KNOWN ISSUE: Instability on Xbox After 1.6.2

I read the Winter update. . . Ummm are we screwed on Xbox until the end of January or maybe you’re hopefully close to a solution?

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Used to not have this issue until grim protocols update. Doing both hard resetting the console and deleting local save data does nothing as the issue still persists with the freeze desync happening on almost every mission and error 2014 when at operator selection shown every time without fail.

Gamertag: CruzControl376
Console: Xbox Series X


i get error code 2014 and 2001 usually

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The silence is deafening


The announcement was next Hotfix end of January, there is no other message to hold out for. :no_mouth:
I currently play 2 matches here and there since I got a 100% freeze/crash rate on the 2nd match of any session. Maybe they actually do log the crashes now and can use the info? Who knows.


yeah…have had this happen twice just tonight in two missions back to back, and both times it led to utter chaos for the team as i basically was “standing around” not doing anything nad in the one case I actually was suddenly downed when the game managed to pull itself back and not crash but then had to catch up. Its also REALLY annoying when it happens and you get booted while you were carrying a stim and a med/ammo pack or a book since it all gets dumped on the ground wherever you were when you got booted so like 90% of the time all that stuff is left behind.

Really kinda irked that they basically badly broke the game with the update…and now are gone until like mid January and we simply are left to continue twiddling our thumbs with a broken game until they return and HOPE the supposed hotfix might actually resolve anything.

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and wow…tonight is the worst ive ever seen the game. Getting the freeze practically every mission, had weird movement stuttering going on, and now i keep getting booted from the Mourningstar (even while trying to start a mission). Guess Im just gunna have to leave the game until like mid January when the devs hopefully will decide to fix anything.


lol and further update. Just ran a heresy mission and had the game do the freeze/crash THREE times during the mission. First two times were the “usual” freezes (locks up, enemies runnin in place befor booting to character screen) but the third time apparently it hard crashed and booted me all the way back to xbox home screen. Thankfully was able to load the game up fast enough it let me reconnect and was able to finish the mission but holy hells! Game was running like a champ before the update and now its like russian roulette if I might be able to do a single mission without getting jerked around by disconnects. Really makes you wonder how much testing they did on Xbox before they pushed this out lol.

Edit: Just want to note that this was actually the first hard crash I have experienced with Dark Tide (started playing a bit after the xbox launch). Was really interested in the game when it first launched but was unsure if my PC would run it and then i saw all the reviews about bad optimization. Kinda nuts that somehow they’ve managed to go from basically bad optimization to acceptable/good…and back to bad (at least on xbox).


The amount of crashing is unbearable. I was on mission 5/5 without being downed, disconnect, reconnected hogtied. Apparently game thought I was cheating or trying to exploit. Game crashes 2-3 times per mission and just about every other mission on Xbox Series X. Game is becoming unplayable. Wouldn’t be so bad if I was just playing it on game pass, but knowing I actually paid for this makes it sting even more. Due to disconnects it took me 20 missions to get 5 in a row without being downed, and the last one had a disconnect but fortunately I wasn’t hogtied or downed when I reconnected.

I’m curious how this even made it out of QA, to be honest, with how frequent it is. This fix really needs to be a P1, FatShark.


yeah I really cant see how the heck it got past QA outside of somehow the issue being related to like actual internet connections to the server (versus internal connections directly to the server). Though if thats the case then they need to seriously adjust their QA then if such a massive issue can somehow be completely missed/avoided by their setup. Either way yeah…the fact they basically broke the game for Xbox and then go on like a month vacation kinda feels like a spit in the eye to xbox players and really…also a punishment to PC/PS players when they get matched up with us and suddenly part of their team just poofs randomly.


Hi I absolutely love Darktide
Play every day
every game I play
I get error code have do a reconnect to the game
I really takes a lot away from the great game experience.
Especially when you are in a boss battle winning full health med kit
Then drop error code
Try to reconnect
Then find you are dead lost all your pick ups
Loot all zero reset
Very testing conditions
I know I’m not alone in these experiences.
used to be upset but happenes every game
I’ve just come to terms and excepted it’s a broken game currently
Still love the game regardless
Darktide could be epic to me
but not until the the connection errors stop
It’s so frustrating
Please fix nurgle corruption in the system.

Hi there,

Im glad to hear this is being looked at.

