If we got a stub pistol as a secondary weapon, what would you think?

and for the record, a stub pistol is just a 1911 in the lore, it uses the same weapon framework as the 1911 and from what i can remember, its also fairly cheap to make and they’re common. so i don’t think that our characters having access to it would be a bad idea, personally, i actually think it would improve the game if we had a backup gun that we could use in case our main weapon is out of ammo and we aren’t building for melee combat. i also don’t think it should be as powerful as the other weapons, like the shredder and the laspistol, i think it should be more like a simple one shot to pox walkers and have 10 spare mags worth of ammo (70 ammo in reserves) and have just decent accuracy. and before anybody makes a fuss about not needing it or it just being stupid or it being overpowered, i did my best to make it not overpowered, it is a good idea to have for auric missions and for when you’re trying out a build and need a backup weapon for a sniper that’s just shooting at you, and just because it’s stupid doesn’t mean it won’t work great, a non-upgradable backup ranged weapon would be great, though, i do think that the ogryn should get something else like spare 1911 ammo. maybe he should get an M2 Browning, the enemies’ll be browning their pants when they see it so it fits!


alright, editing to say that again, it would be a stub pistol but it wouldn’t take up the gun slot, it would have its own slot that is exclusive to it and it can’t be upgraded. and i will clearify some other things as well.

this is a weapon intended for if you are simply out of ammo in your main gun and either don’t have any left in reserve or do not have any time to reload but you also decided not to build for ranged(teammates stealing ammo is something that happens often, this would assist with this somewhat) it is a last resort, not meant to be your main damage dealer.

as for the ogryn alternative, i said extra ammo because this pistol would have 7 mag cap and 70 reserve, this would make the ogryn into something of a support class by default but only to the extent that he can give ammo to the hold-out weapon and nothing else. i then named the M2 Browning as an alternative to the ammo as a way to give the ogryn a hold-out weapon in case he doesn’t have enough of a brain to preserve ammo or there was a monstrosity that was just a bullet sponge.

and i would just like to point out again, this is a hold-out weapon, not the main ranged weapon of a veteren sharp shooter, it is soully meant to protect the user in case of melee not being the best option and ranged being out of the question due to ammo, or other such things that could make ranged combat unviable.

that being said, it would likely have to have its own dedicated keybind, such as 2 on the keyboard with the melee being moved to 3 or 1 and every other equipment bind also moved up by one number.



I have no idea what the weapon is supposed to act like.

Can’t we use paragraphs, and maybe even have have some titles and structuring.

Would it be a ‘ranged’ weapon like the Revolver/Flamer/Autogun…

Or something else.

So like Twin Heavy Stubber, but not Twin…

twin link machine broke, we got single linked tho

I have the feeling they mean it would be a type of hold-out pistol, sort of like a last-resort blitz, which I feel would be a waste of the possibilities for a Stub Automatic or ‘Stubber.’ The OP has drawn a direct link between the sketch picture of a Stubber that is a direct visual parallel to the 1911, but this does not necessarily mean that they are the same weapon or are physically the same weapon.

For example, if we go to the Inquisitor Rulebook from 2001, the Stubber in there is listed as having a 15-round capacity, whilst FFG’s RP books have it listed as being a 9-round gun, whilst both are listed as having burst capability (2 rounds in Inquisitor and 3 in FFG RPs). The 1911 does not have that capability.

Inquisitor 2001 rulebook:

Only War rulebook:

My point? We should not take a visual thing to be a parallel to its function. There are a variety of depictions of Stub guns, and I’ve put a few into this picture along with Slick Devlan wielding two Stub Automatics below (I know, his actual model has one as a Stub Revolver). Just showing there is more variety than just the 1911-alike.

I think a single-barrelled Heavy Stubber for the Ogryn is on the way. In the Extended Weapon Customisation mod for the twin-linked there are ‘Light’ components which can visually give you a single Heavy Stubber.

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Personally I wouldn’t use it
When I have the choice only one 1 gun slot

I’m picking a rifle or shotgun over a pistol of any sort

While I wouldn’t mind stub pistols, the one issue I have is that mechanically there isn’t much that it can offer that we don’t already have. Presumably if the stub pistol is going to behave like a standard semi-auto pistol in any other shooter (Halo magnum, 1911, ect.) then you might as well use one of the Laspistols.

One way I see it working is if instead it was a burst-fire pistol like Havelock suggested, at least then it’d have enough of an identity to be more than a poor man’s Laspistol.

