Large Inventories make the game Crash. This is how to fix it

So, everyone with a VAST inventory full of purple & orange items is experiencing multiple game-crashes per day whenever they browse their inventory due to “not enough memory”
It seems like the game is reserving 1GB of memory for certain actions and loading a few hundred weapons is causing the game to use more RAM than allowed (leading to a crash)

Now, the “engineering” fix would be something along the lines of optimizing inventory code to consume less resources or loading partials by breaking inventory into multiple pages and so on.
There is a better solution to this problem which is also a QoL change and a long term improvement to the replayability of the game;

- Allow players to “exchange” weapons for plasteel/diamantine

In short, it would incentivize players to upgrade the grey/green/blue weapons that they keep for “when they get enough materials” and would also incentivize the players to give the purple/orange items that are not “best in slot” for materials so that they can upgrade something else,
both leading to smaller inventories

This is not the first time I talk about this. It’s actually the 3rd.

I don’t care too much if they allows us to exchange only purple/orange weapons for materials to make sure we cannot buy blue items for ordo dockets and sell them for plasteel. I also don’t care if it’s going to be 15% of the materials or more or less. They need to do it or at least communicate their intentions about this idea.

Why do this?

1) It further incentivize players to craft weapons knowing that even if the weapon ends up bad (RNG Gods are testing you) you will get some of your materials back.

2) If you successfully complete a heresy / damnation mission the emperor’s reward is now worth something (materials) even if you have better weapons in your arsenal.

3) It doesn’t inflate the economy; If you think about it, a 380-basic-modifiers fully upgraded weapon from Gray to Orange is worth around 1350 plasteel (150+200+400+600), less if it’s not a 380 weapon. Therefore, 15% of 1350 is 202 plasteel. Consider it a small boon for clearing Damnation or a small refund for not rolling your dream weapon.

4) Incentivize players to clear their inventories; Right now if a weapon “could” be useful in a future update you have reasons to keep it. It’s probably better for QoL of players and Fatshark alike to have accounts that don’t keep hundreds of weapons in their inventories

5) The game crashes if you browse a large inventory

6) It would incentivize players to do their weekly quests so they can buy orange items which they can exchange for plasteel/diamantine



Theyve needed to address this for about a year now. I really am hoping the silence is them just working away at a good alternative and theyll tell us about it when its finally ready


the plasteel begthreads are getting creative at least…


I was actually hoping for some sort of fix here…

But I still like the idea, as long as it is optional to sell/exchange the weapon for ordodockets/plasteel or diamantine.

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lol you are a funny guy.
I’ve got ~2000 hours in this game and hundreds of fully upgraded weapons so I could get those “best in slot” on all 4 characters (unlike you who is probably happy with your “good enough” 340 base modifier mediocrities you call “weapons”… lmao)

now back into your hole, lil troll


Another banger, 0-IQ take from Ol_Jakal


I had that issue starting after patch 14.
For me it helped to allocate extra virtual memory on the SSD the game runs on.
There’s a few guides online on how to do that in Windows, at least(Advance System Settings/On the Advanced/Performance/Settings/Advanced/Virtual memory/).

Which error was it in your crash logs? DId you have a custom pagefile size before?

The “out of mem” error can be caused by various things it seems, with details in logs.
Most appear to have the lua_heap error which is likely unrelated to virtual mem (pagefile, swap file).
A few have the pagefile related errors it seems, it doesn’t help that the error popup is so generic.

Manually setting pagefile sizes hasn’t been a thing for 10 years+ (since Win 7 days, and even then) even though some tweak guides still recommend it; best to leave it on “System Managed” in most cases and for most users. The alt rule of thumb for custom size is 1.5x RAM size minimum IIRC ,3x max.

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Well, every time I opened the Inventory I got not only a game crash, but also a Windows “out of memory” error popup, so it was a pretty safe guess that that was the culprit.
And no, the RAM wasn’t filled up at all.

Yeah, did that. Doesn’t really help.
Mods make it worse, but then again,
I’m not playing this game anymore without mods.

It’s just extra unstable bullshAt…

i have a big pile of weapons and i have never had this issue so i’m really concerned at how many excess weapons you’re hoarding when you couldn’t ever need more than 2-3 of each gun…



That wont make me sell weapons or curios. I have Steel. I have just enough Ordo. I do not have the nerve to sit there and watch it all go up in flames with nothing to show for but lost lifetime.

FS showed that they love to roll the dice on Blessings and Enemy HP. Blessings and Perks that were dead, bad, or worse than the formerly available turn into nice ones, and the other way around.

Its a good feeling to just be able to ravage my inventory after a patch and have something available.

Yes, my inventory is a mess and I would 100% not be able to navigate it without a mod. That wont change as long as that chaos proves to be valuable, or in other words, whenever the nature of randomization and repetitive actions in DTs crafting system gets scaled down enough so I can craft the weapon or curio I want on a whim.


This is a great point, and the same reason I wouldn’t bother selling anything.

I used to used a BRAUTO with Stripped Down for the extra run speed it gave. FS changed the blessing completely, but the weapon is now locked with Stripped Down and can’t be changed.

Why would I give up the safety net of 370+ weapons I have collected for a little temporary plasteel?

I have a few weapons that could become good if the blessings they have suddenly become good in a future update but even if I keep these I could still sell 70% of my inventory.

The reason I am not doing this is because I’ve spent way too much time collecting materials and crafting some of those weapons to throw them away for 6k ordo dockets especially since FS has never confirmed or denied you’ll be able to get part of the materials back in a future update.
In my opinion, they should just implement this idea because it’s QoL and overall improves game experience (read the reasons listed in the first post) but if they won’t they should AT LEAST communicate that this feature is never going to come to the game now or in the future

To add to this there’s certain bug that’ll redirect you to the top weapon while mass bartering low rating weapon and might cause you to lose your bis gear…

At least Dev can recover it for you if it happen but it certainly not good for the case.

Same, I have been collecting items since beta and have so many locked items with 375+ base but locked with T2 or T3 blessings that I just keep in case they ever do remove the locks.

With Traitor Curse Part II coming in December I think it’s the perfect time to implement this QoL improvement

Game still crashes when browsing inventories, just lest often than previous patch (it all started 2 patches ago, wasn’t an issue before that)

Maybe it’s time to implement

  1. Stashes. Let us stash weapons that we dont wanna swap-between/equip between games
  2. Sell purple/orange weapons for plasteel/diamantine (equivalent to a percentage of the mats needed to fully upgrade a weapon of this rating from gray to currrent level - read first post)

With 10 new weapon marks my inventories are gonna get even larger… oh my… oh my…

We desperately need

  1. A Stash where we can save weapons that could be used in the future but we are not currently equipping on an off between missions
  2. Selling weapons for a percentage of their total value in plasteel/diamantine so we can get rid of purple/orange emperor’s gifts (or AT LEAST let us know if you are NEVER going to implement this QoL change - if you scroll up i’ve listed a gazillion reasons why it’s a good thing to have)