Inventory suddenly too full now

I’ve had space for just over 10 chests worth of items for quite some time. Today, I can’t open any new chests. Since last I opened a few vaults, I got maybe 5 red items max and a couple of cosmetics for silver coins; that shouldn’t be enough to fill the remaining space in my inventory if I was able to open at least 10 before it filled up yesterday.

Every single item I have remaining is a favorited red item or orange item with a perfect role. Even then, I only have about 1-5 of any given item in red quality, and I was planning on getting more of almost every item to be able to create more builds without having to reroll any of them. Currently, there are several weapons I only have one or two red variants which I’d like to make more for different builds, but I can’t even open a vault or chest.

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Related post from June 2022:

@FatsharkJulia When will the above change be implemented across all existing accounts?

The change is live across all accounts, but accounts with cosmetics that existed prior to this change still need to have their cosmetics migrated to make space in their inventories.

Deeds are still consuming inventory space so that’s worth keeping in mind. You can remove any you don’t expect to use to make some space.

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Could you clarify this? Do we have to personally ask you in the support section for it to happen? Or are you planning on doing it via a future patch?

BTW, I have virtually no deeds atm, but I’ve heard that every weave weapon takes a space, which might explain how i’ve been full for a while. Is it true?

We can’t make it happen ourselves :frowning: we need our Backend Engineers to make that change, with Darktide quickly approaching it’s hard to say when this will be.

Yeah, if I recall correctly the Weave weapons do consume space in your inventory.

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Thanks for the prompt reply.

Ah damn, I’ve crafted every weapon for each career XD now I’m scared of hitting the hardcap soon with future cosmetics :confused:

In the meantime, I have a ton of deeds I can get rid of. I didn’t know they could be deleted or also took inventory space.

Deeds can be deleted, but only in the new UI, they can’t be deleted in the Legacy (old) UI.

I must have missed that in the patch notes. That’s great news! Does that mean if I buy cosmetics now they don’t count to the limit? Because I’ve 36000 shillings waiting to be spent :sweat_smile:

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