Fun Builds anyone?

Pulling more stuff than needed and dropping aggro from yourself by invis is your invention here.

No build is suggesting this kind of playstyle, this is quite literally an error in anyone’s gameplay.

I said that i use “shroudfield” to engage, not disengage.
For that i use “rev it up” to kite melee and “stripped down” for ranged immunity. Enemies is still on you.

That’s why i mentioned map dependency. This kind of strategy will usually only work on arena map events. other than that, it’s a normal, corridor gameplay.

Others have written detailed guides on the gunpsyker, and use Brain burst.

I disagree after many hours testing, the true gunpsyker uses Assail and chases 30 stacks of Destiny. Chase down everything blue, click on its head. Take a headhunter autogun, or any gun of your choice but whatever best facilitates rapid fire head clicking at all ranges.

Assail becomes your horde clear magdump for saving ammo and clearing chaff, guiding the shards to keep DD up.

When you need to go hard, hit scriers and just dont touch assail, if you can remove the button physically for only 15 seconds, this would be great as it can and will kill you.
However you now kill anything you even look at with your gun or Duelling saber, if you have an uncanny strike saber have fun poking crushers in the face, your also fast as grease warp juice, louder than gods revolver and twice as shiny.

The only downsides being that you may feel somewhat selfish taking ammo and not bringing more support abilities, and while this is tons of fun, you may still struggle to complete for raw damage with a good plasma gun vet, but then who can, but you are a lot less squishy and more mobile than your average sparkhead, and most importantly, there isn’t much the director can throw at you that you cannot deal with if your smart on auric, and thats always nice to have.

Should say however, I dont think sadly I would want to run this without mods, crosshairs and weapon fovs tweaking, along with rearranging my hud to actually b able to keep an eye on Destiny stacks and generally tailor my hud and game to playing this build specifically, helps a ton, and at least the cross hairs straight up make some of the headhunters unusable with out them.

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Okay, this build rips. Tons of fun when I’ve been struggling to find anything that fits my playstyle with the Psyker, thanks!

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[quote=“Kurt, post:1, topic:89225, full:true”]
Hey there

As I came back to the game some days ago and I’m already bored of the meta builds and most of the builds on youtube/gameslantern, as they are all pretty similar, I wanted to ask if some people here have some fun builds?

They don’t need to be super viable, they just need to be fun and/or interesting to play.
Maybe someone found interesting synergies between talents and weapons.

Class doesn’t matter, I play all of them.

I’ve recently jumped back into the game after a break and I’m already feeling a bit tired of the usual meta builds. I’ve checked out quite a few on YouTube and GamesLantern, but they all seem quite similar. I was wondering if anyone here has stumbled upon some more unconventional and enjoyable builds?

They don’t have to be incredibly effective; I’m just looking for something that’s a blast to play or has an interesting twist to it. Perhaps someone’s discovered some cool synergies between talents and weapons that make for a different gaming experience.

Class-wise, I’m open to trying out anything, so feel free to suggest anything that comes to mind!

As the name says the build is very cursed with how it looks on the tree. I was testing builds on solo bot maelstrom t5 missions and this one got way further than it should have considering I put it together as a meme.

Around 60% completion of Baross with 22 revives on the bots.

Does amazing melee damage and 3 swipes ragers most of the time if you include the bleed, and is almost Zealot quick in movespeed. 5 bleeds per swipe, 13 per crit swipe.

You’ll pretty much always have smokes with just the 5% proc rate node. That was with just me being the sole elite killer.

I wouldnt take this thing live with randoms since its not remotely as good as a nice straight forward VoC MF build for just murdering specials and elites like no other class can, but with friends it could be fun and you can at least easily warn them you are stealthing.

TL;DR Zoom zoom sneaky swipe swipe. Blood everywhere.

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I think im gonna try that. Can you link me the build?

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I forgot about my favourite build so far:
Powersword and Bolter - If I could I would exchange PS III to PS IV, but so far no luck.

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I think this works with everything but i included my knife

which i think is not optimal as i get greedy for the backstabs and sometimes the Elites run faster than my chargeup and i miss. Also its rolled bad.
What is more terrifying how well this knife deals with hordes. You cut them with constant crits or bleeds and they drop like paper.
Range weapon is also completely optional.
It worked with Bolter, Revolver, Shotgun, Autogun, Plasma Gun. Anything that can delete specials on a distance.
If you encounter a Shooter patrol, just go into stealth run behind them take a deep breath and either start slicing or throw a grenade into the midst of them.

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