Infinite ammo recon torrent rifle

EDIT : Im lazy so im going to write it here instead of changing the pics.
There are a few small changes that will make a big difference in this build.
First, you can drop the axe, and pick up the cata sword for the parry (you might want it it because you’re always going to be low on stamina and parry doesnt cost any)
But feel free to pick up any melee weapon you want, dont think it’ll make THAT big of a difference.
now for the talent changes :
-drop the krak grenade and take the shredder frag instead (this will save us 1 point)
-drop the “chink in their armor” talent from marksman’s focus

-instead of those 2, pick up “onslaught” (talent on the right side of the tree)

And that’s all. Have fun.

Basically the idea of this build is to fire for 3+ straight minutes (depending on your luck) without letting of of the trigger and cleaning up the room in a tsunami of lasfire.
It is not a super powerful build, it gets easily overtaken by other “meta” builds but it is super fun (at least for me). But it is powerful enough to be usable on auric high gauntlet (tested)

Its core is the critical chance and shock trooper talent (crits cost no ammo for lasguns)

Now, for the weapons :

You want the mark VId recon lasgun (because its the only one with the “torrent” rate of fire)
headhunter blessing for the crits
Dumdum blessing can be swapped to deathspitter, havent figured out yet which one works better overall.
(also crit damage perk might be changed for flak armor? i cannot test since my gun is bricked, will have to wait for the item update to test it)

As for the melee : axe it is absolutely mandatory to take it exactly as written because this build SEVERLY lacks in carapace killing (unless you’re very lucky with finding nade pickups on the map). With this axe you will be able to 1 hit crushers and 1 and a half hit maulers. Dont bother ever using the light attack (its completely worthless, it takes 3 bloody hits to kill a lowly poxwalker…). Only ever use the heavy special attack.

As for the curios, we use deadshot talent for the crit bonus so we want as much stamina and stamina regen as possible. Also i find gunner dmg res works best for a shooter vet as you dont want to hide and cower behind a wall taking your time, you want to get out there and start reaping those heads.

Lastly talents :

We rely entirely on our crits, so marksman’s focus that boosts crit damage is very great here.
You’re going to be running low on stamina so “duck and dive” and “get back in the fight” skills works wonders on keeping it up while you’re on a shootout with the heretics. It is very synergetic with deadshot. Also reciprocity to increase the crit chance even more.

And that’s pretty much it. @MunKy


Brilliant! I generally just mess about and de-stress in malice so this will be great fun to have a blast with, thanks :blush:

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Why exactly is it “redundant”? in a shootout, gunners are your biggest threat.

Demolition stockpile? what exactly would you sacrifice to get it? And its not like you’re the only person in the whole team that should be able to kill carapace enemies. And when you run out of kraks thats what the axe is for.

Precision strikes? long range assassin gives a far bigger bonus. I guess you could sacrifice the rending for it, recon rifle struggles alot with armor and my gun is bricked (stuck with unarmored enemies) so i cannot test what would overall be more powerful, the 30% weakspot damage or 10% rending.

And tactical awareness? dont make me laugh. unless you’re badly coordinated and pick your targets very poorly you’d never need tactical awareness with executioner’s stance. No matter what weapon/build you’re using with it.

You dont seem to comprehend what this build is.
This isnt supposed to be a “amazing meta super powerful build”, its supposed to be for fun and fun only. I literally even said it easily gets beaten by the actual “meta” builds.

I guess you’re the kind of person that only ever plays the most powerful builds and never touches any equipment or skill that isnt considered meta. But not everyone is like that, some people (as unbelievable as it might sound to you) just want to have fun with different stuff even if they’re considered very weak compared to the other stuff.

Also learn how to make paragraphs. There is no way anyone will read that wall of text…

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You are lucky im busy with work enough to not go full sadist mode on you, especially since im pretty sure everyone would agree you’d deserve it. But i dont want to throw away this juicy opportunity so im just going to make it quick.

You are so dense im surprised you can even read the text on the screen with all the light your peanut brain is bending.

This is a specific build made for one and only purpose : to fire the recon lasgun for as long as possible without letting go of the trigger and shower the room with a torrent of lasfire.
Thats all, its not supposed to be powerful, its not supposed to be optimal, its not supposed to be meta. ITS JUST FOR FUN.

