KNOWN ISSUE: Incorrect Weapon Stats

We are working on an issue relating to incorrectly displayed weapon stats, as detailed here:

Existing reports may be merged here, to help us keep track of the issues being reported.


Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

The max stats that are displayed on weapons, do not always add up to 380, which they should.
See images below (all of those were obtained from brunts armory after the update).

Click to expand images


Also, the two weapons that i upgraded since the patch (both purchased from brunt after the update), had their max stats change while i was upgrading them.
The first weapon originally displayed the max stats: 66, 80, 80, 75, 80
After upgrading it, this is what it turned into:

Instead of being basically perfect, it is now a worthless piece of trash, because 75% (which is the value that was originally shown, and which is why i upgraded it in the first place) is the min value required for getting 15 max burn stacks.

A few million dockets later, i got this one and took a screenshot for proof (after the previous one had gotten bricked):
Will this also get bricked by changing max values?

After a few upgrades, the displayed stats got changed again and an other near perfect item got bricked by this bs.

WTF is this?
Do the displayed max stats actually mean anything at all?

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Buy any number of items from brunt. Some of them will get a sum of less than 380 displayed for their post-upgrade stats.

Regarding the max stats turning out different than advertised, upgrade a few items and see what happens to their max stats.
Don’t know how frequently it happens, but to me it happened with both items that i upgraded.

No mods active

I upgraded two basically perfect weapons.
Both got bricked by the modifiers being changed to something else than what they were supposed to become.
I would like the stat upgrades to be fixed, so that they actually work properly.
I would also like the two weapons that i upgraded, to be reset to their orginal state (with the correct max modifiers), so that i can upgrade them again, with a working upgrade system that does not brick them.


Two years and the system still doesn’t work. Incredible.

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If I had to hazard a guess, this is a version control issue AKA the Fatshark special. I have lots of weapons where the max stats are well below 80% and I suspect the missing numbers are tied up in trying to put stats over 80.
Have you tried testing weapons before and after upgrading? Maybe see if you can apply max soulblaze stacks before you empower it

This might explain the <380 max stats on some items, but it still would not explain, why the stats got reshuffled when upgrading.
In both cases, damage and burn were not maxed.
In both cases, points got reallocated from burn to damage.

I have not.

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I have no idea what to trust anymore. I still don’t want to touch crafting.

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The bars are just straight up lying. It fixes itself after one empower but this is still nuts.


So wait, every empower it changes potential max? Wouldn’t that mean the empower replaces your weapon with new one and that new one rolls RNG for new potential max?

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Only some of the empowers are swapping stats. I can’t find a pattern as to why but it does seem that some of the weapons are just displaying wrong bars until you do an empower.


That seems clearly bugged, I have passed it on to Fatshark QA. Thanks for the writeup.


I just did a little bit of testing and weapons with supposed <380 max stats will tend to empower up to 380 (there are occasional 379s and 381s), and the proper max stats display after empowering it gets the lowest stat close to breaking its original boundary.

Why is it so far from 380?

There are some that go beyond 380 too.

Console log from when it happened again, today.
After the hotfix:

console-2024-09-26-15.51.33-ad2a019f-9045-4b71-ba76-e60817cbfa2e.log (1007.0 KB)
This is what happened:
Although to be fair, this time it was a 381 theoretical max, so maybe that does not count, since this one can actually be blamed on rounding.

Still does not explain, why an other staff went down by TWO points on the burn stat, when i upgraded it (see OP; that happened before the hotfix).
Anyway. Who thought that it was a good idea to put anything but whole numbers in this system that only shows whole numbers?

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Thank you Flawless :pray: Getting this to the team

This is fresh. Btw it started as 60, but at some point it went to 56. No logs from me I am on Series X.


Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I e seen this quite a lot now, where the max stats of a weapon is below the super arbitrary maximum of 380.

Right now I’m looking at a shovel in brunts requisition and the max stats after maxing out at hadrons would be 345.

I thought we could push any and all weapons to max 380 points? Isn’t that what we were told?

I’ve included a photo.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Check brunts requisition and scan weapons, checking the maximum ‘potential’ stats they could be upgraded to.

Notice how some are below 380.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

Jesus Wept. My eyes! My eyes! :face_with_spiral_eyes: Tune that screen contrast man! :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes - think this is a known bug (PSA: Do NOT try to get godroll weapons. They will likely get bricked - #34 by Hank_jw)

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Lol it was taken with my phone camera of the screen, hence the brutal contrast !

And Ty, good to know they’re aware of it.

I wonder if we can buy such weapons and wait to see if their potential score improves once a fix comes out?