Like many others have said its a pain in the surströming to wait 2 weeks for the shop to rotate just for all the old cosmetics to come back up.
Just make it a proper shop were we can buy the stuff we want, when we want. Then you could even do sales on the items every now and then.
Some of us want to support the game but with the way you/fatshark /corporate overlords insist on monetizing the game makes it really hard to do it and also want to do it. Thats including the scummy prices, all the damn subclasses for vermentide are cheaper than a skin set in darktide ( Siennas new 4th class is 3.49 EUR, a skin set in darktide is 12 EUR…)
They should just do what they did in VT2. Which was to put everything in the catalogue for sale up front, and then have items selected for discount every week.
They took down the store for a bit because people complained about the timer. Then they brought it back… removing the timer but keeping the timed rotation.
What I think is the problem internally with fatshark is that they push the team to make bad design choices in favour of commercialization. The problem is in the way they manage things, not in the design.
Maps are really good, class rework was fantastic. Weapon and sound design really great (albeit some balance issues that are always there and hopefully will get fixed in due time)
Designers are doing a solid job, I think the krieg set was botched due to being pushed out too fast / crunch. Obviously there are very talented people, and @FatsharkCatfish is doing her best.
Yet the management is shooting the designers in the foot by these decisions and we as consumers/players get the short end of the stick.
I really wish they would listen to what we are saying and show pride in their work. Instead of the greed, money will come IF you do good work. If the price of the cosmetics was lower and Fatshark would be more considerate of what we are saying I would buy aquilas. But not after the Xbox debacle, that left a real dent in my confidence they will actually consider the community.
I really just wish they would just once, just this once, listen to the community and allow us to help them shape darktide toward a state where its not predatory gatcha game… but an enjoyable co-op shooter with a unique vision and combat that it was supposed become.
This just my input, again I like the coregameplay but not the corporate shilling that is taking place. So thanks to those designers who actually (are maybe trying to push against the corporate aspect internally?) If that is the case I hope they will be the ones who push DT to new direction.
I appreciate the artwork and design. Please listen to the creative guys and the business side will fall in place later down the line.
Also feels like fatsharkCatshark in the only CM who havent shited on us yet haha (unless there are other CMs in the backround who i do not know of yet). she is great.
Fatshark Aqshy is always friendly and courteous. Also very communicative when she doesn’t have to be. She’s active in the VT2 boards.
Julia, Lev and Quickpaw all are very to the point, but always service oriented. You find them in the bug section a lot.
And I found that Julia is actually quite generious when it comes to service. The tickets that were responded to here and the refund requests that went through, were stuff I have seen other companies decline and pick apart.
Basically we’ve had two bad CMs - Hedge and Sister, the latter of whom has gone AWOL allegedly??? - and two good ones - CatFish and Aqshy. There’s also the forum/big/general tech support bunch that Mayson mentions who have always been professional.
Definitely agree at the very least it needs to rotate faster, best case scenario is we just get the entire catalogue so we can buy what we want, when we want
agree, in particular hedge, every interaction i had with him was friendly.
he said some stupid things for sure, but the counter reaction was equally dumb to be honest.
Wouldn’t even call them bad. Just too enthusiastic and maybe inexperienced on how to handle the heat at times. But to be fair, they weren’t exactly handed an easy job with the putrid things thrown their way. The stuff people write in their emotional moments can be quite a lot to take in.
Incidentally, in the early days I had a really obscene post due to double meaning in these forums and Hedge just gave me a really short time-out and wrote me a PM with “Where’s your respect?”.
Never understood why he got so much raw Nurgle droppings thrown his way. He was kinda mellow when you think about it.
Hilariously enough, the Discord moderators are never mentioned anywhere when it comes to criticism, yet they are the most overactive when it comes to punitive measures.
There is regulars in the Discord, who will bait you into deep economical and political debates. These regulars write extremely spicy hot takes that could be used to season your hot dog; they throw provocative keywords and phrases out.
You will respond in earnest and then you end up getting the banhammer because in the moderator’s eyes you breached the TOS of the Discord Server.
The original baiter then continues to roam and throw out very biased L takes, while you are asked to write some form of apology letter to the Fatshark community managers as an appeal.
—Tinfoil hat on—
Since previously mentioned issue hardly gets mentioned anywhere, but just the mention of the name “Hedge” brings all the pitchforks out; I have since come to an enlightening conclusion.
I am of the firm opinion, that people who bring up the Hedge / Sepsis stuff, are secretly deep Fatshark Detractor Conspirators (FDC) on a mission to cancel the Fatshark Community Managers (and they kind of succeeded with Hedge, now they try it with the new hire, anti-Catfish comments can also be occasionally seen).
It’s not about the issues themselves, it is about Power and wielding it as well as “sticking it to the man”.