Kitchen knife is the new meta

Just saying MK6 has a very fast ttk on Crushers, while it still takes 2 hits to kill.

Probably not worded in the best way, but imo a fast 2 hit kill is better than a slower 1 hit kill.

Yes. That’s what i am criticizing.
It is an almost 1 shot with a short/low/small/fast ttk (which you said correctly in this post), not a long/high/large/slow ttk (which is what you said in the previous post).

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Oh yeah, high ttk lol. My bad.

Words are hard!

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Honestly I completely forgot lasguns existed, so yea, good point.

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The knives are far from being overpowered; they are more like glass cannons. The real issue is that the hammer and other ‘heavy weapons’ are useless. Literally, the hammer, the flail, the maces, the swords, and almost all the combat axes are a waste of time and garbage in general. Only three axes are useful, and the knife; the rest are simply a waste of time, no matter what build you use.
Ironically, the only way for the hammer to do anything is with the stealth passive. What kind of crappy game sends you to use a two-handed hammer stealthily to deal damage? It’s literally a huge nonsense.

I wish we had a flail in Darktide. There is some precedent for their use in 40k:

Arco Flagellants have electro flails, but I don’t believe they are ever references outside of their uses on one, and idk if GW would let us rip them off and wield them ourselves.

As for Power Flails:

Apparently this Blightlord is using a Power Flail. (Also more proof that DG are the coolest SPMs or CSMs)

Darkangel Deathwing Knights have the Flail of the Unforgiven (at least before GW botched their updated models and removed it AND made their maces look lame), which while I don’t know if ever referenced to be a Power Weapon, has a power field generator on it.


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the flail is another datamined weapon, thankfully. I loved it in VT2 but they never fixed how terribly slow it is to loop heavies with Saltzpyre’s. unless you pair it with a shield for some reason.

and I would disagree heavily at everything not being a knife being useless. in fact I would attest to fat shark doing a way better job of balancing the melee weapons than the ranged…the gulf between the best and the worst is way smaller, without the guilt/opportunity cost of affecting ammo economy for the team. thunderhammer is offensively bad to my lore but at least one version is usable.


I will repeat. Yes its effective. But i desire a gun that can do dmg to carapace and not be a revolver.

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what ? who is we ? i think people are definitly not ready for a harder mode… i have to clutch EVERY single auric game i play, with 20 different people joining and leaving over time but constantly dying… don’t even remember a mission where i didn’t have to carry and revive less than 10 ppl… If “we” are so op why are me and my brother the only good players i ever met in 2k hours playtime and over 1000levels on agents? I’ve never seen anyone else surviving longer than 3 minutes auric maelstrom… where are those overpowered players you are talking about ?

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Problem is that there are issues with the balance that are so fundamental that a Difficulty 6 just wouldn’t fix it.

  • Ultrahigh mobility that just allows something like Knife Zealot to kite and dodge everything.
  • General self-sustainability not reliant on allies.
  • Thing like Uncanny and Onslaught.


this was nerfed already… please do some research before making allegations like this… they already patched the infinite dodges to only 7!!!.. When you see someone dodge a lot it’s just good brain and fingerwork, they don’t have more dodge counts than you. "something like " , “Thing like” ? please go more into detail if you are serious about this… “it just randomly allows someone to dodge everything” No. its doesn’t. It was “just” a good player that you’ve been watching and other light weapons like tac axe and maccabian sword have an equal dodge range.

“* General self-sustainability not reliant on allies.” did you just disrespect the guy who clutched for you ? or what is this? How in the emperors name can THIS be a problem ? all “something like a knife zealot” can do is running away, he won’t clear anything at all if he ignores you, and if he does he earns my respect and not my tears.

I’m sure you and your brother are carrying the entire playerbase on your back, buddy.

‘We’ in that case refers to the POV of players that understand class, gameplay and breakpoint mechanics enough to get OP builds together that turn certain weapons into indomitable powerhouses. The kickback is one example. When the class overhaul patch dropped it went form leveling trash to ‘imma hold left click and destroy this entire man’s career’. And it got rightfully nerfed in the process.

You also forget the fact that auric maelstrom right now is full of absolute trash players wanting their ASS title too satisfy their brittle egos, fully disregarding their inability to even survive.

Before the penance update auric maelstrom was dominated by a few experienced players that just cleared it casually. There are several here on the forums as well, with high percentage auric winning streaks. Many of those players consider the current classes in combination with certain weapons power crept to a point and would love for a way to get custom harder games going. Akin to twitch cata mode in vermintide.
Or simply the ability to create private games with selectable maelstrom modifiers.


yes there are only very few experienced and aware players. breakpoints and builds are basic knowledge…
theres already multiple mods like cata 3 for darktide that make the game harder… if you are such a math genius calc maniac in theory why don’t you test your skills there?
More game options would be good ofc, twitch mode or a pilgrimage…go make a post for that instead of encouraging them to keep and keep reworking even more old stuff to make other old stuff appear less old… they nerf and “balance” wayyyy to much instead of just spamming new content and unlockable stuff…

Knife together with +Movement Speed modifiers and Shroud Field allows total self-sustainability, and enough mobility + defensive capability to just be 1 room ahead of them team constantly. That wouldn’t be a problem if knife would be a weak weapon offensively, but it’s the opposite. Properly build it can take down any and all enemies in a timely manner.

I’m relatively bad with Knife compared to some of the players I’ve seen, and even I manage to never get caught by literally anything at all while zooming all around the map.

It isn’t just a Knife problem, but a general over-tuning of Defense, Sustain, Mobility (and on some Classes Damage) in game since the class overhaul. The biggest visible outliers being Zealot with Knife and Hybrid Ogryn which can just disregard the team entirely.

Things like being able to avoid incoming damage, and specials, while kiting for eternity would just translate to a hypothetical Dif6 too sadly, and added density or “DPS check” doesn’t translate to more enjoyable hardship after a certain point, because it breaks the flow of the game entirely (IMO).

So in conclusion certain balance issues that effect the game on the fundamental level (Rending, Self-Sustainability, Ultra high mobility) should be addressed in general in addition to giving the more Veteran/Hardcore/Skilled players a difficulty they can bash their heads against. Something where you actually need that 3-4 players to bring their top game to succeed.

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I wouldn’t exactly call the weapon with the best defensive properties in the game a “glass cannon”
That’s exactly why the knife is too strong. You have the best defenses with it, but also great offense with no weak spots.

Calling the swords and axes in this game bad is a mistake in its own too. They’re all really strong, other than one of the combat axe marks being straight up outclassed by another combat axe.

Omg this guy would be an amazing special enemy to battle in the game.


I was a bit confused by what you meant in your original comment, my bad.

I love my combat knife on damnation for my psyker because in all honesty it just powers through so much stuff faster and with the BB melee augment that means it can often times one shot some enemies.

the new knoife MK VI (I think) with uncanny and executor is ridiculous - the heavy light combo is up there with the MK IX heavy sword for horde

Oh, sorry! It’s a bad translation. I meant the “Power Maul” , In my native language, “flail” is a weapon just like the “mace” but some thing like mauler its dificult to translate.


Poxbuster. I mean bb can be triggered by push.