How to give Ogyrn a minigun, and not make it a stubber variant

Just like the title says, this topic is about how we can give Ogryn a minigun in game, and not have it seem a like a stubber variant.

First thing to do is make it so that the minigun has to aimed and spun-up first before firing. Trying to fire without aiming it first would cause your ogyrn to either to swing his gun like melee weapon, or to simply throw out a kick in front of him, shoving any unfortunate heretics within range back. Up to Fatshark to decide which one to go with.

Second thing to do, whether it is given an absurdly large clip with an extensive reload, or just a single clip that never needs to be reloaded, the minigun will generate heat as you continue to fire. If it overheats, it will jam and debuff the player slightly. Heat can be managed by pressing the weapon special button to vent it.

Third and last thing to do, give the minigun reduced recoil over the stubbers. After all, those extra kilos of plasteel and diamantine got useful for something.





Ogryns aren’t strong enough to operate an assault cannon. The thing was designed with terminator power armor in mind, even basic space marines don’t provide stable enough platform for this weapon.

I didn’t say assault cannon, I said minigun, which is not as heavy and thus usable by Ogryn.

i wonder wich forgeworld produces GAU-17

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Not sure, but probably not Graia.

Vladof, maybe.

“Vladof. You don’t need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets!”

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well played sir

I consider some of the stubbers to already play like that. Try to fire a single shot, it takes an annoying amount of time before it fires a short burst. Now, reducing the damage and increasing the firerate, and making it a pellet weapon to simulate higher fire rates without overtaxing the servers and netcode, should be easily done.
Not sure what the point would be, but Ogryn needs more weapon, so I won’t even ask that question.
Variety is good.

Thank you. Plus, it give everyone who wants to the chance to cosplay as TF2’s heavy weapon guy in Darktide. If they were not from canonically different game universes, I would say ogyrn was heavie’s descendant.

There is no minigun pattern in 40k afaik.
When people need machinegun, they take heavy stubber.
When people need more boolet they take heavy stubber and mash it together with another heavy stubber, and call it twin-linked.
And latter is already in the game.
And considering assault cannon is prone to jamming and requires changing the barrels each deployment no wonder they don’t produce much of them.
Tl;Dr; there is no reason that ogryn would even be allowed to look at such thing, let alone hold it and use in battle.


Well, Ogryns are taller than Terminators (By a foot or two), and also weigh twice as much, I’ve read somewhere.

They are as big, that is true. But the terminator armor alone weighs “more than a ton”, so 1,2-1,3 ton is my estimate. For freedom unit users it’s 2400-2600 pounds. Plus the space marine inside it weighs an additional 300-320 kg which is 600-640 additional pounds.
While an ogryn in full equipment (armor and weapons) judging by the info from the guard codex weighs “about a ton”. So that’s 2000 pounds flat.
Plus terminator armor has much, much more brute strength than an ogryn.
Anyway, it dosen’t change the fact that rotating barreled weapons in 40k are very expencive relics that require constant techpriest care due to them having really delicate (and kinda bad) construction. Nobody will give this thing to an ogryn who will use it as a club.

And if you want to live out your “heavy weapons guy from tf2” fantasies you already have twin-linked stubbers and a whole gunlugger tree on top of ogryn voice with a Russian accent.

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Ogryn are stronger than terminators.
Terminators are base strength 4 and ogryn are base strength 6.


True that. Although 9th and 10th edition game balance is nowhere close to a lore.
I mean, tyranids fleshborer (a dinky gun that termagants are armed with) has 5 0 1 profile compared to a 4 0 1 of bolter.
And in lore they are nowhere as powerful.

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They made fleshborers S5? ahahahaha. Well its good I quit back in 6th or 7th when space marine bolters still blew threw flak like it was paper.

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The Boltgun is also not really standard issue for an Imperial Guardsman, yet here we are.
Moreso, here is a list of feats Ogryns have done:

  • Nork Deddog dragged a Chimaera twenty yards out of a ditch to Colonel Greiss when the latter was injured.
  • Nork Deddog headbutted the Ork Warboss Uglurk Gitsmasha killing him in a single blow.
  • In the 40k Word Bearers books an Ogryn kills a Word Bearer by lifting a traitor Marine up as high as he can and throws him right back down to the ground, head first.

And in the tabletop an Ogryn is str 5, compared to a fully armored space marine having str 4 (that said tabletop numbers there to be somewhat balanced and not 100% true to lore).

So yeah, don’t think an assault cannon is out of the picture for an Ogryn.

the name for miniguns in the imperium is assault cannons, and they’re too mechanically complex and fragile to be issued to ogryn. you’ll have to settle for twin linked heavy stubbers, which fill the same role as a minigun in the guard’s equipment.

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Thing about video games is that they are always bending the rules in one way or another, so it still remains a possibility, at least until Games Workshop and/or Fatshark say otherwise. Besides, we have the tech priest Hadron for weapon repair and upkeep.