How to give Ogyrn a minigun, and not make it a stubber variant

Except we aren’t in the guard, we are inquisitorial acolytes. And there each inquisitor decides how to run things.
Also boltgun while not being standart equipment can be requisitioned by a sergeant. Basically by anyone who “proved themselves”. And ingame boltgun unlocks at lvl12 or lvl14 depending on if you are a zealot or a vet.

Still, my main point is that assault cannon is too fragile for it to be handed to an ogryn.

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Oh well, guess we can hand an assault cannon to an Ogryn then too?

I wouldn’t take anything in-game as “true to lore”, we are taking down Chaos Spawns and Beasts of Nurgle as four people.

And if we are true to lore, Ogryns should basically only have access to melee weapons, ripperguns and grenade gauntlets.
Lore-wise, there are plenty of examples of Ogryns being strong, like stupid ridiculous strong, so them handling an assault cannon, shouldn’t be out of the picture.

Agreed. Only real problem is getting Games Workshop to sign off on it, since own the Warhammer 40k franchise. After we manage bring Fatshark’s Devs attention to adding more weapons. Think we should try to contact one of them directly on that subject?

He can. But someone just has to pay for all those. And they aren’t cheap.

To guard lore? Then yes. To lore-lore? There is a difference between giving an ogryn a very expencive and delicate piece of machinery and giving them a smacking toob that also doubles as a handy grenade launcher/large calibre shotgun.

And again. What is wrong with just getting an Achlys, putting some points into the gunlugger tree, and going to town? With charmed reload blessing it is very likely for you to stop shooting because you ran out of ammo, not because you have to reload.

Like this entire thread just seems to me as “gib me gatling because i want it, even though the gameplay i propose already exists and it really pushes the lore boundaries”.

And i partially get it. Really. Nothing beats that sweet-sweet BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT.

But still, it is a 40k game, and we have to stay at least somewhat true to the lore. And in the lore assault cannons are really rare and delicate to the point where only elite space marines or space marine vehicles use them.

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Well, you continuously cherry-pick what I say, I noted that we already have multiple lore breaks even within the Ogryns current weapon choices.
Even the intelligence of the Ogryns in this game is more than what current lore is.
You even said yourself that it makes sense to give a penal fodder guardsman a boltgun bc “inquisitorial acolytes”, so why doesn’t the same logic apply to what we can give Ogryns?
More so, it was you who brought it up it should be an assault cannon, whereas OP just wanted a minigun-styled gun. And yes, there exist other miniguns than the Assault cannon in 40k, look up Voidsmen’s rotor cannons as an example.
Your initial argument was not if it was about whether it should be right to provide an Ogryn such a weapon (bc to lore it would be an extremely unlikely case of happening), but just that an Ogryn couldn’t carry one.
And the fact is an Ogryn can carry them as they can drag a bloody Chimera 20 yards.

So to sum up, if we were 100% accurate to lore:

  • YES ogryn would be able to wield an assault cannon.
  • NO ogryn wouldn’t be issued an assault cannon, but also not the kickback, heavy stubbers or rumbler.
  • YES there are other chainguns beyond the assault cannon, they are known as Rotor Cannon (also called “whirguns”) and are used by the Voidguard.

I’m assuming the Voidguard are an Astra Militarum regiment. Got any pictures of them?

Because a bolter is something a guardsman can requisition if he’s got the rank or training (e.g. being a specialist).

It is. And even with enhanced intelligence our ogryn struggle with basic words.

Which is basically a dark age era assault cannon granddad. Comes with all the downsides of assault cannon on top of being a technology from the dark era. I mean, there is probably a reason only voidsmen use them at this point.

Yes, my argument was that. You have given sufficient proof that he could in fact carry one. So i moved on to the argument of him probably not even getting one.

Not in the guard, he won’t. Although i’m talking about the “general” guard, there are probably regiments who give ogryns other types of heavy weapons. Which are relatively cheap and robust weapons. You know unlike the assault cannon. I’m not talking about there being some imperial law forbidding ogryns from getting their hands on any weapon other than rippergun and grenade gauntlet. I’m talking about it not being sensible to give ogryn a really expencive and delicate piece of machinery when other much cheaper and robust types of weapons exist which fulfill the same role (namely the heavy stubbers).

Voidsmen are a part of imperial navy. Funnily enough, new models that they got come with volleyguns which are basically las lmg (scab gunner uses a pattern of volleygun) instead of rotor cannons.
1st pic is the new model with volleygun.

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Thank you sir, this is awesome!!

They also got models for the Necromunda tt.
They were called Voidmen-at-arms.
Here we see one with a rotor cannon.

And this is rougtrader Elucia Vhane with a group of them.
Once again with a rotor cannon.

Idk if it’s lore-accurate but give them a drum backpack(ammo) and let the lead fly! Constant stream of lead with an overheat mechanic.

Lore-wise it would be very dumb to give Ogryns anything that has heat management, they don’t really understand nor can remember the concept of controlled fire. That is the reason why, in the lore, Ripperguns has a limiter, ensuring only burst fire, so Ogryns doesn’t shoot all their bullets at once as they tend to get way too into shooting when they first start shooting their guns (which ain’t always a guarantee).
That said, Darktide has already taken a lot of liberties with the Ogryn, so I’m all for it!

Lore has cases of Ogryn equiped with a Plasma Cannon, it’s not an issue, and Assault Cannon have variants, Heavy Stubber is based on Reaper Autocannon too

I have never seen/read that, from where in the lore is that from? :slight_smile:

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