Let’s talk about the crafting odds... or at least an idea of what they are

Not arbitrary… statistics from inputs.
In fact several have claimed that we had 25% of chances to get a T1 blessing, at orange. But I never found a T2 blessing when consecrating at orange, I believe it can happen, but this is a relative rare situation.
This is what made me to do this work… cause there was people that were claiming that you had same chances to get a T1 blessing than getting a T4 blessing.

Also, several also denied that the quality of a weapon as an impact of the odds to get a T4 blessing.

And there was someone that said that the odds I presented were false cause we were not taking into consideration the tier we obtain. That was true and I had explained that we needed the code behind to calculate the odds, or use the brute force method (the one I used here). As I said, the brute force method has its flaws. The main one is that you need a lot of datas to get something accurate. But, now, we can have an idea of the odds to get a good weapon.

Obviously, not. The OP (me) wanted to talk about the odds to get a good weapon with a 375+ modifiers.
About item acquisition, nothing new here… 5 months I say that Brunt needs something to be done. I have even said it 3 times in my 2 posts.

Already discussed a lot… they don’t want to rework entirely the system (and tbh, I prefer that they give us content instead of perpetually rework a system). I said it numerous times, I hate RNG. I would have preferred a system without any RNG at all.
But I think you have seen that, in 6 months, they have not changed their mind.
So, I prefer pointing what is obviously broken in the current system and needs to be fixed, instead of waiting something that may never happen. Cause if it never happen, the problems I see in game will stay forever.

My bad. I have read too fast…
Yes obviously modifiers have a direct impact.
What I wondered is, does getting a T4 blessing or a T4 perk can increase the odds to get a T4 blessing or T4 perk when crafting again the weapon to an higher consecration level?
On this point, I doubt it impacts the odds considering what I collected. However, it needs more testing as several times I have seen weapons chaining T4 perks / blessings (72-73-74,. 94, 95, 99, 102). So not so sure of that…

But, for modifiers, I am certain that it impacts the odds.
Even at 369, I am pretty sure that you get a lot less chances to get a T4 blessing (need to be verified, I let that to someone else, crafting 100 weapons takes time, and I want to play).