Fun Builds anyone?

Hey there

As I came back to the game some days ago and I’m already bored of the meta builds and most of the builds on youtube/gameslantern, as they are all pretty similar, I wanted to ask if some people here have some fun builds?

They don’t need to be super viable, they just need to be fun and/or interesting to play.
Maybe someone found interesting synergies between talents and weapons.

Class doesn’t matter, I play all of them.

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I can recommend you what I use, I don’t think they’re too far from the meta though.

The question is, will the crafting system allow you to replicate what anyone recommends? :stuck_out_tongue:

My main builds per class:


Curios are whatever, just did a lot of health.


One toughness two health

Veteran (I haven’t done enough testing post the changes)

two toughness and one health curio.


1 toughness 2 health curios


This may be more of a meme build but ill still share it.

Infiltrate on Veteran gives you a speed boost while your in it.
Rev it up on a chainsword also gives you a speed boost.
One of the auras give you a speed boost.
Vanguard gives you reduced sprint cost.
Connect the dots and zoom.


Gun psyker with Hand Cannon/crit Zarona revolver, assail, and the Illisi Force sword is a really fun meme. You are squishy but you can pick targets better than Vet practically.


Because I’m an unashamed shill for Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude, I’m gonna say

Immolation Grenade
Beacon of Purity
Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude
Your choice of Keystone (I prefer both Inexorable Judgement and Blazing Piety)

I feel like CoSF isn’t particularly well-liked, but I find it very satisfying for

  • casually walking up to some gunners, because what’s the rush
  • letting Bulwarks, Maulers and Ragers cook in my holy barbecue
  • stopping bad things from happening, in general

to name a few.

As far as weapons go, I’d be listing off half the Zealot’s arsenal…

Crusher/Chainaxe/Combat Blade are my typical picks at the moment (with Inexorable for the first 2, Blazing Piety for the last 1)

Revolver/Agripinaa IAG/Columnus BAG/Shotgun are my ranged preferences. Revolver works in just about any lineup, but I like the take something else if I’ve got reliable anti-armor elsewhere.


I am having fun with this one

But playstyle is very specific and heavily dependent on the map.
You basically got to run around like crazy and use hit and run tactic.

You are squishy. That makes it harder to stay in difficult engagements with elites.
But combination of speed, fully buffed loner and “stripped down” blessing makes you almost immortal and provide some dicient sustain while you’re running.

What i like to do, is just run around the map, looking for juicy clumps of ranged elites, and then burst them with full momentum stacks and shroudfield.
As soon as my toughness drops, i am getting out of engagement and loking for the next opportunity, while my toughnes gose up.

This playstyle will often carry you away from your team.
You really should feel confident against disablers, otherwise you will die alot and be a burden.


Ogryn Good times build!

Ranged: ripper gun with 8m radius of fear on close range kills + longer you fire the more dmg you do or crit chance.

*(this the fun part the enemies cower in fear and stop running, you keep shooting till the bullets run out!)

Melee: Bully club 1 - single target bonk stick (primary focus is heavy 1 atk 2nd heavy is a sweep for stagger) Traits: single target toughness regen + the longer the charge = more dmg

  • You can also clear horde by combo heavy 2 with light 2 (both sweep attacks)

Grenade: Rock every 60 seconds (snipers/gunners/mutants/ragers) ez pz every minute.

Ability: big charge! (no bleed)

Point distribution (sorry for no screenshots) : basically pick anything single target and heavy atk damage and your gooooood toooooo goooooooooo!

Summary: Single target focus melee and horde clear is with ripper (you rarely use the ripper except for the fun times!)

Idea is to sustain with toughness on single target( the biggest detriment is when teammates kill the close combat units you are trying to bonk for toughness )( so make sure to dodge infront of their bullet so you get the big bonk!)

High skill rock testing: get that rock ready to show the enemies you mean business! If you are holding 4 rocks you’re playing wrong! keep that baby on cd!

Have fun!

FORGOT BIG FUN PART: make sure to slap with melee, if one little guy comes to you slap him! you dont kill you keep it as pet and slap him!

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Hi hi!
Try this. Its really stupid but honestly really fun to play.

If you like it drop it a thumbs up so I can get that sweet sweet parasocial dopamine. But let me explain it conceptually:

Funny run and gun revolver. Mag dump at high noon for a big melee attack speed boost. Rush in with rev it up and smack enemies to death. No need for FOTF because Thrust 4 at 3 stacks lets the MK12 cold start onetap Crushers and rev it up goes fast. So use Chorus for funko pop shenanigans. After enough kills reloading is quick so pretend to be a vet weapons specialist and do a quickswap magdump to maximize uptime on attack speed boost. Inexorable Judgement so you can afford the run fast dodge fast node.


Any Veteran build with Survivalist - it gives you free ammo for every time that you or someone else in your squad gets an Elite/Specialist kill… as long as you’re a good little varlet and maintain squad cohesion. I play entire matches without needing to pick up ammo.

