in the 40k universe.


If players can paint, there will be dicks.


100% support this and I agree.

I think they could get fancy with it and adjust things so that every cosmetic provides the “model” and then the associated “textures” that can be applied to whatever models you want. Like the OP said and like the For the Drip mod.

This would 100% get me to make some premium purchases.


Or sell entire colour palettes like Warframe (assuming there is a free one to begin with).


just remembered that we got the recolored version of the enforcer set


Only Fatshark will give us the colours we get, and youre gonna fkin like it.

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would be cool having some functionalities like For the Drip in the official game.

some cosmetics sometimes look better with other colors.

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the reason in paint em red tiger stripe pants is that its the only one i got ingame that fit the model for boots.

and i didnt see much a point in buying a repaint in order to get the color pattern while already owning the model.

so paint schemes at reasonable prices, i’m all for.
otherwise the money goes into figures and citadel/army painter paint.

if you played the 98 half life multiplayer, you could custom spray logos on walls.
suffice to say the “that’s a penis-guy” would have had an epileptic seizure :rofl:

yes they were saved locally on your pc.

but since lan parties were the major part of multiplayer back in the day, to the point where buddies parked their pcs for months at my basement and came daily after skipping work/school, there were “mandatory” phalic updates and logos of more agitating nature :rofl:


Company of Heroes 2 made you download other people’s UI/paint schemes if you forgot to turn it off.

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If they had more mix-n-matchin’ I’d probably go bankrupt buying cosmetics.




I remember reading about how the engine apparently doesn’t support colouring options way back in Steam. Like, each skin has to be saved separately as if it was its own thing. So that might explain why there’s such a small, clunky selection of them (and that would imply maybe hairstyles & haircolors are the same too?).

Idk if it’s true or not ofc.

Anyway I can’t overstate how much I would love this idea! We really need need more customization. Hairstyles, faces, colours all over the place, every and all kinds of fluff!

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I feel like that’s not true, and I feel like for the drip illustrates that… but I’m open to being wrong if someone can show otherwise.


My own proposition

Add to this a weapon customization system with, here again, 4 levels of customization:
Level 1: the model we use
Level 2: a color we can apply to the model
Level 3: various details you could add (like a skull on the weapon, a different ironsight)
Level 4: accessories (scope, light etc)


i feel like it should be a thing, the ability to swap different colors, but that they shouldn’t charge people for this…

it’s to the levels of charging people for changing their hairstyle color in a video game.

it doesn’t sound right, it should be free, also because for the drip mod lets you to do this, and it would be very simple to implement.

the problem is that this may not be possible due to 40k Lore and the restrictions of GW