Issues with latency

I’m playing out of Seattle area and my friends are on the East coast of the US (mostly Virginia). I’m having horrid latency issues and rubberbanding. I have to press Q multiple times before it registers that i’m swapping to my melee with other keystroaks having similar results. Is there anything i can do on my end? Will there be more network options in the settings sometime soon?


I’m in the Seattle area too, and on Wave. I also get this and have a similar connection quality to you. In my case it seems like I lag more when a swarm shows up, maybe because it’s a lot more things (positions hitboxes etc) that the server has to keep track of?

I am having the exact same issues. I played a game earlier where I had to push a button 4-5 times to get it to do what I wanted. If a dev shows up here, I posted all my logs and specs here