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Bleed vet is starting to look really good this patch.

It shines at dealing with mixed horde and clumps of shooters.
And not even that bad at everything else, because of strong melee.

5% base +10% opening salvo + 25% deadshot + 60% 5 stacks t4 scattershot = 100% crit chance against at least 5 targets.
2 consecutive crits is killing everything man sized, except for maulers.

Just spam lawbringers special at clumps of enemies and keep good amount of distance,
to hit as many as you can.
No clumps? Have fun with your melee.
I personally recommend knife because it helps to keep good positioning, which is crucial for this build.
Ability to kite stuff is playing into this very well as well.

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Here one of the “riskier” Fumbles builds.

There is a problem with surviving when you’re surrounded but overall good damage output.
Dealing with more than 2 Maulers in CQC when there is horde around them is haaaard. Oh, and Brain Burst is just for show, but overall I’m happy with it.

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A loose CS cosplay build. Full on would involve smokes, but I like it when my grenades don’t have a chance to screw over my team.

Knife built to stack bleeds. With a crit you can 4 swipe a rager not that you’ll melee them much. You mainly have it for the movement and repositioning capabilities. Clears horde safely when needed, and can DPS bosses to save on ammo if you have an ammo hungry team.

MK I Auto could just as easily be any other gun autogun or HH, but this one has pierce and very good breakpoints with MF to the point where I feel like they only tested MF with this gun in mind.

Shredders regen on a minute CD let you use them whenever you or a teammate need space same with the 26.4 second CD on VoC which should be used liberally for overshield instead of constantly saving it. Pop that sh*t. You hear a special? Pop it. Put it on CD as much as possible especially on maelstrom.

Ounce of prevention and all that.

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I played such a version yesterday with a 100% rending combat knife.
The invisible movement speed gives you so much leverage to disable hard to reach targets and gives a way to just leave if it gets too hairy, it’s wonderful. Additionally, you can sprint to any teammate in danger. If they would start marking high-value targets or targets they need help with, this would be splendid.

I came up with a build i did not find or saw here or on youtube which does crazy amounts of damage:

See any valuable target? Press F and keep shooting until ded.
Kills bosses in 2-4 Mags if you hit the head.
Kills Waves of Elites.
Kills everything.

It’s really fun and you can ignore peril and just be Rambo.

It’s also versatile no need for any fancy stuff it just werks.


play gun zealot:
[EndGame] NEW META: Gun Zealot | Auric Ready | Guide by Yobi - Darktide WH40k - Games Lantern

people usually skip this build because of the typical line of thought “zealot = melee” and not thinking about the synergies between talents and blessings

I’ll tell you right now it’s super fun to play but also extremely strong.
Much more survivability than Gun Psyker and similar damage but without having to use a combat ability


It really depends on what is “fun”, no?
F.Ex., with 2 vets one can play recon lasrifles that just never seem to run out of ammo. Every horde is wittled down by two constant red beams. It’s fun for half a run, then it gets boring.
I still consider a melee vet with a shovel pretty entertaining (and powerful), but I can’t claim it being particularly out there. It’s just reliable, and I can live out my power fantasy of repeatedly hitting things with a shovel. Recently, with the help of my mouses autoclick button, I played pure crit knife (mk6) with cooldown on crit, and can supply my team with extra toughness twice a fight. Useful, but also repetitive. Meanwhile, I’ve found a mk4 duelist sword psyker to be immensely fun (like a knife, but less twitchy, more planned), but I can’t claim it being off-meta, either. And it uses DD, which is just a chore any way you look at it.
… what is currently “meta”, anyways? I don’t think I ever checked. Or would know where to.

Pretty sure the unlimited ammo Accatrans are dead. The ICD on shocktrooper + nerf to the guns themselves killed the already heavily mediocre build.

I’m really not sure why it was nerfed other than public perception of it I guess. It pulled some really mid damage, but it was easy and didn’t have to think about ammo.

I tried it a couple of times, and went to revolver even pre 14 it felt better than that thing.

EDIT: They could bring back the old shocktrooper and with the nerfed damage model it would be still fine and have a niche.

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Just my two cents:

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This is the gunslinger vet build, approximately, that I’m running atm. Surprisingly accurate. Just hold still to fire fan and you can do ridiculous damage. Might want to consider swapping the shovel for a power sword or similar, though.


This is the most annoying build to see, you basically are cleaning up the zlots mess with this one.

its a shame that FS created a build to enable the biggest complaint from V2. The players using this build pull aggro and then when they feel overwhelmed they have a button to hide. The issue is they’re playing the build correctly, so the player using this build sees nothing wrong with doing so.

Good news, its very easy to identify because the zealot will go very, very far in front of the team. most of the time they will not stop pulling until they hit a wall.

A wall2wall pull and the tank drops aggro smh.