EDIT : Im lazy so im going to write it here instead of changing the pics.
There are a few small changes that will make a big difference in this build.
First, you can drop the axe, and pick up the cata sword for the parry (you might want it it because you’re always going to be low on stamina and parry doesnt cost any)
But feel free to pick up any melee weapon you want, dont think it’ll make THAT big of a difference.
now for the talent changes :
-drop the krak grenade and take the shredder frag instead (this will save us 1 point)
-drop the “chink in their armor” talent from marksman’s focus
-instead of those 2, pick up “onslaught” (talent on the right side of the tree)
And that’s all. Have fun.
Basically the idea of this build is to fire for 3+ straight minutes (depending on your luck) without letting of of the trigger and cleaning up the room in a tsunami of lasfire.
It is not a super powerful build, it gets easily overtaken by other “meta” builds but it is super fun (at least for me). But it is powerful enough to be usable on auric high gauntlet (tested)
Its core is the critical chance and shock trooper talent (crits cost no ammo for lasguns)
Now, for the weapons :
You want the mark VId recon lasgun (because its the only one with the “torrent” rate of fire)
headhunter blessing for the crits
Dumdum blessing can be swapped to deathspitter, havent figured out yet which one works better overall.
(also crit damage perk might be changed for flak armor? i cannot test since my gun is bricked, will have to wait for the item update to test it)
As for the melee : axe it is absolutely mandatory to take it exactly as written because this build SEVERLY lacks in carapace killing (unless you’re very lucky with finding nade pickups on the map). With this axe you will be able to 1 hit crushers and 1 and a half hit maulers. Dont bother ever using the light attack (its completely worthless, it takes 3 bloody hits to kill a lowly poxwalker…). Only ever use the heavy special attack.
As for the curios, we use deadshot talent for the crit bonus so we want as much stamina and stamina regen as possible. Also i find gunner dmg res works best for a shooter vet as you dont want to hide and cower behind a wall taking your time, you want to get out there and start reaping those heads.
Lastly talents :
We rely entirely on our crits, so marksman’s focus that boosts crit damage is very great here.
You’re going to be running low on stamina so “duck and dive” and “get back in the fight” skills works wonders on keeping it up while you’re on a shootout with the heretics. It is very synergetic with deadshot. Also reciprocity to increase the crit chance even more.
And that’s pretty much it. @MunKy