Now, is it clear enough for your limited comprehension skills? Or should i make it even simpler?

…but Im not reading that unformatted wall of text :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats the point, this build is just for fun, so its NOT a standard meta build for high level play. I asked @Orome to post it and they are getting flak for it :worried:

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So I just noticed that a build Iv been using for a while was slightly similar except Iv been using the Mk IV Chainaxe and the Mk VIIa recon lasgun with the Shock Trooper talent.

Gonna swap a quickly cobbled together Mk VId in and go blasting!

p.s. Iv kinda fallen in love with the Chainaxe!

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Orkz would be proud, OP.


Glad you like it, personally i dont really like using it. But have to use it as its the best melee vs carapace, at least the best one that i’ve found.
It is pretty fun to use it on the karnak twins and assassination bosses though. Their shield goes down super quick.

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As you seem to be so baffled how about you try it for yourself? Without making any changes to it.
I only play on auric damnation and it is a viable build like i said in the beginning.
I also play with scoreboard and out of all the games i played with it i was never lagging behind in damage or kills.
The weapons dont really cost that much to make unless you dont have the blessings and would be very unlucky in farming them.

Also i am feeling benevolent today so i’ll give you an advice that will change your online life.

LEARN HOW TO WRITE IN PARAGRAPHS. seriously, noone will ever take you seriously when you vomit out such a mess of a text all all over the thread. It hurts the eyes and noone that values their time and are not masochists will ever even attempt to read what you wrote.

You’re simply wasting your time when you leave the text in such an unorganized mess.
And i say it out of benevolence, trust me.

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Btw why are you so hellbent on saying how bad it is?
You’ve been raging about the whole thing as if i killed your dog or something.
Need to de-stress? been having a rough week?

Also if its such a horrible, terrible, awful build then why do i have the same score in the scoreboard as the rest of my team? Does that mean im simply extremely skilled and the build is dragging me down?
If it works in game, then its good enough.

Also its not like im forcing anyone to use it. I just found the ability to fire for so long fun and wanted to share.


I am here…
And this discussion is exactly why I want Fatshark balances the game. Yes there are stronger builds, and there are even OP builds. But OP builds / meta builds, kill the game replayability by restricting choices.
At least, this build allow to play on auric. And unfortunately, you cannot do that with all weapons. And that’s a big problem, as is the too strong builds / weapons that can forbid you to play.
If I had played only what is strong and could not test a lot of things, I would not have played this game more than 2500 hours.

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This build feels like its missing so many tools…but the idea of just spraying for a couple minutes straight is hilarious. I’ll need to try it for giggles at some point.

Curios and Melee Weapon suck but everything else is funny

Sadly, you need the +6 stamina curios (and stamina regen) so that the deadshot talent is actually usable. Without the extra stamina it’ll be pretty pointless to have it.

Also agreed about the melee weapon, but again… Sadly, this build lacks in ability to deal with carapace enemies and i found the axe to be the best melee to deal with them.

Actually… now that i think about it the knife might be better, but i’ve no idea how it will perform without a talent tree to support it (the axe doesnt need any talents to 1 shot crushers). Will need testing… After the itemization update, right now dealing with darktide fatigue and taking a break.

I get the max stamina, I think that 3x gunner resistance and 3x T Regen is awful.

Also if you are so focused on 1 tapping Crushers why do you bring Kraks? You should save a point, take shredders and get Preciscion strikes

Ah, to each their own. Some prefer sniper/flamer res and health, others prefer toughness and gunners.

The axe suffers from thunder hammer syndrome. It cannot handle more then 2 crushers/maulers at the same time. While you will easily be able to handle 1 or 2 of them, when there’s 3 or more and they’re all focused on you, you’re going to die if you try to get into melee range. Thats what the krak is for.
On lower difficulties you can absolutely throw away the krak, but on auric where its raining crushers and maulers you pretty much need it or a dedicated teammate that will take care of them for you. I always play with randoms so i cannot rely on anyone else.

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Drop MF and Shredder instead of Kraks.

Put points into Onslaught (picking up another 0.25 stam delay on the way), Stockpile and Superiority Complex. You can then drop the Chaxe for Caxe or Cata for example.

I’d personally just go for Out for Blood btw instead of SupComp and drop ExTakedown and path through MS node, but I just love Out for Blood and find +MS always OP.