Can thunderhammers function closer to the new shovels?

It’s so much faster (and safer) to clear elites with the shovel than it is the hammer its sad. People were concerned that if the hammer could deal it’s special activation damage to everything under it’s special activation target then it would be OP, but these new shovels do just that.

What gives?

I’m super glad fatshark fixed the ironhelm’s moveset, but they also introduced a weapon that kind of eclipsed all the hammers at their niche.



I have to say its ironic that a shovel performs better in some elite killing aspects than a TH.


Isn’t that’s Brutal Momentum shenanigan which is only available on Ogryn shovel? it’s shouldn’t even be a thing imo, oneshotting multiple Crushers with one special is just ridiculous. Even Plasma gun can’t penetrate through a single Crusher.

Vet’s shovel required quite a setup to be able to oneshot a Crusher at all which is kinda fair.

but I agree that THammer need some buff though.

The new shovels ARE OP. But the hammers are just bad.


Took the hammers for a spin. The reason I felt they were more powerful than you were saying…turned out to be stealth. I accidentally made a crit build and it melts enemies while allowing me to avoid most damage unless I really screw up.

Any other build it’s objectively bad to use in in comparison to the eviscerators, chainaxes, etc. It misses too many breakpoints with the charged shot (and I’m running a Crucis T4 Thrust/T4 headtaker one so it’s literally as good as it gets), the swing on the heavy is actively detrimental, and it just doesn’t feel right. Now, you can get some meme stuff out of the impact perks in the tree and make it at least stagger ragers but at that point you’re playing Kirkland Ogryn.

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Stealth hammer…what a pairing lmao. Its fine but so unaesthetic

It works. You can take half a bosses health bar in one swing. I just never noticed the base weakness of the weapon because the first thing I did during the overhaul, purely for the meme, was stealth thammer because it seemed like a good alpha strike build and turns out it makes up for quite a few deficiencies.

Really jarring to go from that to FoF or Chorus builds where you can’t use the thing because the free room and extra damage from stealth is just… missing.


I dont think you need brutal momentum. I was cleaving with a grey shovel. Maybe you’re not cleaving crushers though. I stacked up a mutant and a rager and decided to give it a go.

Thammers are sadly (almost) garbage

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