Armoury should be daily refreshed:
- Items should spawn in categories (chain weapons / rippers / shield and power maul / duelling swords / staves / etc.) ; 4-6 weapons
- Player would have 2 free refresh to be applied to a category of his choice and 2-3 more expensive refresh (20k 50k 100k).
- Each refresh should have reduce the number of weapon listed by 1.
- Price for weapons should be dramatically increased (x3-5).
- Players could invest a big sum in a category for having higher quality supply for 2-3 days.
Melk’s emporium should be weekly:
- Items should be 350-375 base level.
- Items should have guaranteed min lvl 3 blessings.
- Items should be way more expensive, being able to buy one every 1-2 weeks maybe.
- Have an option to pay Melk to keep an item in stock next week to work for that extra purchase.
Weekly missions:
- should be 5 account wide as they are now (25 scriptures, 25 missions, raise the number of dregs/ scabs to kill by 2-3)
- 2 characters chosen by the player (or Fatshark as in VT2 play 3 missions as xx) can have 3 additional missions linked to their abilities and roles for additional rewards during the week. Those missions should encourage the player to play higher difficulties somehow (right now going through the collect grim/scripture encourages you to play easier ones).
- The model in place now takes way too much time for people with jobs and normal lives to be enjoyed.
Currencies, materials, and inventory:
- Some crafting material conversion diamantine-plasteel and plasteel-diamantine would be welcome.
- Currencies and crafting materials should be all shared.
- Curios should be shared.
- Weapons should be shared in a common inventory or being able to be sent for a fee to another of your character (finding that perfect MK XII / autogun on a preacher while your psyker gets a dream knife is bothersome, let us send it to another character).
- Allow to upgrade the power of weapons when finding higher base rating ones (Should we be able to upgrade weapons using higher quality weapons)
- Curios need 2 perk rerolls (The crafting of curios specifically sucks - they need 2 perks rerolls)
- Keep some random elements to the weapon finding / crafting, but allow refining of our items through a thousand cuts from various sources (reroll 1 perk, 2 for curios, with improvements to perk choosing when reroll is free, blessing crafting to be released we will see, upgrade power level slowly etc.)
- Introduce some very rare upgrade tokens into emperor’s gifts that would allow the ship armory to upgrade a weapon sub category (finesse, penetration etc.) by a few points, still within the 80 limit (well, or beyond later, something above 80% will be coming at some point like reds have for sure).
Something like that.