Infantry Autogun as Horde Clear

Just hoping someone from around here has tried out the Infantry Autoguns, with whatever perks/blessings would make it possibly work, for horde clear. I know the braced autogun can do it well enough, but I was curious if any of the 3 ADS capable full auto rifles could muster either clear or thinning while still being able to reasonably kill shooters at moderate distances.

Thanks for your advice.

I do not use infantry autoguns, but those would be the go to blessings for what you want.


mk1 kills everything but carapace armor

good power, moderate recoil


That part I figured out, but was hoping someone had tried it. My resources are tapped from building a chainsword and my rolls have not been good so far.

I use Columnus on Veteran a lot. It has an ammo reserve of like 680 rounds on him so you can easily spare rounds on horde. The others I find lacking for the reserve total but Mk1 has great weakpoint damage especially with Counterfire. Haven’t found a use for Graia or whatever its called.

Flak and Unarmored for perks.

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I’m one of the weirdoes that plays them almost exclusively on my vet. Overrall I’d say they’re not a good choice for general crowd clear, especially on T5. Maybe the columnus but even with it’s deep reserves you’ll go into the red very fast due to it’s low dmg. They do very well for cleaning out shooters and non ogryn elites, but you’ll need to run reload feats or the instant reload one.

Mk1 is my favorite, well balanced gun. You can use it as a semi auto for long shots with little to no recoil aat 70+ stability rating too. Controlled bursts will make short work of most things at close to mid range. It’s powerful enough that you can get away with having a utility blessing in one slot and a DMG one in the other. It desperately needs an ammo mag and reserve buff though. Graia is pretty good with the right blessings if you want a hipfire gun to mag dump into elites. Also needs more ammo. Columnus is in a pretty ok place, but I wish it’d have more dmg blessing options it desperately needs them. All of them synergize well with additional crit chance perks, especially the columnus.

Blessings-wise Raking fire, dum dum, and sustained fire are my dmg blessings of choice. But if you’re confident in your aim and the netcode is merciful to you punishing salvo is pretty good as well. Hit and run is very good on the mk1 and the graia, especially if you’re a competent shooter.

When it comes to feats go with the one that gives you the instant reload, you can reliably clean out rooms on your own (unless there’s like 3+ crushers) if you get good with any of the 3.

Exactly my experience as well. Why’d anyone want to use them for hordes when there’s melee weapons though? Just swap to your trusty shovel/axe/glowing crutch and go to business!

If you’re set on using IAG as horde clear, I’d recommend Agripinaa Mk1 because it can cleave through a poxwalker while Columnus and Graia cannot. It has lower ammo reserves but you can hit more than one target with each shot.

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Because if youre using a thunder hammer you really need something to thin out hordes so it doesn’t take two centuries.

I finally managed to roll one up. It was way worse than i had hoped on zealot. Which is a bummer. Always looking for something fun to use. Especially since i like MK1 on vet.

Can’t you just back up then and let the best horde clear in the game - crutch swinging vet - do the job while you focus disablers? It’s a team game, and you role is clearly not frontline.

Everyone knows the best way to play a team game is assume all of your team mates will immediately die to the first low tier enemy.

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I guess that’s the destiny of thunder hammer (in its current state).

You rely on your teammates vs hordes to keep everyone happy, or you’re wasting ammo on poxes where no one will be thankful.

There’s also Flamethrower which can help, but then you will have to rely on your teammates vs ranged enemies.

So yeah… thunder hammer can’t cover it all, unlike many other weapons.

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Raking Fire seems absolutely abysmal on paper, do you actual get much noticeable use out of shooing people in the back? Especially on Vet where most of time you’re going to be engaging shooter hordes that are either in cover or firing back at you? And for Sustained Fire, I’ve never been a fan but do you have to continuously burst fire to get use out of it?

Yes, this is what I assume the TH user to do!

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Done it and it worked. It’s not brain dead clearing like the flamer, but it works. And this was with Argippan’s low mag size.

Extra damage for unarmored/ infested/ or flak helps as does reload speed. Damage blessings as long as they reduce the number of shots to kill by 1, otherwise I go with things like Ghost and Terrifying Barrage - less damage taken and keeps the horde suppressed between reloads.

  1. know when to burst and know when to go full auto and be able too keep the point of aim steady.
  2. Aim at the lower edge of the head or just below so the horde walks/ runs into your shots.
  3. Abuse choke points whenever possible - that way if the front foe dies to someone else your followup is less likely to be wasted.
  4. expect stupidity - zealots ARE going to sprint into your line of fire then stand there to grab a kill. Get used to that, along with a whole gamut of other stupid, and be ready to just shoot around them.

Mk1 has good enough dmg that the only use you’ll have for dmg blessings is for deleting non-ogryn elites. Most high threat elites to a vet (maulers, ragers, mutants, dogs, flamers) will be close enough that 50% of your shots will be in their backs as you dodge around or they go for your teammates. If you pack +25% against unyielding you can also use it to reliably delete bulwarks and mutants.

I thought it wouldn’t be useful too, but then I tried it and you’d be amazed at how often you’ll find yourself shooting into the back of things, especially in Hi Int and STG modes in T5s and T4s.

It also synergizes very well with the corner camping camouflage vet lifestyle.

If its for a zealot then Mk1 is the one to go for, others are too dependent on vet feats to be viable above T4. I also use zealot and I use it there pretty frequently as well, it goes well with the proximity dmg feat if you’re willing to build around it.

Aren’t mutants maniacs? I thought only Bulwarks and Reapers were unyielding.

Well I guess after I finish playing around with the Lucius guns I can give it a try. I really enjoyed the Agrinipaas Infantry Rifle but the low ammo and reload speed put me off. You can compensate the reload with feats but that puts you at an inherent disadvantage over las rifles.


You’re right about the mutants, I always get that mixed up, my bad.

Ammo management is an issue, but just remember to use it like a semi auto when engaging shooters. Also, if you can consistently get headshots with the lucius then you’ll do just fine with the Mk1, try it out with punishing salvo.

Also, don’t sleep on camouflage, noob and shitbag vets give it a bad rep, but in the hands of an experienced vet it can work miracles. It’s only anti social if you misuse it, and the game will punish you for it more often than not anyways, use it to manage aggro and to pop specials.

Probably could make a whole thread about this, but honestly I just wouldn’t be sure how or when to take advantage with it, or how much adjustment it would take to use for me. I’m a pretty aggressive player so I’m not sure how much it would “gel” with me.