Kitchen knife is the new meta


it’s over

I do.
Thats my posture when gaming:

I wish i was australian.



New? The knife has been the backbone of many top tier build for all but brief periods. It’s mindlessly easy.


For zealot I’ve been using the new knife and just spamming lights into horde, shooter, non-flak elite, bruiser bodies with a crit fury cdr build. Double bleed blessings (I forgot what they’re called, crit on bleed and crit on bodyshot). It kills pretty much anything that gets bled pretty quick and due to the nature of bleed it really racks up the damage hard. This would 100% work with the old knife and without fury too and probably be even better, I just can’t be bothered to make a new one so I run fury for better armor pen.

For vet if you get mercy killer, uncanny strike, and the talent for +1 bleed you kill you obviously destroy armored targets extremely hard with the punch combo (try it if you haven’t yet), but aiming at head level on hordes also removes them well enough thanks to mercy killer.

And as Antilus mentioned you can apparently get pretty good results on Psyker with push attack spam although I havent thought about how that would be built yet. Possibly executor + uncanny for true brainless spam methods.

I’m not saying these are like, top tier for horde clear, but I think they’re better than middleground and the intended weakness is totally reversed.

Also when I said knives are hard to roll for i really just meant that a knife iwth suboptimal blessings is kinda bad, moreso than other weapons. They fully rely on rending/bleed blessings and specific combos so if you don’t have those blessings you can basically bin it. I tend to just use “good enough” stuff on other weps, on knives thats bad.

Iv yet to use a knife.

Gonna have to give it a go at some point.

I really disliked the dual daggers in V2 on Keri for a long time because they were hard to use and I sucked at dodging.

Once I was quite comfortable with V2 I went back and git gud at dodging and now I love them.

So yeah, time to become a meta knife player!

its quite literally dual daggers on shade gameplaywise, exept you have one that does the same damage

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Mk4 duelling sword is the best melee weapon in the game, but knife is totally outside the balance of fun too by trivializing footsies to the point where pressing sprint for 1/2 a second leaves everything on screen a mile behind. Why have 50% sprint efficiency built in on top of that when its so fast? But yeah Mk4 with uncanny and precognition + disrupt destiny can hit like 3000 damage criticals.


I played around a bit with a few knifes that i have (crit zealot)


They do pretty alright against unarmored/infested hordes.
But nothing crazy.

The knifes are pretty good overall, but i do not see a reason to nerf them in regard to their damage output.
Because i never see anyone perform very well with them (damage wise).

Maybe the cleave could be reduced even further.

Or the movement speed could be lowered slightly.
It is kinda funny to just be able to run from all enemies, by walking in a straight line without stamina.
(Then again, if the movement got nerfed, idk how much that would take away from the main use for the knife: run around and poke priority targets)

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I think considering all the other strengths of the knife “pretty alright but nothing crazy” is sorta too much. Like the wep has the best mobility in the game, some of the best singletarget damage in the game, some of the best armor pen properties in the game, the horde clear is alright… What’s the downside again? It’s hard to build an argument for using any other weapon over the knife with how the knife currently performs. (other than variety of course)

I think it needs some sort of nerf that keeps it from being omnipotent. I’d rather not the defining trait of knives gets nerfed. Maybe what @MarxistDictator is good though, like the dueling saber is just as good but at the very least it has such movement properties on attacks etc that you still need to employ footsies. On the knife you can just sprint/slide off and be fine at any point, and come back with charging heavy attacks that hold for a long time and speed you up significantly and have no slowdown.

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As a Vet main, I prefer the Mk III/Mk VII shovel, personally (unless I’m using Infiltrate as my ability).

Yeah, maybe a cleave nerf would be the way to go.
It would make crowd control much more difficult and reduce the amount of targets that each strike can apply bleeds to.

The knife has good mobility and you would definitely have to make use of that mobility, when fighting crowds.

