Item shop should be changed from hourly to daily

I don’t think there’s a single person that can say the item shop is not tedious in having to check every hour. The community’s work in creating an app that lets you check without going into the game is a generous band aid fix they should not have had to put the effort into. The item shop should be changed to daily, with the inventory greatly expanded to compensate.

Create three tabs or three separate shop vendors at the various windows that are there, separated into melee weapons, ranged, and curios to alleviate clutter. For leveling players, the shop inventory can be changed to refresh with better inventory each time a cutscene plays with the character leveling up to a certain milestone. Lastly, add the ability to pay to refresh the store’s inventory as is apparently partly programmed in the game files. Bam, better (though still not great) shop.


Or even better: make the shop mostly irrelevant as soon as you are past lvl 30 and let us use currency from high diff missions to upgrade the items we already have to perfection (without rng).


Exactly, let us build perfect arsenals. Id rather “work” towards a perfect arsenal instead of “hoping” for RNG forever.


Stop it guys… I have so much fun waiting for the shop to sell a combat knife with good base stats… /s


You mean yearly my friend.

I am just gonna put here, what i wrote somewhere else already, in the hope that others see it to give feedback and that FS implement something like it:

I think the weapon store should always hold at least one of each unlocked weapon type (not each MK) and should get an extra reset, when ever a new weapon is unlocked so that the player can test a weapon as soon as it gets unlocked (along a little pop up message, telling you about the new item in the store).
Overall, i find that the systems we have in game right now are pretty much fine for the early game: leveling to 30 and playing difficulty 1-3. The existing system allows to progress to a certain point through rng and limited customization, without requiring to play at a high difficulty.

However, we need a better system to follow, in order to keep people playing and to have rewards for playing, once our character is leveled to 30.

To make the gear/crafting system actually feel good and rewarding, i think it is important for players to :

  • gain power through successfully finishing missions (not by being lucky when opening the rng store)
  • have agency over what exactly is being improved (minimal to no rng)
  • be able to maximize the stats of any given item, if enough effort is put in
  • require success in higher difficulty missions, in oder to fully maximize a weapon‘s potential

I suggest a new currency that is obtained from diff 4 and 5 missions upon successful completion, which allows players to upgrade and modify their gear without involvement of RNG.

For example:
Upgrade tokens obtained from each successfully cleared heresy (diff 4) mission:

  • can be used to increase item stats to 80% (all stats can be boosted to 80% one by one, 5 % per token)
  • change perks and blessings to any lvl 3 bonus of choice (selected from a list without rng roll, no limitations to how often it can be done per item, no perks/blessings get locked)

Upgrade tokens obtained from each successfully cleared damnation (diff 5) mission:

  • used to increase item stats to 100% (all stats can be boosted to 100% one by one, 5% per token)
  • change perks and blessings to any lvl 4 bonus of choice (same as above)

This system would allow you to keep using any beloved weapon you already have and slowly turn it into a full 100% stat beast wih 2 max lvl perks of choice and 2 max lvl blessings of choice. You could also swap around your perks and blessings in order to test out different builds.

Assuming the item starts with all 5 stats at 70%, 2 unwanted perks and 2 unwanted blessings, it would take

  • 5x2 + 2 + 2 = 14 heresy missions to get all 80% stats with lvl3 perks and blessings of choice
  • 5x4 + 2 + 2 = 24 damnation missions to maximze (after heresy upgrades are done)

With just over 30min per successful mission, maximizing one item would take around 20 hours (assuming 100% success rate), and every single successfully cleared heresy/damnation mission would actually increase your power slightly.
That is 40+ hours of rewarding grind per class, for just one set of weapons.

Adding this would create hours upon hours of rewarding grind towards a clear goal, with 100% player agency and absolutely no annoying rng.

FS could even add a special shiny skin (like Vermintide 2 red weapon skins) as unlock for when an item is fully „perfected“ (or a weapon glow for a separate slot, so that it does not interfere with weapon skin sales).
Hell, put the token upgrade vendor next to the cash skin shop. That way we do not only walk past the cash skin shop 1x per hour (when checking the weapon store) but 2x per hour (once after every single successful mission) and feel good about it, because we are on our way to apply the upgrade we just earned.

Could even add an extra skin, portrait frame (looks cool and does not interfere with skin sales) or something similar for each class, which is unlocked once a maxed version of all class exclusive weapons is obtained.

