Kitchen knife is the new meta

Noob yellow.


You mean pairing lacerate with flesh tearer for double crits? Yeah. Fair enough! I’d agree.


Well played


This is one of the few jokes on this forum that’s made me laugh out loud!

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Could I please have this as an available title? Feel as though my time in the game means it’s well earned?


(I’d settle for a forum title… :wink: )


Bleed isn’t bad high bleedstacks are ok on bosses and spamming down bulwarks and reapers is kinda quick.
but for procing mercykiller it’s not necessary after skilltree update(if you play zel)

most knifebuilds work well in auric mealstroms

Bleed build on Zealot is 100% flesh tearer and uncanny. Knife is weakspot damage or no damage at all, and bleeds need rending to dominate all targets with no real need of heavies. A crit with Scourge will instantly drop 10 bleed stacks, and with Blazing Piety up the knife has around 35% crit chance, with another 30% you can get on enemies that are bleeding.

Crusher takes around 300 damage a tick at 16 stacks, but only at 100% rending.

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It also highlight how stupidly unbalance the game is, and that knives need a massive nerf.

You can’t nerf knife without nerfing how bleed and rending works.

And would pretty much kill melee Ogryn and a large chunk of melee weapon specialist vet


Maybe if the knife wasn’t so lame as a meta choice in a 40k game it would be better…

However insane mobility, incredible single target damage, and decent enough horde clear make it very strong.

A good Zealot can top damage charts reliably with it, outside of a staff psyker or Plasma vet.

I won’t say you’re wrong, because that sounds eminently sensible :+1:

But I don’t have a bleed build. I have a crit build. Centre of Mass fast swipes and I’m cranking out crits almost every swipe even in stress situations. As I said, this was a defensive build. To be entirely honest - it’s pretty much the same set up since Jan '23. I got it, loved it, went with it.

I do not doubt that you’re correct though. No doubt if I can learn to swipe at heads instead then the knife gets better. I may spend some currency to see if I can land a better knife. So your suggestion @MarxistDictator … would it be mk III or VI, then I assume it’s flak and/or ?
Build is a given. Top right, bottom left.

*edit - found a good grey; this dropped out. What would you do?
**edit 2 - then in the very next auric, and while using my crusher, this second knife dropped. Lesser base, but still fine.

(Crusher :slight_smile: )

Knife has a base crit chance of 20-25% or something. You’ll reach around 80% crit with BP+Scourge.

The only way you could really lose with knife is if your movement is sh!te and if you dont know how to take advantage of it’s single target strength. The horde clear is as manageable as every other melee weapon.
Lower movement and it wouldnt make sense for a dagger.
Lower light horde clearing damage/speed and it wouldnt make sense for a dagger.
Lower heavy single target dmg and it wouldnt make sense for a dagger.
Theres a reason why almost every soldier, if not every, during the medieval period had a dagger on their person. Apart from other weapons like swords, mauls, and spears being used, daggers were the most common and most flexible in use ; carried by lords and knights to commoners and their children.
It does not take a lot of skill to use a knife, but it takes skill to get in a good position to use the knife effectively.
Either way the same argument can be used for every person’s main weapon. Single target dmg is good, horde clear is ok, the only thing that changes is the room for error in regards to movement.

Their mobility abuse should go, but that applies to many other weapons and general movement mechanics. Its too easy to run away from enemies atm.

I have seen people perform really well with knives. I really don’t use them, but I wonder how much of that is down to Fatshark doing nothing to prevent macro abuse in the game, in this case for attack chaining.

Bleed is the weakest part of the knives. Putting double bleed blessings on a knife means ruining a weapon for good. Don’t do it, it’s a trap.


Is that an oxymoron? Or just a paradox?

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Takes skill but not a lot.

Does not take a lot of skill to heat up a steak, but takes skill to heat the steak to perfection.


Im still processing.

How much “not a lot” skill are we talking?

Like, playing the guitar takes skill, tho not a lot to play simple chords.

But have you ever seen someone who has never touched a guitar try and form a chord? So Id say still takes lots of practice and experience to do it at all.

That kind of “takes skill but not a lot”?

Or, “I know how to turn on the cooker but havent a clue what to do after and my food is therefore :poop:” kinda thing?

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After seeing batch after batch of highschool kids learning how to play the acoustic guitar, it does not take a lot of skill to play the simplest chords/tabs.

I guess its based on effort. You can be the crappiest chef but still create some hearty ramen noods. The crappiest performer and still perform decent with a knife. Or you can learn tips and tricks to be better/best.

When there arent really any downsides to a knife, it’s more of a reason to perform extremely well on it, and by not performing really well with it means the player themself is garbage.
It’s then up to the person to use it as a tool to improve, then they’ll encounter a new problem of having way less movement on better/“funner” weapons.

People are always complaining about bad weapons, but now we’re complaining about good weapons. Personally I think that the knife is a bad weapon with it’s main users being deluded. It’s like playing League’s Ultra Rapid Fire mode so much that you lose basic mechanics.

You’re going to need muscle memory. Your first few games with a knife are gonna be pretty miserable. But there’s no real combos to speak of so it’s not a complex weapon to use.