Can purple weapons from Heresy missions roll with t4 blessings?




It’s pretty rare though

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Technically a blue can roll with a tier 4, it isn’t likely but it isn’t impossible. So yes, a purple can roll with a tier 4 blessing, heck it can also roll with 2 tier 4 perks AND 380 base, is that going to happen? F-ck no, not with this brick layer of an rng machine.

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i got a 377 purple ripper 6 from malice once, that had inspiring barrage on it. probably the best gift from big e that wasn’t a max curio with a single non garbage perk on it. its all random

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I noticed that weapons with higher base rating are more likely to roll t4 blessing than something with let’s say 320-350.

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i will explain how the weapon system works for the people who don’t understand
here’s a screen shot of a weapon that is “god teir” even tho it doesn’t have the max total rating of 550
simply put, bigger number, does not = better when it comes to these weapons

the total rating is the most useless rating on the weapon stats list it tells you, basically nothing about the weapon

the Base rating, is the MOST important stat for a weapon, a higher base rating means, you have more points to spend on modifiers, (380 is the highest base rating you can get)
even a white weapon, can have a high base rating. infect buying a ton of white weapons from brunt’s armory is one of the ways we can easily make a god tier weapon

take note that the base rating does not determine how good your modifier distribution is
you could get a weapon with a base rating of380 but your damage might only be 50%
you can’t get 80% in every single modifier slot
for this staff in the picture, i simply do not care about quell speed, i actually keep my peril high while using this staff to get extra damage. so quelling peril faster, doesn’t really help that much,

even tho the base rating of the weapon is a nice indicator of how good it is, if a weapon has a modifier you simply don’t care about (mobility on a gun for example) or first target on a weapon that you ONLY use to take down hoards, when theirs a modifier you don’t care about, try to get a weapon with a low rating for that modifier, and high ratings for all other modifiers

once you have a good white weapon, you can start upgrading it to get perks and blessings

perk rating is completely useless, it just shows you a rating based on what level of perks here
the more important part is the perks themselves, they need to work with the weapon in a way that makes your weapon more effective
I’m using this staff to help kill bosses at a distance, so i +25% took unyielding enemies (ogres monstrosities daemon host etc)
flak armor is good as well since it helps me one shot allot of enemies in the game, although it is only a level 3 perk not a level 4 perk

blessing rating, similar to perk rating is also COMPLETLY USELESS
it just shows you a higher or lower rating depending on the level of blessings you have
but again, like perks, what is more important is the blessings themselves and how good the blessings are

since perk and blessing rating are added to the total rating up the top, the total rating up the top is COMPLETLY USELESS the only stats you care about are, base rating, modifiers, perks and blessings, the rest is irrelavent information

i have noticed that too, i never role anything under a tier 3 perk

I seem to remember reading somewhere that with max base rating, a weapon has a 20% chance of a good blessing when going green → blue, and 60% when being upgraded from purple → orange.
I’ll try to find it again.
Whether that was T4 Blessings, or T3 and T4, or T4 and blessings that are not available as T4, I cannot say.
The highest I’ve seen in the store was a T3 blessing on an item, but I assume it is possible; just exceedingly unlikely. They also wrote that the store was supposed to have mostly T1 and T2, and Melk T3 and T4, so maybe the shop actually has lower values? Then, of course, we would have to figure out whether the “Emperor’s Gift” emulates the store or crafting probabilities.

The shop (and I mean milk shop) actually has skewed rng towards higher chance of tier 3 and 4 blessings. I have seen some truly awful base rolls in there (sub 340) but they have had two tier 4 blessings.

I think it actually has to do with generated items. A purple simply has an exceedingly low chance of generating with a tier 2 and basically no chance of generating with a tier one (though that chance exists, I have seen it). Orange is almost impossible to generate with a tier 1 blessing, not very likely to have a tier 2 and seemingly equally likely to have a tier 3 as a tier 4.

This is not to be confused with crafting, with crafting the base rating is the biggest factor (as stated) in blessing (and perk) tier determination. I have rolled many 365+ weapons, not a one has ever generated a tier 2 blessing as its first blessing if I took it from white to blue and they do seem 50/50 for generating tier 3 or 4 for the second when you hit orange. This is not to say it cannot absolutely brick itself and get low tier blessings, but the base rating when crafting is the most important factor. It is essentially useless to roll on anything less than 365.

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