and for the record, a stub pistol is just a 1911 in the lore, it uses the same weapon framework as the 1911 and from what i can remember, its also fairly cheap to make and they’re common. so i don’t think that our characters having access to it would be a bad idea, personally, i actually think it would improve the game if we had a backup gun that we could use in case our main weapon is out of ammo and we aren’t building for melee combat. i also don’t think it should be as powerful as the other weapons, like the shredder and the laspistol, i think it should be more like a simple one shot to pox walkers and have 10 spare mags worth of ammo (70 ammo in reserves) and have just decent accuracy. and before anybody makes a fuss about not needing it or it just being stupid or it being overpowered, i did my best to make it not overpowered, it is a good idea to have for auric missions and for when you’re trying out a build and need a backup weapon for a sniper that’s just shooting at you, and just because it’s stupid doesn’t mean it won’t work great, a non-upgradable backup ranged weapon would be great, though, i do think that the ogryn should get something else like spare 1911 ammo. maybe he should get an M2 Browning, the enemies’ll be browning their pants when they see it so it fits!
alright, editing to say that again, it would be a stub pistol but it wouldn’t take up the gun slot, it would have its own slot that is exclusive to it and it can’t be upgraded. and i will clearify some other things as well.
this is a weapon intended for if you are simply out of ammo in your main gun and either don’t have any left in reserve or do not have any time to reload but you also decided not to build for ranged(teammates stealing ammo is something that happens often, this would assist with this somewhat) it is a last resort, not meant to be your main damage dealer.
as for the ogryn alternative, i said extra ammo because this pistol would have 7 mag cap and 70 reserve, this would make the ogryn into something of a support class by default but only to the extent that he can give ammo to the hold-out weapon and nothing else. i then named the M2 Browning as an alternative to the ammo as a way to give the ogryn a hold-out weapon in case he doesn’t have enough of a brain to preserve ammo or there was a monstrosity that was just a bullet sponge.
and i would just like to point out again, this is a hold-out weapon, not the main ranged weapon of a veteren sharp shooter, it is soully meant to protect the user in case of melee not being the best option and ranged being out of the question due to ammo, or other such things that could make ranged combat unviable.
that being said, it would likely have to have its own dedicated keybind, such as 2 on the keyboard with the melee being moved to 3 or 1 and every other equipment bind also moved up by one number.