The game does not give a player temporary HP if they kill multiple rats in one swing
when using the talent that grants temporary HP from damaging enemies.
Why is that so? Killing someone does no damage to them—no harm done, right?
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Take any character that has a talent granting temporary HP from damaging multiple enemies.
Take a powerful melee weapon that has cleave and deals more damage in one swing than small rats have HP.
Swing small rats as much as you like, you’ll not get any tmp hp when they die from one swing
Just spitbawlin here, but maybe enemies that are technically staggered as they die should give thp?
I can understand the ops frustration. Still @grenudi , if you wanna get thp from stagger or dmg, you prolly are best taking weapons that dont outright kill, otherwise thp from kills might be viable instead. I know that depends on the class tho.