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I have played about 300 hours and roughly 180 levels specifically with a knife zealot - from about Jan 23 when I first got t1 lacerate. I’ve mixed it with other melee weapons so I’ve a comparison point.

You cannot walk away from enemies and not get hit. That’s not true. You often can’t slide away without getting hit if they’re close enough. Mobs have long arms and a good leap-strike.

I have lacerate (for crit>special regen) and mercy killer (locked). It’s good for most things, but pretty sh1te against carapace. With FotF special, less bad, but that’s the special being daft rather than the knife. I don’t one-hit any elites or specials and it’s a 549 weapon with high damage and first target stats. I’d like to get another with rending, but CBA with crafting.

Its speed and dodge count is clearly the attraction. I don’t get huge damage numbers at all with it; horde clear is acceptable but not fast, and tbh: I see it as a defensive weapon as it triggers zealot special. I seem to get better numbers with a crusher actually which strikes almost equally as fast but has more utility.

That’s the downside. Anything above flak needing the special.
Don’t use knives on any other character.

You can sprint away from them, even without stamina.
You might have to do heavy+slide movetech, but you can run away in a straight line.

And yes, if they are already in an attack animation, you can not just walk away from that attack.
That is true.

idk I love them also crit-c/crit-d and riposte/precog is slept on
with scourge and dualist it’s really good with zel (putting bleed on zel-knife is a bit of a noobtrap for lightspammers).

best is for high mobility to easy get to fallen fellas in pubs to get them back up.

But I was a knife shade main in V2 so.
““High risk”” high reward

On Vet it’s kinda mid and would chose something else like shovels
Psyker it’s ok mostly because of easy reposition and avoiding damage if u running staff and good singeltarget damage but the swashbuckler sword is more fun and does the same thing.

Idk I Think it’s good for what it does and a lot of other weapons are also great but ppl don’t use them because NoT mEtA.


MK 3 Push attack is my dedicated special one tap tool. It’s a vertical overhead that almost always crits.

Knife is also extremely powerful on veteran due to weapon specialist all of his nodes. Can out DMG zealots once it gets going

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When talking about that it’s implied that active attacks can’t just be disjointed by sprinting (sometimes anyway, depending on when you start sprinting it will work anyway). The point being made is that unlike any other wep, knives just allow you to 180 and get away from a gigantic blob of enemies and put a huge distance between you two so they never even get to WIND UP any attacks. Try doing this with e.g. a power sword. The absurd movement properties also allow you to effectively hit and run enemies, i.e. sprint away, heavy charge up, sprint at enemy, heavy their face, run off with another heavy charged for speed. The enemy has no means to attack you back.

It’s fair enough you don’t wanna engage with crafting much but I’d say anything not involving uncanny outside of hyperspecialized setups is really selling the weapon short on its killing power. I mean, uncanny is 100% rending on a weapon with high base damage, low rending inherently. It’s trivial to stack up on a quick weapon with easy hitboxes for headshotting.

You can turn the weapon into an absolute killer machine that way


Colour me noob yellow.

I grant it’s not the last thing in terms of stats, but you know, I keep crawling through those aurics picking up bods here and there.

Just two videos for none knife users to understand it’s amazing utility. Just skip to the finale to see how he manages to juggle the entire anime + double bosses and scan all objectives. I
This wouldn’t work without the knife and is a prime example of why mobility is king in tide games.

And here he does it again because some reddit or kept yapping that the first one didn’t count kek

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The knife is good, great even, but I honestly hate it. It’s so… underwhelming compared to all of the other options I have. It’s ironic that the only naturally godrolled weapon I have (no locks) is a knife.

When playing a FotF build, I prefer the mk2 Eviscerator. Feels a lot more awesome, which is more important to me.


I don’t think bleed is bad, it’s a matter of which build you run on zealot and wether you want to overspecialize in just lightspamming stuff down vs destroying high hp targets way harder. But putting a weak spot only blessing together with a non-weak spot only blessing is probably suboptimal in terms of how much benefit you get out of it.

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