Kitchen knife is the new meta

Thoughts? I personally hate this weapon and anytime I see it I instantly think crutch, but to each their own. Weapon is extremely over-tuned and shouldn’t be able to perform on par with a thunder hammer one shotting enemies with the highest armor/health.


Knives in general have highly broken levels of mobility and no real downsides. Is it the best melee weapon? Probably. I disliked daggers in VT2, due to how spammy they are, and my opinion hasn’t changed in DT. Judging from the superfluous animations, when some other weapon animations are comically bad, you could say someone at Fatshark is a massive knife fan.


It’s an absurd weapon and has been since day 1. The patches since have only made it stronger, e.g. how veteran gets a guaranteed 1 bleed per melee attack now. The only reason it’s not acknowledged as such commonly is because good weapons attract bad players so it balances out. These threads always get filled by people going “you’re kidding, all the knife zealots in my game are trash!”, proving the point.
If Fatshark balances via statistics then that also makes it sort of unlikely for it to get a nerf for the same reason.

I’ll say though I wouldnt want its mobility nerfed, but maybe make it worse at dealing with hordes or something. A knife really should have a significant drawback like that.

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Well it’s staggeringly OP due to bleed and how it interacts with rending, crits and backstabs.

Reminds me of the guy that solo’d the monstrous specials auric damnation maelstrom, got called a cheater for it because he was using health bars and spidey sense, then proceeded to do it again without those mods like 2 hours later.
All made possible by the knife’s insane mobility + damage.

I’d honestly just nerf the damage but that’s kinda hard to do without changing how bleed and rending works. So it’d be a nerf for many more weapons and builds. They kinda fatsharked themselves into a corner there.


hard agree, exept the ‘‘new’’ part, it always has been

it shouldn’t peform better than catachian sword, let alone chain weapons and power weapons


It is great against single targets and has great movement.

Anyone who runs the scoreboard mod (or something comparable) will have noticed though, that the overall damage output of the knife is pretty bad.
That balances it out.

Even if you have a “godrolled” knife and build your zealot around using it, your overall output will still be pretty bad.


if you use it normally yes, but if you exploit the push attack spam you just cleave trough everything effortlessly, and its quite safe too

Depends on the blessigns honestly. There’s multiple viable legitimate blessing combos that allow it to absolutely destroy hordes. Like double bleed on a crit zealot, or as I said, vet with +1 bleed aiming for head shots with mercy killer. I think that is the biggest thing they could and should nerf about it. Like make the light attacks actually get stuck on poxwalkers.

Like I agree with you on principle but certain setups 100% reverse that and make the knife excel at hordeclear which is probably why it overperforms so much.

Oh yeah there’s the push attack spam on psyker too. I havent tried it but supposedly it’s pretty stupid since psyker has such a short stamina regen delay

I guess i have never seen anyone use that.
Every single knife zealot that i have seen so far, was pretty low in dmg.


THAT is what i was talking about precisely

the shorter stamina regen delay on the psyker was an old thing, they made it to compensate the force push nerf from the psy sword, so that he could keep spamming that shitty nerfed push

but of course it broke the knife

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I’ll be honest, me neither outside of my own numbers, but then again most people seem to have random ass blessings on their knife and aren’t using the 1 vet bleed with em etc. I have no doubt you’re statistically right though and that Fatshark is seeing the same numbers on their end for this reason, and that’s why it likely won’t be tuned down.

Completely understandable that they don’t have the right blessings btw, knife is probably the single hardest wep to roll for. I think IF the upcoming patch gives more control on blessings, stats and perks, then the knife will be recognized as OP very quickly

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I’m pretty confident Psyker has always had the quickest stamina regen delay, from day one. One of the small things that is supposed to make up for their lack of HP/thoughness/DR compared to the other classes.


Force swords have entered the chat.


you may be right, still it was meant to be played with psy sword so they thought nobody noticed

also thammer, i spent 600k+ plasteel just to find thrust T4

also what do you mean by day one, the force push of the obscurus was nerfed during the beta, the game wasn’t out yet, but it made me sad nontheless

Which knife?
Where do i aim?
What attack do i spam?

Need for perks?
Are you sure that it is actually worth going for double bleed rather than uncanny+flesh tearer?

It’s 25/75 win/fail when I see a loner zealot with a combat knife.

Either they’re going to be an unkillable hobo god that is murdering threats you didn’t even know existed yet… or they’re going to be downed 2 minutes into the match and probably rage quit.

It’s such a wild roulette that I don’t know what to make of it.


Don’t forget staves, with all of their worthless blessings that don’t even function.

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They do not have many blessings though, so they are easy to roll in comparison.

Fair point, not sure how the math works out, also, flawless you’ve been here from the start, howcome you don’t an forum picture yet!?