Is FatShark trolling us?

You know what when the game realized[19 my time zone] I was in work[from 15-23+1 hour to get back from work] & after that i went to sleep & I played whole day later than most of the others… I am alive & well & I am mostly enjoying the game… in most parts.

You can w8 just like I at that time… & your world will not collapse. like in 99,999% or 80% if you take Darktide measurements in account… hmm 20% is a lot^^ :smiley:

Their updates have been sporatic throughout the pre-launch and post, theyve mostly been sending out updates during the afternoon though. Europe afternoon that is.
It was only the launch that was held to begin on start of a steam day, which is 7pm Europe, so I doubt something will be arriving today.

So you should take the, one week from now, as more of a, next week, type of thing, rather than exactly one week from now!!
We might se something tomorrow or Friday, possibly next week.
We don’t know what they are encountering or doing. There could be gamebreaking stuff when they try to test the patch or stuff that isn’t finished or still deciding on features to cut or add or push back.

They aren’t trolling so much as there is always uncertainty in game devolopement. Everyone wants to be optimistic with time frames, but the realistic time frame is always double the time you thought it would take.
So any time frame they give you/us, double it and you’ll have a realistic time assessment for when it should be arriving.

The trolling won’t be when they release the next patch, but rather what is in it. When it reads, fixed the cashshop, it now has more Fomo and higher prices but more cosmetics and stuff like, power sword was too strong had to nerf it or you were enjoying something broken and fun, so we removed it and implemented something boring instead. And we also added a lot more pointless grinding on the same maps since you seem to enjoy it.
That would be the trolling part. :slight_smile:

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I understand the frustration with the current RNG systems. I also understand liking the game so much you can’t wait for the newest updates. But these kinda threads… oof.

So last week they posted a notice about a notice? Epic.

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same stupid curd they pulled with VT2 at release.
This time its even worse since the 2 weapons being “added” were supposed to be in the grutting game from the grutting release.

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Oh no. Whatever will you do.

I don’t see anywhere they promised those two weapons being in-game at launch.

When you show something in the game’s trailer, it should rrreeeeallllllyyy be in at launch…

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there were supposed to be 70+ weapons in the game at launch, currently we have 65.
Or do you still not get it?

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We have to sit here and wait and not let it ruin our lives like mature people instead of raging like nerds on the internet about not hitting every launch target.

Do you self-flagellate yourself in fury when you don’t score a 100 on a test?

nope but fatshark hasnt delivered the product what was paid for, if they can’t keep to the promises they make they should not make them in the first place.
They learned nothing from VT2 it seems.

Then just refund the game. No one cares. You’re one of thousands, and you’re raging over something that was a target–not a promise.

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They advertised the game to have 70+ weapons as well as weapon customization in interviews. Statements like these lead many people to actually preorder and purchase on release, instad of waiting for them to actually deliver.
Then they got called out on it and instead of owning up they gaslit people by aiming 2 measely weapons that had been datamined during the close beta.

Stop simping for a company that gives 0 f’s about you.

Because it’s simping to state the reality of game development to someone who’s spoiled in wanting every expectation to be lived up to at launch.

Go work in the industry, and then come back here and revisit your comments.

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we simply want them to keep their promises, promises that made many people pre-order this game.
Fatshark did the same dumb curd with VT2 with making promises they can’t keep and they seem to be doing the same again.
While you are here making excuses for their broken promises there are those like myself who want fatshark to own up to it.

Elden Ring and God of War show that you clearly can deliver a finished product everyone is happy with. I wouldnt mind it being buggy, but there is just too much funny bussiness going around.


As a matter of fact I do work in the industry, albeit in regular software development, and NONE of the bs that game companies pull would fly here. There are deadlines and contracts that have to be adhered to. No discussion.

The fact that you consider expecting the bare minimum aka a working game with advertised features to be ‘spoiled’ just prove the mental gymnastics you’d untertake to simp for a company that is neither delivering, nor showing any signs to deliver the appropriate value for the money they have received.


I can confirm that in the software industry, in general, gaming companies get away with murder compared to their counterparts. Features do sometimes get delayed and pushed to further releases though, thats pretty normal.

How is shipping patches adding the content in not “living up to it”? You want a public apology? They already communicated well how they were not happy with the game at launch.

Do you want them to videotape themselves whipping each other in the studio? You want a production manager fired and his family to lose their security before the holidays? What would make amends for the TOTAL OUTRAGE that is the lack of 5 weapons at launch?

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That’s cool, nemy. So you work in big tech. I did too before game dev. What holds true there does not hold in gaming, so do not liken the two at all, please. :slight_smile:

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cus we paid for a certain product at LAUNCH, not added later after launch, game companies get away with far too much nowadays with how they deliver a barely functional game and make empty hollow promises of how they are delivering the promised full game later on.