The shop should only sell base level weapons, which unlocks each new type as you progress through the levels.
Once you buy the weapon you want, you take it to the blacksmith, where you can upgrade its tier for more damage and better stats, and place attachments and perks to shape it for your playstyle. You can also alter its appearance here (weapon skins).
Upgrading your weapons costs a little bit of plasteel, diamantine and a bunch of dockets, each of which increases in cost depending on the tier upgrade and the perks and attachments you want.
If Fatshark wants to make it more interesting, they could add some additional materials that could be gathered in the game world, but don’t make it too grindy. The highest resource cost should always be dockets.

This way, we could circumvent the dumb RNG shop entirely and players would be able to make exactly the weapon they want.

That sucks. So if it’s a bad pool of weapons, now your stuck with that for the entire day.

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let players buy whatever they want if they have enough in game money

and the good blessing and one good perk… only 15 days I wait

To the OP, maybe no refresh at all… why wanting a refresh ? Seriously… (nota: not a serious sentence)
I would suggest to triple the number of weapons in the shop and eventually to be able to pay for a refresh of the weapons proposed. This is not ideal, but it is a quick fix of what we’ve got…

By experience, I know that something here at the release of a game is rarely totally modified / removed. So better proposing a quick fix.

No it doesn’t. RNG means they can get it immediately if they’re lucky.

What you want is a system that makes people work for their upgrades. Don’t put in the time and effort? Don’t get any good stuff.


Armoury should be daily refreshed:

  • Items should spawn in categories (chain weapons / rippers / shield and power maul / duelling swords / staves / etc.) ; 4-6 weapons
  • Player would have 2 free refresh to be applied to a category of his choice and 2-3 more expensive refresh (20k 50k 100k).
  • Each refresh should have reduce the number of weapon listed by 1.
  • Price for weapons should be dramatically increased (x3-5).
  • Players could invest a big sum in a category for having higher quality supply for 2-3 days.

Melk’s emporium should be weekly:

  • Items should be 350-375 base level.
  • Items should have guaranteed min lvl 3 blessings.
  • Items should be way more expensive, being able to buy one every 1-2 weeks maybe.
  • Have an option to pay Melk to keep an item in stock next week to work for that extra purchase.

Weekly missions:

  • should be 5 account wide as they are now (25 scriptures, 25 missions, raise the number of dregs/ scabs to kill by 2-3)
  • 2 characters chosen by the player (or Fatshark as in VT2 play 3 missions as xx) can have 3 additional missions linked to their abilities and roles for additional rewards during the week. Those missions should encourage the player to play higher difficulties somehow (right now going through the collect grim/scripture encourages you to play easier ones).
  • The model in place now takes way too much time for people with jobs and normal lives to be enjoyed.

Currencies, materials, and inventory:

  • Some crafting material conversion diamantine-plasteel and plasteel-diamantine would be welcome.
  • Currencies and crafting materials should be all shared.
  • Curios should be shared.
  • Weapons should be shared in a common inventory or being able to be sent for a fee to another of your character (finding that perfect MK XII / autogun on a preacher while your psyker gets a dream knife is bothersome, let us send it to another character).


  • Allow to upgrade the power of weapons when finding higher base rating ones (Should we be able to upgrade weapons using higher quality weapons)
  • Curios need 2 perk rerolls (The crafting of curios specifically sucks - they need 2 perks rerolls)
  • Keep some random elements to the weapon finding / crafting, but allow refining of our items through a thousand cuts from various sources (reroll 1 perk, 2 for curios, with improvements to perk choosing when reroll is free, blessing crafting to be released we will see, upgrade power level slowly etc.)
  • Introduce some very rare upgrade tokens into emperor’s gifts that would allow the ship armory to upgrade a weapon sub category (finesse, penetration etc.) by a few points, still within the 80 limit (well, or beyond later, something above 80% will be coming at some point like reds have for sure).

Something like that.

Here’s the best and simplest IMHO for the basic shop improvements:

#1) Item shop has a tab of grey base items, guaranteed to have one of each item type you’ve unlocked. Whenever you purchase one of these, it’s replaced by another copy immediately. So with a bunch of money you can roll up a bunch of base items.

#2) Keep the other tab as a random assortment of blue and green items.

#3) Refresh the shop after every mission (trigger the reset after 15 minutes of mission time, in the case the run ends in a failure).

The above is pretty simple. It lets you always have access to base items that you can farm for with resources. And the refresh system actually encourages you to PLAY missions instead of just farming the shops.