Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
Was browsing my inventory and crashed due to being out of memory.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Was browsing inventory after a mission and the game crashed with an out of memory error.
GUID: 7b97d90a-e7fa-40a2-a90e-8e800a111e80
Log File:
Info Type:
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam
1 Like
Same, been getting these a lot after the update
Same also. In the inventory.
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this has been an ongoing thing, but more people will surely be exposed to it now. inventory seems to use a lot of that avaliable memory.
It was like this before the update too.
Out of Memory crash was very rare for me I only had it a few times in 1000 hours
But just before the update I was browsing through my inventory a lot to earn blessings and the game crashed from Out of Memory like every 10 minutes.
September 27, 2024, 8:51am
not sure if you did, but you can increase manually the lua heap memory size
i did that and now it is very rare to get an out of memory crash.
i believe it is mostly caused by mods
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Hmm… I should check if they did not revert, with this update, the changes I did about that (applying the fix)
September 27, 2024, 9:08am
crashes may still occur sadly even with that fix, in my case were more rare
but for the people that didn’t, it is good to try it out
September 27, 2024, 9:20am
Which specifc out of mem error?
It’s most likely the LUA error sub-type if it’s inventory related, I got this all the time pre-patch browsing my yuge inventory till I set it to 2gb. Inventory list seems changed now fwiw (?), no issues here but I have it set 2gb.
If it is the lua+inv error, try setting the limit to 2 gb (2048 megs)
See Freezing when games go on too long - #4 by myheartislessthan3
You can also set it to steam launch options if you prefer.
--lua-heap-mb-size 2048
We’re investigating, apologies!
Thanks all for the suggestions.
Wasn’t there also some .ini file setting to change related to mods causing a crash a while ago? I can’t recall what that was. Does that need to be reapplied?
Try also that
Needed to be corrected again after every (big?) patch it seems.
Bless your soul - thanks! I knew it was something like that.
I’ll try that and see if I notice any more crashing. Other than the one out of memory error I haven’t had an issue since.
Happened again.
I tried looking for the settings referenced above. I found the respective files but there were no code lines for either of those suggestions.
October 21, 2024, 1:37am
wrong, i dont use mods. don’t have a single mod, although mods may make it even worse i dont know
October 21, 2024, 6:10am
hence why it has been said “mostly caused by mods”
and not exclusively by mods.