Weird/unusual/fun builds

I recently made a infinite ammo recon torrent rifle, and it turned out to be pretty fun, sure its not the most powerful but its pretty bonkers. (its powerful enough to work in auric high gauntlet though, surprisingly enough. I can post the build if anyone’s interested)

I then tried to make a grenadier vet build but that one turned out to be pretty boring and fairly useless. (maybe the shredder grenade needs some buffs?)

So i was thinking, does anyone else know of any crazy/weird/fun builds?
Im looking for “fun first” type of builds, no meta stuff or min/maxing.
Strange combinations are especially interesting to me. Like psykers using guns.
Or zealot using guns as main weapon, i tried to make this one work before but always failed…


I’ve been having fun with a gunpsyker build with the infantry lasgun (the full auto one) with burn and damage, a knife with bleed on crit and some other damage blessing, the top burn talent, assail, scrier’s gaze, and disrupt destiny. THe idea is having all 3 dots.

Use the Dagger on a crusher, get him bleeding, when he pops, he spreads fire, start killing the other elites around him with the laserrifle to set everything on fire again with the psyker killed elites = fire AOE, while simultaneously setting everything on fire with your laser rifle… its fun. May not be efficient, but it’s fun.


Yes, I love such things. And I have weird builds…

Medic veteran - +50% revive speed
Rambo build - Graia brauto - +25% ammo - Hit and run blessing to be able to jump in middle of gunners without being wounded - immune to suppression also - problem of this build is when you meet a plasma gun player that kills enemies so fast that you cannot even get hit and run that procs
Dagger melee veteran - Played as commando, so stealth + smoke grenades
Power Sword melee veteran (a little OP - and I am not alone with this build)
Full toughness (+66% toughness)

As zealot
Combat axe critic oriented (works really great)
The survivor (every talents that improve survivability)
Speed Dagger (no stealth and inexorable judgment, dagger MK IV)

can’t remember more, but I have others (summer vacations are ended ;/)

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The strongest Veteran grenade by far definitely doesn’t need buffs, but that’s a topic for another thread.

This is a “fun” build where two mediocre weapons are combined in one build for loadout variety enhancement, and not always having a response to every single threat in the game, but even then this loadout can dish out consistent and good damage against most of the targets, be it melee or range (shotgun is mainly used for sniping, especially with the special round - it should be played mostly in melee otherwise, using movement tech to avoid getting hit/shot). Everything bigger, i.e., Ogryn elites other than Reaper, you can handle with Kraks, but the Agri shotgun can just as well decimate Bulwarks with the special round/follow-up shots.

There are 5 spare skill points to allocate in whatever skills you might need to complete the build. The options embedded below may be suitable allocations for accomplishing particular goals or enhancing your performance across the board, but there may be more, depending on what you need.

The other chainsword perk is open - this can be either Elites or Maniac, or Unyielding. I highly recommend using at least Wrath on it to maintain reasonable cleave against dense crowds of enemies, but the other blessing can be either Shred or Rampage.

As someone with ADD I kinda feel like “fun” is a base requirement for me. But it’s not really fun vs. power either, since useless builds can’t be fun. Idk I feel like there’s a lot of degrees here. I’m also a snowflake so I usually can’t stand playing the same things as everyone else, plus I love to test and do trials to discover new exciting stuff so there’s that too. :sweat_smile:

But! Personally I like stuff like this:

  • Trauma psyker with bleed knife and +3 stamina curio (with 3x sprint efficiency). Assail, vent, and Empowered Psionics for talents. It’s definitely really strong but also fun since you can just do everything: crazy mobility, bleeds, Trauma’s AoE & CC, assail’s bursts and long-ranged takedowns.
  • Agripinaa shotty (Man-Stopper & Scattershot) vet with any strong & fast melee. Weapons Specialist and basically right side build + Precision Strikes & Deadshot for talents, VoC or stealth.Playing with WSpecialist & Scattershot & Deadshot you can autocrit & cleave a line of almost anything every 1-2 melee kills. Fun to play, strong at every range. The Agri can ofc be switched for Lawbringer or Kantrael too but they play more into the close range role, so while stronger in some ways they aren’t as fun imo.
  • Crusher zelly with stealth and a full crit build and definitely a +3 sta curio with 3x sta recovery & sprint efficiency. Focus on headshots, use push attacks constantly and make use of the 2 stealth attacks for those big crits. Very strong, different, and just fun all around.

All 3 have very variable gameplay so they don’t easily get boring, and tend to have an answer for every situation.

I will never get tired of pushing “melee” psyker builds. I love these:

Assail and DD can be swapped around with BB and EP abilities / keystones, but Assail fits more into staying up close. Mettle, One with the Warp, Empathic Evasion, a crit based blessings on your melee weapon are important. Melee weapon can be swapped away, I just like force swords and duelling swords, thematically. Deimos is an easier pick, both force swords have enough power to deal with horde, even if they aren’t as efficient at it, as the best zealot, Ogryn or vet (power swords…) melee weapons.

New shotgun with standard gunpsyker build has been one of those things that i don’t know if I’m trolling or not but dam is it fun.

Yeah melee psykers can be really fun. Personally I don’t think they need much building into though. Any typical gunspyker or something with Scrier’s & DD doubles as great melee, so long as you get an Illisi with Exorcist and Shred/Slaughterer/Executor for example.

Here’s my fun and offbeat build suggestion:

It took a little bit of a knock because Fury of the Faithful Ult no longer buffs ranged weapons. But anyway… yeah it uses a flamer with crit focus to double stack DoT stacks. The combat axe is awesome and lets you cleave through hordes and deal with armor. The daggers let you quickly dispatch specials and pesky elites without having to switch weapons. It’s a lot of fun.

Yes please :slight_smile:

Had so much fun with this! And yes it can do the work even in auric shocktroop

I call this build BPM, or bonks per minute.

Zealot: martyr, impact perks, shock maul with impact (hammersomething? bonus impact on chained hits) and falter (ignore x% of stagger resistance for armored targets).
Can also use the crusher hammer, also with impact perks.

So much crowd control.

I like going up to crushers, ragers, etc and just saying “no you go on the floor now.”

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Glad you enjoyed it! This is what I do, season to taste ... (3 DoTs) - Build for Darktide - Darktide WH40k

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