On Xbox the game freezes and crashes to menu often. It will freeze for about 5-10 seconds then it will dsync where enemies will usually run in place or a line and you can’t interact with them. After that, there is an 8/10 chance that the game will kick you back to the character screen where it gives you the option to reconnect. I’ve gotten multiple error codes from this and have have had this issue happen multiple times per game. This issue has been in the game since the Path of Redemption update or Secrets of the Machine God update (can’t remember which). Sometimes this issue happens during the first game when I launch darktide and sometimes it happens after roughly an hour. It’s basically guaranteed to happen if I play for more then one hour. I’ve included a 39 second clip.
I’ve experienced that too, sometimes even quite frequently—I’m certain my network connection has no issues, yet I still get disconnected with error code 2014.
I’d expect no fix to the increased crashes for at least this whole weekend. The last patch really shot the problem up to unbearable consistency though.
yeah really havent had any frequent issues in the game up until the recent update. Now, like others, at least every other mission I go on I have the “lockup” occur (freezes for 5+ seconds then all enemies present at the time run in place and boxes and such remain closed if others opened during the freeze). Sometimes it seems to “work through it” and everything is fine but about 50% of the time that it freezes it shortly crashes back to character select soon after. It REALLY needs fixed asap cause its making the game quite unenjoyable now. Even uninstalled and reinstalled the game just to see if it was me (though its clearly not lol).
You say this as if this is a new thing. Its been happening for 8 months straight every single day on xbox since the day the path of redemption update dropped in april. Its just worse now because performance is always worse after an update. Idk how you all are supposed to fix performance but were slowly but surely encroaching on a year of horrible performance which is quite frankly something ive never seen. Its unbelievable the performance for this game is as bad as it is.
Besides the well deserved grievances of the past year of crashes and poor pefoarmance. I had to change my playstyle because of the 70+ crashes I have experienced this year. The following are only theories. I leave it to the devs to see if they have any merits.
The Problem: is a deeply rooted problem with the way the system processes the stream of information. The way the game drops below 24 frames when you look in the, "wrong" direction. When you play on Tier IV difficulty or higher and frequent crashes of 1-5 per a game on high intensity missions. The frequency only increases with Pox Gas and Ventilation Purge. If you really want to set a record amount of crashes. Try using Smite for a whole mission.
The Diagnosis: is after the stream of information is too high it forms a clot and has a heart attack. Kicking the player out of the game as a result and partially alleviating the clot to only happen again. Recently that has not happened though. I've rejoined multiple missions only to be kicked a minute later. That has rarely happened before with my previous 50+ crashes. Now it happens all the time and has costs too many missions. I am unistalling for the benafits of my teammates.
The Solution: Redesigning the pipeline that processes information to reduce clots (crashes/disconnects) to zero. I have no idea if from a specific problem with the Series X system or servers. Maybe a little bit of both? I assume the 1st step for the permanent fix is figuring out why Vermintide 2 runs near flawlessly and rare disconnects comparatively speaking.
Just some details... I'm playing on Xbox Series X since the day it came to Xbox. I use a wired ethernet cable and have between 500-750 mbs download speed. I used every solution, "fix" I've found online. Turning off portrait frames rendering, disable kill feed, reduce hud size, lowering FoV, clearing Blu-ray Persistent Storage, Unistalling the game, Hard Reset, Reinstalling the game, turning off ragdoll, blood decals, etc.
Lastly, my 1st and most likely final post is just a Hail Mary attempt that devs will finally fix the game on Xbox. . . Until the next update. (sigh)
[I hoped you liked my dumb medical analogy. It’s the easiest way to put things into layman terms. Because clearly I am not a tech guy. I just want to purge heretics.]
I have no idea why it posted like that. EDIT: I removed my spacing and fixed it.
Besides the well deserved grievances of the past year of crashes and poor pefoarmance. I had to change my playstyle because of the 70+ crashes I have experienced this year. The following are only theories. I leave it to the devs to see if they have any merits.
The Problem: is a deeply rooted problem with the way the system processes the stream of information. The way the game drops below 24 frames when you look in the, “wrong” direction. When you play on Tier IV difficulty or higher and frequent crashes of 1-5 per a game on high intensity missions. The frequency only increases with Pox Gas and Ventilation Purge. If you really want to set a record amount of crashes. Try using Smite for a whole mission.
The Diagnosis: is after the stream of information is too high it forms a clot and has a heart attack. Kicking the player out of the game as a result and partially alleviating the clot to only happen again. Recently that has not happened though. I’ve rejoined multiple missions only to be kicked a minute later. That has rarely happened before with my previous 50+ crashes. Now it happens all the time and has costs too many missions. I am unistalling for the benafits of my teammates.
The Solution: Redesigning the pipeline that processes information to reduce clots (crashes/disconnects) to zero. I have no idea if from a specific problem with the Series X system or servers. Maybe a little bit of both? I assume the 1st step for the permanent fix is figuring out why Vermintide 2 runs near flawlessly and rare disconnects comparatively speaking.
Just some details… I’m playing on Xbox Series X since the day it came to Xbox. I use a wired ethernet cable and have between 500-750 mbs download speed. I used every solution, “fix” I’ve found online. Turning off portrait frames rendering, disable kill feed, reduce hud size, lowering FoV, clearing Blu-ray Persistent Storage, Unistalling the game, Hard Reset, Reinstalling the game, turning off ragdoll, blood decals, etc.
Lastly, my 1st and most likely final post is just a Hail Mary attempt that devs will finally fix the game on Xbox. . . Until the next update. (sigh)
[I hoped you liked my dumb medical analogy. It’s the easiest way to put things into layman terms. Because clearly I am not a tech guy. I just want to purge heretics.]
EDIT: Oh, my Xbox Gamertag is Lance Casteau
I get the issue on Havoc (almost 80%) of games and Damnation Auric (but here its roughly 40%). Its usually once per game. The game freezes for few secconds than its out of sychnronization. It seems my input does nothing, I can attack, run, use ult but no effect visible. Often enemies float into the air or sink into ground. If I stop any input there is 50% chance I will not get disconected but usually the issue will happen again in few minutes. From my observation this happens usually when horde starts, someone from my team gets downed or I complete penence. It seems feedback about penence somhow puts game off balance. So maybe it has something to do with amount of information game tries to send to xbox ? If its too much than we get issue ? My platform is xbox series x.
I have been getting pretty consistent Error Code: 2014 disconnects during playtime. Today, between roughly 2:30-3:30 PM EST, my game crashed twice during the same Havoc mission. My Xbox username is SAGANAW, and I play on the Series S if that helps.