Is blessing rarity dependent on base item level when crafting?

Is there any number breakdown from data mining or confirmation in any way that blessing rarity is dependent on item base level?

as in, if i upgrade 310 base power sword to orange, will i have the same odda of getting power cycler as if i would be upgrading 350, 360, or 370 one?

I am aware that odds are small, but having 1 chance in 200 vs 1000 makes a difference.

I have heard some say tier 3s and 4s show up more on higher tier weapons.

I think that yes…
BUT, nothing confirm that cause I cannot craft lot of weapons and compare.

But, about perks, when you reroll them, you can see clearly that the qualitfy (=modifiers rate) of the curio has an impact of what you can get as perk.
I have experimented a 65 curio that I had to reroll 1200 times to get the T4 perk cause there was few T4 that were showing and more T3 and T2.
On a 70+, you only get T3-T4…

So, I would say that it has an impact.
But only FS could confirm.

And that’s why the Brunt’armoury garbage is even worst…


that would explain a lot, thanks.

@FatsharkCatfish would it be possible to get confirmation on how blessings rng works when crafting? i think this would give some sense of how progression system is designed


Emperical experience shows that - if your item is above 370, then chance of getting t2 Perks and t2 Blessings are significantly higher than , for 360-369 Items.
That is why i stopped crafting. I’m, not wasting any mats and good high stat bases on that nonsense anymore.

P.S. 1100+ missions and 680 hours in game. Crafting system is maliciously RIGGED vs players.


not in my experience, melk doesnt seem to stack t4’s on the high rolled items,

i do think the consecrate from purple to gold is way higher chance of getting t4 than the upgrade to blue

I don’t know if you know this, but it has been confirmed that upgrading a weapon from a purple to a yellow has a higher chance of giving you better blessings than upgrading a green to a blue. This was specifically mentioned when people were talking about Power Cycler, and FatShark confirmed you have a better chance of getting it when upgrading to yellow.

I don’t know if base item rating has anything to do with it, however I feel it might to stop lower level people from getting t3 and 4 blessings early, however it’s unconfirmed to my knowledge.


That is news to me, thanks.

News to me, too. Shoot. I’ve been scrapping blues all this time. : /

Items have more favourable chances of getting higher tier blessings. This is the patch notes of “Shrine of the Ommnisiah” when crafting was released. Not sure if it is true in-game, but Fat Shark posted it so has to be right.

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You can and will still get T2s consecrating purple to orange.

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By the way you seem to have more chances to get an higher tier for the blessing when you consecrate to orange than to blue.
From my experience, all T4 I ve found by crafting have resulted from consecrating to orange.

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