Involve the community in the Vet' rework please

That’s hardly an excuse… :innocent:

Yeah consoles really slowed down the developers. Last year of maybe 1 update a month sometimes nothing, that still break tons of stuff. Obviously the 2 updates in 3 weeks is because of the consoles, but it’s still their fault somehow.

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issue one, and issue two, you present here are entirely unrelated, that’s why drawing that comparison is redundant.

and what they came up with for the vet seems very much so favoured for the other 3 classes.

Remember, those same testers thought that patch 13 voidstrike and assail were ok but then removed all the nice things that made the veteran the class he was.

Reloading and toughness on ult is gone and put onto other classes as one example.


I’ve got each class at 30, and personally I would say the bigger issue is that the Vet talent tree is an obvious last-minute throw-together piece after their initial weapon-type concept turned out to be…bad. We’ve got things like former key fundamental class features buried deep into single trees, but then with the line-end “not Keystones” not being worth building on to, and the last crossovers on the tree between lines being way higher up the tree than for other classes.


And also the most tax nodes of all four archetypes by a large margin.


I have had a lot of fun and success with revolver (crucian roulette and surgical) and chainsword (wrath and bloodletter) on vet using the below:

May not be the weapons or gameplay style others want but in terms of performance I think it’s pretty good.


Patch 14 is in their words actually patch 13.5, the changes and fixes they couldn’t get out for the xbox release. Patch 13 was also xbox release, so that doesn’t count as a patch on that end either.

It is a problem and it’s still partially the console’s fault if it’s being done to minimise certification when they lump together 1400+ changes into a big patch to to the point they can’t even track all their changes themselves, not to mention any new, existing and reintroduced bugs and they now have to sort through all of those changes to try to debug. It’s just bad practice.

It’s just going to get messier and messier if they have to lump more and more changes/fixes together in only big patches.

And that’s different than them claiming to change things and those changes/fixes/buffs not appearing in the notes…how exactly? For your story to be true, it would have to be a unique phenomenon to the console launch, which unless you have amnesia has literally not been the case to date. Could it not be that it was much larger than previous updates? By a factor of a lot?

Meanwhile its still 2 massive updates in 3 weeks, which is much different than 1 update a month, maybe a hotfix for when they broke things completely (like AMD + win10 CTDs at the title screen) or taking our shirtless fun away.

Smoke grenade could be a flashbang and it would be sweet and different from other grenades…

A bunch of primadonna’s labeld “content creators” are not testers. They are purely a way to generate more hype in exchange for giving this hand-picked (aka highly biased) group a sense of power in exchange. After all, anyone with even a few weeks in statistics 101 learns that the most important thing is having a REPRESENTATIVE sample. In other words, a large enough group that the number of each type of subject roughly matches the same ratio as in the body being tested. A few dozen people (at most) is going to produce data so skewed by outliers that you won’t even be able to get the standard deviation down to an acceptable level. To say nothing of the tendency of these people to align into factions that push a particular narrative at all costs. Thus rendering any feedback really pointless if not damaging to what should be the overall goal of a product the majority of the players will enjoy.

After all, it was these “testers” who gave us the absolutely screwed up piece of garbage that was the patch 13. And yes I’m calling it garbage. Something as massive as NOT FINISHING ONE-QUARTER OF THE TREES - the entire point of the patch - means you screwed up. Big time. And what do we call a product that is rushed out the door with huge parts just plain missing without even an attempt at filling them? Yes, its called garbage. Especially when it would have made more sense to hold the patch back a few weeks or months while riding the surge of Xbox purchases, use the time to get things completed, then have a big complete patch during the time between then and Xmas.

More and more I’m getting flashbacks to what happened to Dark Age of Camelot. A developement cycle hijacked by a cabal of developers and “testers” with an agenda that catered to a very specific clique among the players. Then said group pushed out a monsterously bad decision (Trials of Atlantis) and the game absolutely cratered. Oh how often people keep repeating the same mistakes because they refuse to learn.

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Then FatShark shouldn’t have coupled sweeping changes to the classes with Xbox release. Patch 13 should have been the Xbox release plus some weapon adjustments and bug fixes. Then use the time between 13 and 14 to get all 4 skill trees finished and working PROPERLY, get some actual USEFUL testing done (hello a public test server?), then make adjustments as needed.

That they didn’t is just plain being lazy and sloppy. It says that no one is asking questions like “is this deadline realistic”, “do we have time to properly test this”, or “how will these changes interact with existing and planned systems”. The kind of questions that managers are supposed to ask before signing off on a project so that resources (and people time is very much a resource) isn’t wasted on something doomed from the start.

Clearly there are too many people at FatShark who are not asking questions that require hard answers.

I just want my free reload back. Ogryn took it!


Really? Because I want a headshot focused branch of the tree that synergizes with stuff like the MGXII and the MVII Headhunter autogun. I’m OK with Volley Fire’s damage being dropped to 25%, but weakspot damage during the stance should have been buffed to 100%. That’s still an overall nerf to damage, but emphasizes a more headshot-centric Veteran branch.

I’m also not a huge fan of the Zealot getting 50% ranged damage reduction basically all the time in both melee and ranged combat while the Veteran has to put in 10x the work to get a measly 30% tops.

As an aside, I don’t care about the damage mitigation that relies on hyper conditional things like coherency and having 75%+ toughness to work. They suck.

Also, V2 player detected.


I was banned from darktide discord for saying these things


Sounds like it’s actually the Vermintide 3 discord.


ye, tell them

Can’t have anything nice in this neighborhood, ogryns takin everything )=

Oops, you’re right, they did do a hotfix for patch 13 as well. Remind me to not post late at night.

Still, I’d rather they spread out changes in smaller but faster releasing patches/hotfixes because having so many changes in a single patch really is bad practice, and it’s not like they need any more bad habits.

They can already do some server side changes as well without any patching, so it would be nice if they could do OTA updates or something similar for numerical tweaks, etc.

Influencers and youtubers aren’t the community. They are a very specific type of people, and they are not representative of the community in the slightest. They are not representative of any community, ever. Using them for feedback is what you do if you want terrible, horrible, no good feedback.

That being said, I have absolutely no trust that Fatshark would manage to do the right thing even if they were using actual community testing, or even better, public test servers. Everything so far have shown they will go out of their way to do the wrong thing. So whatever at this point.