i mean, doom did also have more than just 3 weapons and a grenade. i mean, it had a rocket launcher, two shotguns, a plazma rifle AND a fully automatic rifle with a box mag, it also had the BFG and eternal, just like 64, had the unmayker. doom eternal also had the crucible sword, the glory kill, the flame belch, the cryo grenade, the regular grenade, AND it had powerups, and lets not forget the chainsaw. yes, the pistol became irrelevant in doom 2016, 2016 had most of the stuff that eternal had in terms of weapons, the only ones it didn’t have were the ballista, the unmayker, the cryo grenade, and the crucible. even then, the gauss rifle WAS the ballista before it was reforged in eternal. so that point doesn’t really work.
i get what you’re saying, i understand completely, you just have to power through that, think of it like COD Zombies as a story without the windows and little girl trying to kill you using hell hounds and the reanimated corpses of Nazis that were killed by americans and zombies or otherwise turned by a space rock.
just because you think so, doesn’t mean it won’t be added, i do understand your concerns and i hope that, in the event that this idea is added to the game, the developers take them into account and use my suggestion as a templet rather than a done deal, which was my desire for this idea all along. i am sorry that my wording made you think otherwise.
So the stub pistol is not THE 1911. That is merely one type of stub pistol, one example. It irks me when people try to limit the scope of 40K in this way.
Think of how much variety we have in pistols, guns. etc. here on just one planet with a history of breech loaders going back about 150ish years of common usage. Now consider one million inhabited planets with 10,000 years of history of the current dominant culture with a past of 20,000ish years of super-tech buried beneath 5,000ish years of post-apocalyptic rubble and consider just how many variants they have got to have. Higher tech firearms will certainly have fewer variants as there are fewer manufacturers but stub and auto weapons can be manufactured in any down-hive slum.
I would not want to be the tech-priest charged with keeping the AdMech’s known ammunition archives.
Most stubbers we encounter in the TTWG are pintle-mounted on vehicles but I know some of the TTRPGs have them as non-heavy machine guns. I think the category is meant to cover from the IRL LMG/SAW to slightly heavier ones you mention. They can be fired on the move and do not require a placement to operate.
I think an LMG is definitely a role that we are kinda missing right now. Apart form Ogryns I guess and that might be the issue. If they do introduce “light” stubbers for the human archetypes they will be expected to deal damage somewhere in between an autogun and the twin-linked heavy stubbers that ogryn carries and there isn’t much room there. They would likely have to buff the heavy one and it’s already on the good side of things base-line and OP combined with Gungryn abilities/talents.
I think FFG used a universal profile for theirs, but there was nothing to stop you from changing those stats as or with the DM; I carried a ‘light’ Stubber around in an Only War campaign once, but that was really a glorified belt-fed Autogun.
I agree that balancing it might be a bit of a headache with the Ogryn’s options, but I would not say no to some form of LMG for the Veteran and Zealot.
i could see it being a primary firearm but this idea is for a hold-out weapon for if you need a gun but can’t reload for one reason or another. it isn’t meant to be just adding a pistol slot to the game.
If vet were to get a sidearm, make it an active ability like Bounty Hunter’s. Just nuke something (teammates included) whenever you feel like it. It might complement some weapon setups nicely.
I completely support the idea of a “regular” pistol to be in the game!
Something like this would fill the gap between the regular and heavy Laspistol and the Stub Revolver.
I would vouch for it to behave like this:
General handgun behaviour & characteristics:(Light, medium, heavy Stub Pistol)
Mobile. (Light Stub Pistols)
A lightweight, versatile weapon with improved accuracy while on the move.
High Damage.
A high-powered weapon with greatly improved damage output.
Stub Pistols attributes:
Stopping Power.
Base damage modifiers:(Vs enemy type/armour & dmg modifiers)
High dmg vs Unarmoured, Infested, Maniac and Unyielding.
No dmg vs Carapace even on critical hits.
Low weakspot and weakspot critical hit damage modifiers.
High damage modifiers on non-critical and critical body hits.
Variants:(Small, Medium and Heavy caliber)
I.e., something that is similar to 9mm, .45 and .50 calibers.
Magazine size: 9mm → 12x rounds, .45 cal → 10x rounds, .50 cal → 7 rounds.
Real handguns with these calibers: 9mm Beretta, Glock 30 and .50 cal Desert Eagle
Weapon handling: Accurate and fast
9mm → low recoil & fast firing
.45 cal → intermediate recoil & firing speed.
.50cal → High recoil & slow firing speed.
This would make it behave drastically different from the other handguns we already have in Darktide.
It would also make people who have a hard time aiming for headshots happy (not everyone are that awesome