I love how each weapon feels unique in Darktide, they’re all fun to use and feel as heavy/light as they should.
However I’m really bummed that we don’t have the option to customise them a little bit.
For example:
I would love to be able to take off the flashlight and put a Bayonet on my MG XII Lasgun, but I can’t. I have to use A Helbore if I want a Bayonet.
I’d also use the Helbore more often if I could attach a scope to it like most of the other lasguns have
Maybe a slightly bigger magazine size for the bolter in trade off for more weight and slower handling etc.
Various barrels to allow for better accuracy, better CQC capability etc. And make all weapons a bit more versatile
I just think it’d be a good idea to implement, and allow people to feel like their guns are really unique to them, adding to that aspect of personality for your character. It would also give the guns more playstyle options, adding to the replayability.