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If you’re thinking of the Heavy stubber I’ve seen it and honestly I think it make more sense on Zel/Vet


why did you post this picture? it’s a plazma pistol and completely unrelated to the topic

I’d prefer a plasma pistol as a quick holdout weapon as either a blitz or ability like Bounty Hunter Saltzpyre’s pistol ult. It already kinda feels weird to have pistol weapons by themselves without the ability to dual wield, either with another pistol or melee, doubly so in that they take up the entirety of the ranged slot by themselves too.

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Pistols have reasons to be their own weapons, if we had them paired only people would wonder why we wouldn’t have the singled out variations.

Tbh there are very few weapons I would place as Blitz/Ability, and the 2 main ones are the Hotshot Lasgun (Vet Ability), and the Phosphor Blast Pistol (Admech Blitz)

Pretty sure they used the 1911 as the basis for stub pistols/revolvers. Not that they had 1911s in WH40k. Also, pretty sure this just some person named “Rolz” 's passion project…
Then again youre asking for 3 weapons per person plus grenades as a redundancy to a redundancy to a redundancy.

Also also, change title to “If we got a stub pistol as a 4th/quaternary weapon, what would you think?”

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I don’t think there are any sensible reasons to have a pistol/sidearm take up the entirety of the sole ranged slot, when you have a choice to pick machine guns, rifles, SMG-equivalents, 2H energy weapons, etc.

There are no points or weighting system to restrict your capacity. There is no weapon concealment for stealth or non-combat reasons. It’s not like taking a powerful melee weapons prevents you from also having a powerful ranged weapon.

And in making pistols viable main ranged weapons, they get jacked up beyond belief, mainly by their range, and makes other weapons that would have filled the niche that the pistols currently have redundant, ie headhunter AGs vs revolvers, laspistols vs lasguns.

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While the Revolver is its own issue, I don’t think the Laspistol, Boltpistol and Autopistol cause issues with their respective 2h weapons

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I think the laspistol has a strong case, similar TTK (due to pistol finesse values) and accuracy to Kantrael lasguns, better handling and mobility, and an unnoticeable range falloff distance difference. If both weapons have similar range and TTK on enemies, then the pistol would win out due to it’s better handling and equip time.

Bolt pistol doesn’t have the bolter’s mag dump, and they both have aim issues, but again, comparable damage and range falloff, and the bolter’s much, much longer equip time gives the bolt pistol the edge in precise shots.

The autopistol, I’d concede doesn’t really push any other weapon out of their niche, but mainly due to overall lacklustre stats and feel. That one is borderline less odd feeling as it’s used more like an SMG.

I mean, Doom Eternal got rid of the pistol because everyone hated using the pistol and it became completely irrelevant as soon as you got the shotgun. It just did away with the concept of an emergency backup weapon entirely and worked fine without it.

The existence of the shitty peashooter only really encourages me to use it all the time to “conserve ammo” even when I know better, and it’s just not fun. There’s more than enough ammo in the game to supply everyone’s guns, and I quite like the severe punishment of “out of ammo? out of ranged” that everyone except Psyker gets.

The sidearm would only be an unnecessary thing that barely if ever gets used. It shouldn’t be added.


Also also also, this statement alone should be a turn off for most reasonable people. The only reason why I’d want a 1911 pistol as a hold out is to reset a dead run by blowing my own brains out.


Only thing is that Heavy Stubbers are meant to be, well, heavy. As in really heavy. Inquisitor gives the very vague weight of 45 (?) for it whilst FFG’s RPGs put the Heavy Stubber at 40 kg, which is somewhat in the batting region of an M2 Browning’s 38 kg. If only we could be Catachans …

If they put in a ‘light’ Stubber for the Veteran and Zealot, thinking an Autogun with a much larger magazine capacity and longer barrel, then that would be an interesting addition. Could then be analagous to the British L7, US M240, German MG3, etc, rifle-calibre machine guns, could even squeeze in 3 variants like the Ogryn’s current array.

Almost getting goosebumps thinking of an Ogryn, Veteran and Zealot gunline with machine guns tearing through a horde. A most delicious thought.

On topic, I do want a Stub Automatic at some point. I need a little more variety in my pistol collection; laspistols are always great, but the revolvers I’m bored of, and I’m waiting for the update before even thinking of equipping a bolt pistol.


sidearm like weapons works well with a mostly melee build, i have come to prefer bolt pistol over boltgun on my melee vet

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