Ive noticed the crashes for over 8 months, but since the last update i am getting 1- 5 crashes a game - almost always during the height of battle with hoards and alot of chaos happening. My experience matches so many others in that my game freezes, tries to buffer with enemies sliding/flying all over the place and then i get kicked from the game to begin back at the operative screen and asked if i want to reconnect.

In the last 2 weeks while playing through some intense havoc lvl 30+ missions, the game has become almost unplayable with 5+ disconnects per match.

I love this game dearly, but its hard to play like this.

Thanks for all your hardwork and for making this great game.

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For the love of jeebus can you guys PLEASE fix this game? I have so many hours into darktide and can’t even play a single match anymore. It’s extremely infuriating. My friends with PlayStations were excited they would finally be able to play cross platform with me and I can’t even make it through one game with out desyncing and dying because of it. The problem didn’t JUST start with the most recent update as you guys have pointed out… It was an issue WELL before that and was just exacerbated by the most recent update. I wasted money on space marine 2 hoping it would be a more fun version of darktide only for it to be far worse AND now and I can’t even play darktide… Two thumbs up!..


Uninstalled the game as is unplayable due to frequent disconnects on series x


I had to create an account here to air my grievances lol!
I am a 1000+ hour series x player and it hasn’t been as bad as this since the pennance update.
I get 2014 every single match, sometimes multiple times lol.
There’s basically no point in picking up equipment because you will maybe drop it in a bad spot and syringes you gotta use instantly.
The worst disconnects is where you die while desynced and then get kicked.
Yesterday it looked like me;
a 900+ lvl veteran go down to an easy horde,
then it looks like i ragequit and then rejoining back in chains.
This happened 3 matches in a row dude!
I look like the exact player that i dislike :pensive:
So yeah, it’s extremely frustrating, and because i only play auric, maelstrom and havoc, it impacts other players as well.
Especially havoc, 1 player 2014ining all the time in lvl 30+ can be disastrous!
It’s almost unbelievable that a gamepass game is periodically unplayable, is Microsoft even aware of this?
I came over from years in destiny2 and this would not be acceptable in that game.
But darktide is the only game where i can get this kind of game play loop, d2 doesn’t cut it for me anymore lol.
I feel kinda cheated because the first 6 months before the pennance update it was usually smooth as hell and only rarely got error coded.
I play on the EU servers but i don’t think it’s different between regions.
I sincerely hope this get fixed asap, beacuse the fact that it has been this way on for 8 months almost makes me wanna uninstall… :pleading_face:


Spent most my mornings d-cd and i can say im annoyed now.


Earlier today i actually had a full match where i didn’t get 2014 error code!!
I think this is the first time in maybe 6-7 days!!
I mean, this is unprecedented folks!

All kidding aside, i was actually worried at the end because you know the disconnect is coming, no matter the situation, 2014 wil happen.
So when it didn’t happen it felt almost strange.

But then the next match i dq 3 times, one of which is where you die in between freeze and kick… :pleading_face:

So yeah, since we’re playing on series x, we are basically second rate citizens lol.
Imagine if this was happening with the steam version on PC lol!
It would have been pandemonium!

I fear that us xbox peasants will become more and more like an afterthought for fatshark.
And with that i mean waaaay down on the list of priorities.

For real, for 8 months, on and off it has been like this.

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Wow! 2014 strikes again!
It actually keep getting worse!
This last match i was kept inbetween freeze and and eventual disconnect alot longer.
I rejoined 3 times, the last time in chains.
And we ofc failed because of this.
but strangely it froze 3 more times, but it managed to fix itself somehow, and didn’t disconnect.

I don’t know why i keep playing tbh, it’s madness to keep doing this and expecting a different outcome lol :joy:


(Read this in werner herzogs voice doing a anthropology study)

"Madness reigns!
This person is still refusing to accept defeat.
The power of hope is so strong with us humans that we forsake reasoning in pursuit of a functioning game.
The inner workings of the mind is still a mystery to me, how can this person keep trying to play darktide on an xbox expecting a different outcome than the inevitable 2014 error.

If nothing else, we truly are resilient."

Werner Herzog

Another day, another insight into my increasingly frustrated mind lol!

Today i played three auric matches;
+first match 2014 4 times
+second match 2014 3 times
+third match 2014 3 times

Third match was hab drayko, and last error code was right at the end, joined back in 3 secs before extraction! Woo hoo i guess.

So what im saying is that for us on xbox, darktide is unplayable :pensive:

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